Chapter 12 Past Events at West Shrine

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Aurelia Leaf, troubled and restless, decided to take a walk. But upon leaving the "Lotus Pod," she found herself without a destination.

The Surface Domain was vast, ten times larger than the Celestial Domain and five times that of the Sky Domain. Yet, for Aurelia Leaf, the places she could visit were limited. Accustomed to the splendor of the Celestial Domain, the simplicity of the Surface Domain failed to interest her.

The only place worth visiting in the Surface Domain seemed to be the "West Shrine" in the City of Benevolence.

West Shrine, built by people from the Celestial Domain, shared some stylistic similarities. Though not as grand or glorious, it had its own intricate charm. However, Aurelia Leaf had complex feelings towards West Shrine, not just because she lacked her own space there. Her dwelling in the Lotus Pod was decent, yet it paled in comparison to West Shrine. Thirteen years ago, she had spent some time in West Shrine to take care of a little girl, Jadelle.

West Shrine, like the City of Benevolence, was a place she knew of since birth. But her knowledge of West Shrine was different from other areas of the city.

She could freely roam most parts of the City of Benevolence, but West Shrine was off-limits, yet its beauty and nobility always tempted her.

As a child, Aurelia Leaf viewed West Shrine as the epitome of luxury and elegance, accessible only to the elite. It represented a lifelong dream. She would often circle West Shrine, looking for a chance to enter, and one day she found it. That opportunity marked the first low point in her life but also the beginning of a new chapter.

West Shrine was located on the western edge of the City of Benevolence, adjacent to the southern market

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West Shrine was located on the western edge of the City of Benevolence, adjacent to the southern market. The bustling South Market sold fascinating items, tantalizing for the city's children. They couldn't afford to buy, mainly because the market primarily served West Shrine and offered goods from the Celestial Domain or unique items to intrigue the Celestials.

Aurelia Leaf, however, was uninterested in the merchandise. While other children wandered the market, she would visit West Shrine alone. From a distance, she would gaze at it, imagining its comfortable and spacious interiors, a stark contrast to the crowded dormitories where the children slept like dead fish in an endless sea. She didn't understand dignity back then; she instinctively despised that suffocating, narrow life.

One day, Aurelia Leaf climbed an old tree, using its dense foliage to covertly observe the always mist-shrouded courtyard. She never saw much, as the mist was a protective measure against dust and theft, but it also meant her spying went unnoticed. When she finally got a clearer view, she was discovered before hearing anything and lost consciousness from an attack.

What happened next she learned from Auric Forest – then known as Rain Forest. Rain Cherry noticed her absence and, along with Rain Forest, searched for her. They found her belongings under the tree she fell from and suspected West Shrine. Rain Cherry sought help to no avail. Clever Rain Forest, however, managed to escalate the situation by provoking some troublemaking kids, only to get injured himself. Eventually, Rain Cherry acquired a rare item and traded it for Aurelia Leaf's release.

But that wasn't the end. Two days later, Rain Forest asked Aurelia Leaf to persuade Rain Cherry to reveal the item's origin. Rain Cherry refused, citing a promise to the kind stranger who helped her. "The adult might just admire the item and wished to know its origin. It could benefit everyone," Rain Forest argued.

Aurelia Leaf was grateful to the stranger who saved her at her most vulnerable and didn't want to betray that kindness. But Rain Forest reasoned, "We're insignificant; your safe return was due to the item's intrigue to the adult. Finding its origin could bring us benefits, especially as we're about to leave the City of Benevolence."

Aurelia Leaf, still unsettled from her ordeal, followed Rain Forest's plan. She voiced her concerns about the adult to Rain Cherry, hinting at potential trouble for Rain Forest. Despite her efforts, Rain Cherry remained unmoved.

One night, Rain Cherry sneaked out, followed by Aurelia Leaf and Rain Forest, who eventually located the kind stranger

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One night, Rain Cherry sneaked out, followed by Aurelia Leaf and Rain Forest, who eventually located the kind stranger. They didn't dare approach and instead reported to the adult at West Shrine, with Aurelia Leaf staying behind as a lookout.

The adult arrived swiftly that moonlit night. Aurelia Leaf, unable to see Rain Forest's expression or decipher the adult's intentions, felt anxious. "What are we waiting for? Will Rain Cherry be okay?" she asked.

"As long as she doesn't anger the adult, she should be fine," Rain Forest replied, his voice distant, revealing his concerns about their uncertain future and Rain Cherry's welfare.

Their plan eventually worked, yet Aurelia Leaf felt no relief,

wondering if Rain Cherry might anger the adult. She noticed Rain Forest's apprehension, "Aren't you worried Rain Cherry will be angry once she learns we tracked her?"

"If this works, the adult's reward could be life-changing. I'll apologize to Rain Cherry with the finest tea, ensuring a bright future for all of us," Rain Forest replied, though aware of potential failure.

Aurelia Leaf worried about their safety, "Will we be punished? We just followed orders!"

Rain Forest assured her their involvement was minimal, but wondered what Aurelia Leaf had seen or heard. She insisted she saw nothing before losing consciousness. She suggested speaking to the adult, but Rain Forest advised against it, explaining their situation and the adult's possible motives.

Their conversation was interrupted by Rain Cherry's painful cry, followed by a figure rushing towards them, a blend of urgency and haste.

Their conversation was interrupted by Rain Cherry's painful cry, followed by a figure rushing towards them, a blend of urgency and haste

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