Chapter 4 First Exploration of Celestial Domain

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The weather turned sharply colder, signaling the arrival of the Cold Wind Season.

Although this season only lasts three months in a year of ten months, compared to the seven months of Warm Sun Season, it is the most daunting time of the year.

The Cold Wind Season signifies a period of hibernation for all creatures in the Elemental Magnetic Star Realm: animals hide and sleep in caves to conserve energy, plants bury themselves in soil or water waiting for the next Warm Sun Season; humans, while not completely inactive, are limited by their conditions and prepared items, each finding their own way to endure the season.

Granny Rain always spent her time alone, unlike other residents of the Surface Domain who usually gathered in groups to live together, making the best of the situation to avoid boredom.

But this Cold Wind Season was different

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But this Cold Wind Season was different. Granny Rain had spent a "fortune" preparing various supplies, especially since a baby needs an abundance of things.

With such a fragrant, soft little being at home, Granny Rain felt that although the house seemed smaller, her own space seemed to have expanded.

Every corner required careful attention, and there were so many new ideas and discoveries each day, keeping her busy and overwhelmingly happy.

Moreover, she planned to use the Cold Wind Season to think of a good name for the baby, who would be three months old by the Warm Sun Season.

In contrast to the residents of Surface Domain, life in Sky Domain or Celestial Domain presented a completely different picture.

Aside from not being able to freely use flying vehicles or visit other cities, life in the cities was not much different, as the elemental magnetic space in the air completely insulated them from the effects of the Cold Wind Season.

Aurelia Leaf returned to Aurum House just before the Cold Wind Season to report her duties, intending to use these three months to explore possible opportunities in her current position, or perhaps... She looked affectionately at the small girl she was leading, wondering what surprises she might bring.

"Will Lady Aurelia Leaf's return to Aurum House surely lead to a bright future?" Sunbeam Cynthia was specifically assigned by Silver Wolf to welcome Aurelia Leaf.

Of course, her actual mission was not to welcome Aurelia Leaf, but the fair-skinned, delicate three-year-old girl Aurelia Leaf had brought from the City of Benevolence. But being entrusted by Silver Wolf meant Aurelia Leaf was not just a fallen figure relegated to Surface Domain due to age and lack of achievements.

Moreover, Sunbeam Cynthia noticed that Aurelia Leaf's golden eyes were deeper in color than her own.

Apart from their surname, the color of the eyes was the only true reflection of elemental magnetic strength that couldn't be altered, indicating that Aurelia Leaf was undoubtedly powerful, and befriending her could be beneficial despite her age.

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