Chapter 88 Lin of the Bamboo Family

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Waiting for Flame Wave in Celestial Balance Fortress was a woman. Hearing movement, she turned around, her steps light as if moving through clouds and water. "You're back?" she asked softly. Her beauty unfolded like a slowly spreading ink painting, elegant and appropriately nuanced.

Her eyebrows, curved like willow leaves, lent her a quiet and gentle demeanor. Her eyes, calm and gentle as a clear spring, shone brightly. With a slight smile, she resembled a blooming spring flower, her smile brimming with warmth and kindness.

"Do you have news about Jade Thistle for me?" Ignoring the beauty's hopeful gaze, Flame Wave went straight to the point.

Lin's gaze dimmed, her eyes lowering and casting shadows under her long lashes, her demeanor turning sad as if a flower drenched in autumn dew, on the verge of tears.

Flame Wave, showing neither impatience nor urgency, poured himself a glass of red wine—courteously pouring one for the lady as well—then slowly savored it, appreciating the taste. The long years had taught him patience and the joy of anticipation, beginning to enjoy the journey and the pleasures of awaiting arrival.

There was no rush; the older the brew, the richer its flavor, much like the wine in his hand.

The ruby color and brightness of the wine, reflecting in his golden-red eyes, was captivating.

Lin stared blankly at them, wondering if blueberries and violets could produce a wine of such a tranquil and intoxicating blue. Flame Wave, idly contemplating various thoughts, lazily asked, "Have you seen enough? Can you tell me your purpose now?"

Awakened from her reverie, Lin's face flushed deeper than the wine, more vivid and pitiable, but there was no one present to cherish such beauty.

"You asked me to investigate her traces in the Bamboo family. I found some clues, but since it was almost a hundred years ago, I'm not entirely sure. So, after further inquiries, trying not to draw attention, it took quite some time. But as soon as I had definite news, I came to tell you," Lin knew what Flame Wave needed and her value to him, so she wasted no time recounting the information she had gathered.

Flame Wave listened intently, not missing any detail, hoping to find leads on Jade Thistle's death. This was why he had stationed himself in Celestial Balance Fortress of the Sky Domain and interacted with Lin of the Bamboo family: the Sky Domain's Bamboo family had been a place Jade Thistle aspired to and stayed in, serving as a starting point that led her life in a new direction.

He had long suspected Jade Thistle's death was part of a conspiracy, as if invisible hands were manipulating them as pawns, leading to circumstances where he and Aurum Aspire indirectly caused her death, almost turning against each other, trapped by guilt and unable to face the truth.

Thus, he and Aurum Aspire had fled. Aurum Aspire secluded himself, while Flame Wave left the Celestial Domain.

Flame Wave found that leaving the Celestial Domain was like escaping a cage. Without dense webs of interests or sheer power blinding him, everything started to look different.

Certain causes and connections seemed to have been planted long ago. But why? This deep mystery, once solved, could link many things together...

"Yo, and here I thought you had some urgent matter. Turns out it's just hard to refuse a beauty's grace," came a teasing voice. Flame Wave knew Gold Shine had returned: "Why do you treat Celestial Balance Fortress like your home? "

"Don't be so serious. How could a guard stop me if I insisted on entering?" Gold Shine said nonchalantly, "Besides, I didn't just barge into Celestial Balance Fortress. I wanted to see what could pull you away from the tender land of Prosperous Gathering back to this cold castle. Turns out it was a more delicate flower!"

Ignoring Gold Shine's banter, Flame Wave told Lin, "You can go back now."

"I'll continue investigating in the direction you suggested and come back if I find anything else," Lin said shyly, performing an elegant farewell before departing.

"Is this your taste now?" Gold Shine remarked as he watched Lin's graceful departure, "She's from the Bamboo family?"

"Yes, she's from the Bamboo family." Flame Wave saw no need to hide this, "I suspect the Bamboo family is involved in Jade Thistle's death. She's helping me with some investigations."

Gold Shine knew about Flame Wave's investigation into Jade Thistle's death and was surprised he hadn't given up after so long.

The topic was too serious for jest. Gold Shine had witnessed how the once-close trio was torn apart, leading to the tragic death of a brilliant woman.

Feeling sentimental, Gold Shine pondered the burdens of emotions. Even friendships seemed like a test that ended in mutual destruction.

Like him, free of grand ambitions, he found life easy, engaging more with those of similar taste and politely distancing from others, enjoying a comfortable solitude.

Yet, sometimes he envied the deep connections others had.

"You never asked about the Pavilion Master," he couldn't help but ask Flame Wave, "How long has it been since you've been in touch?"

"As he is the Pavilion Master, he's undoubtedly busy, unlike me," Flame Wave said lightly.

"Aurum Aspire is getting stronger, not just in power but in authority," Gold Shine mused, "He's a completely different person from when Jade Thistle was around."

"He's always been strong. Now, without Jade Thistle to distract him, he can focus on improving," Flame Wave stated plainly.

Gold Shine agreed. Men pursuing ambitions and power seemed natural to him. If a woman couldn't help, she should at least enjoy life and offer gentle support.

"By the way, what's the story with Jadelle in your house?" Gold Shine suddenly asked.

"Jadelle?" Flame Wave was taken aback by a name he'd almost forgotten, "What about her?"

"You..." Remembering Flame Wave's few returns to the Celestial Domain, often not staying at his place, Gold Shine shook his head, giving up on probing further, and explained, "She's now a celebrity in the Scholar's Pavilion."

"Her? In the Scholar's Pavilion?" Flame Wave chuckled, "Don't joke, she's just a child."

"I'm not joking. She's influential in the Scholar's Pavilion, not for her elemental abilities but for her relationship with the Pavilion Master."

"Her relationship with Aurum Aspire? They..."

"Aurum Aspire dotes on her. Basically, she gets whatever she wants, so ordinary people naturally avoid crossing her."

Flame Wave recalled a conversation with Aurum Aspire when Jadelle first arrived in the Celestial Domain. Despite her being touted as Jade Thistle's reincarnation, they had doubts about her identity. Later, Flame Wave decided that regardless of whether she was Jade Thistle's reincarnation, the warmth and companionship she once offered had vanished with her death.

Jadelle remained a different person. Out of duty, he provided for her, offering the best living conditions, but nothing beyond that.

"How could Aurum Aspire..."

"Does she resemble Jade Thistle?" Flame Wave inquired.

"A bit, but the vibe is completely different," Gold Shine pondered, "She's a breathtaking beauty with a commanding presence, a woman with strong desires."

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