Chapter 119 Legends of the Sky Domain

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Comfort and warmth enveloped Raina Grace, making her reluctant to open her eyes. But was it getting hotter? Something tight was wrapping around her, making it hard to breathe.

Her mouth was blocked, no air could enter, she was about to suffocate...

"If you don't open your eyes now, I'll start undressing you," someone whispered breathlessly in her ear.

Startled from her dream by the sudden rush of fresh air, Raina Grace exclaimed, "Who would say something so wicked in such an affectionate tone?"

"Wicked?" Flame Wave held her tight, his lips grazing her ear, "Is that what you call wicked? Want to see what's truly wicked?"

"No. It tickles," Raina Grace giggled, pushing him away. "What are you doing? I just woke up, and I have no strength."

Flame Wave hugged her tighter, "And you say that! Why does it seem like every time I see you, you faint? Alone in a strange place, and you dare to just pass out?"

Flame Wave was still frightened by the thought that one day she might disappear after fainting, never to be found again.

"I didn't know about the object Luminous Harmony was carrying at that time," Raina Grace lazily explained. "Besides, I had a feeling you would show up."

She had indeed glimpsed Flame Wave's figure before letting herself faint.

Flame Wave didn't know how to respond to her carefree attitude. He was torn between frustration and love, feeling an elusive sense of powerlessness as if some cosmic force was at play, dictating their destinies, Raina Grace's indifferent attitude towards him, and the continuous stream of challenges...

Helplessly, he lay quietly beside her, savoring the brief moment of peace and the warmth of being reunited with his beloved.

Like before, every time Raina Grace absorbed the mysterious power and fell into a trance, she released abundant water elements, benefiting Flame Wave who stayed by her side. This time, he felt as if he was floating on gentle waves, intoxicated. "Curtains of tassels and a pair of mandarin ducks, drunken dreams in the land of tenderness," he mused.

"So, this time you absorbed something left by Jade Thistle?" However, some things had to be confronted. Flame Wave couldn't ignore the anomalies surrounding Raina Grace and her entanglement with Jadelle any longer.

He hoped for openness and honesty with Raina Grace, willing to give her his utmost sincerity, trust, and even his life, striving for the possibility of continuing their journey together.

"I think so." Every time she fainted, Flame Wave was by her side, making Raina Grace believe he was the only one who might know the truth. After all, he was close friends with Jadelle and had received a silver wolf mask from her.

"What do you think? Why does this happen?" For the first time, Flame Wave wanted to understand Raina Grace's experiences with the object, "Is it an uncontrollable power, or something else?"

Raina Grace tried to recall, "It's not uncontrollable, more like passive. I could resist if I wanted, but it feels so familiar and welcoming that I don't want to fight the attraction."

"Also, every time I absorb one of her relics, I enter a mysterious place in my trance, where I seem to meet many familiar faces, all trying to tell me something. I always get impatient, feeling like they're repeating themselves. I rush to escape, and then I wake up, remembering nothing."

"In fact, my understanding and control over elemental magnetic power has improved drastically. It's as if I've gained incredible power without realizing it. Maybe it's all because of the absorption."

Flame Wave found Raina Grace's openness amusing, considering his previous avoidance silly. She was always straightforward, without the need for pretense. If someone wanted to know, she would share; if not, she remained silent.

Her numerous admirable qualities, beyond her honesty and kindness, included intelligence, modesty, and humility. Flame Wave sighed, "You emerged from the Verdant Thistle Forest, the Azure Phoenix chose to accompany you, the Bamboo Family was impressed by you, and even the entire Sky Domain is astounded. Do you still think it's all due to external forces?"

Surprised, Raina Grace felt embarrassed, "I'm not as great as you say."

"Then tell me where I'm wrong. Oh, I know," Flame Wave pretended to have an epiphany, "I missed the most important part."

"There's a most important part?" Raina Grace asked, her shyness mixed with confusion, which made Flame Wave laugh out loud, "It's making the security officer of the Sky Domain and the Silver Wolf of the Celestial Domain fall head over heels for you, worshiping at the hem of your pomegranate skirt!"

Stunned by Flame Wave's bold words and unbridled joy, Raina Grace was speechless. Flame Wave didn't need her response; his teasing and fondness were enough...

Because Raina Grace's fainting at the Bamboo Family and her forceful return by Flame Wave to the Celestial Balance Fortress couldn't be hidden, countless people in both the Sky Domain and Celestial Domain were keenly watching the situation unfold. However, with Flame Wave's return, the fortress became impenetrable, leaving outsiders clueless about the developments, leading to rampant speculation.

"Rumors are flying. Most people say they saw the Azure Phoenix carrying away your body. Others say the security officer kidnapped you to learn the secret of eternal life," Flamer Horizon reported to Flame Wave upon his return to the Celestial Domain. Now in charge of security, he firmly believed in tight defense, preventing any leaks. However, he felt some news was crucial to share with Flame Wave.

Listening to Flamer Horizon's serious report, Flame Wave couldn't help but chuckle, "Let them say whatever they want; let Raina Grace become the final legend of the Sky Domain."

"I don't want to be any legend," Raina Grace protested, "Besides, I want to know how Luminous Harmony is doing."

"Didn't I tell you already? The Bamboo Family said he's fine," Flame Wave frowned, "You've settled matters with them."

"How can relationships be so easily settled? And without seeing him, I can't be at ease. Plus, I have many questions that need answers from the Bamboo Family, especially about the abyss's power. It concerns the Azure Phoenix," Raina Grace earnestly explained, particularly worried about the Azure Phoenix.

Although the Azure Phoenix temporarily suppressed the abyss's power under her elemental magnetic protection, it was a temporary solution that could endanger its life and hinder its phoenix state. Raina Grace wasn't seeking the Bamboo Family's secrets, even though they had revealed much in the chaos.

"I've started investigating the Bamboo Family. It involves Jade Thistle, and if they've done something, I won't let them off," Flame Wave calmly analyzed, hoping Raina Grace would listen to him on this matter. After all, he had years of dealings with the Bamboo Family and involved his mentor, Silver Tan.

Raina Grace had no ties to the Bamboo Family and understood Flame Wave wouldn't easily back down, but she still wanted to try, "I mainly want to see Luminous Harmony. Maybe he can tell us what he knows directly. You can investigate from another angle."

"That's easy. The Bamboo Family has repeatedly sent envoys, all turned away by the Celestial Balance Fortress," Flamer Horizon interjected, "If you want to see Luminous Harmony, whether he's in the Wood Alliance or the Bamboo Family, just hint at it, and they'll come to us."

However, Luminous Harmony was neither in the Wood Alliance nor the Bamboo Family. And the person who came seeking an audience with Raina Grace was not him.

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