Chapter 108 Pre-departure Arrangements

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In the past few days, Flame Wave stayed at Celestial Balance Fortress, not going anywhere else, spending all his time with Raina Grace. Although Raina was happy to have a teacher available for questions at any time, she was also distracted by his sporadic disturbances.

The constant affection, sweet nothings, and romantic surprises were all new to Raina. She had never known there could be so many ways to express love, and Flame Wave seemed endlessly creative in pleasing her.

"What do you mean 'pleasing someone'? Am I really just trying to please?" Flame Wave felt unsatisfied with Raina's query, clarifying, "I'm trying to please the one in my heart, to make myself happy."

"Does doing so much for another person, unrelated to yourself, truly make you happy?" Raina inquired.

"Are you happy?" Flame Wave countered. He wondered if all his efforts made her feel anything but bored.

"Yes, I'm happy," Raina honestly replied.

"Why are you happy?" Flame Wave gently prodded. "Is it because of the fun, the music, the food?"

Raina pondered, "It's not just those. Even though the food is delicious, the games are fun, and the gifts are thoughtful, there's something more important that makes even the most mundane activities interesting. It's strange, why is everything so much more fun with you?"

Although Raina didn't speak in romantic clichés, her genuine feelings were more moving than any love quote. Flame Wave felt an intense joy and emotion stirring within him, something loosening and spilling over.

"Eh, your eyes, the water element has suddenly increased," Raina remarked unexpectedly.

Flame Wave thought he might have been moved to tears by her words, a somewhat embarrassing thought, and quickly wiped his eyes, only to find nothing. "No?"

"How could you feel it with your hand?" Raina laughed. "The water element isn't actual water."

Flame Wave then understood what Raina meant. He concentrated and indeed felt an overflow of the water element within him, though not to the point of fullness. Yet, it was stronger than soaking in the Pine Mist River ten times over.

"Could this be the magic of love?" he joked. Raina had many mysterious qualities that he intended to explore, but he had more pressing matters to discuss, "You're so eager to learn, do you want to go to the academy?"

"To the academy?" Raina puzzled. "Would that be better than learning from you?"

She was satisfied with her current pace and method of learning, which could be adjusted anytime and based on her interests. Raina adapted well to this method. Perhaps Flame Wave thought her self-study was insufficient and wanted her to experience the wider world.

"Truthfully, the academy is full of empty talkers. With your talent, it might be a waste. But, I have to leave the Sky Domain for a while, so, would you like to go somewhere where you can interact with more people?" After hesitating for several days, Flame Wave decided to leave temporarily.

"Ah? You're leaving?" Raina exclaimed softly, surprised. Their relationship had always been one of brief meetings and long separations.

But this departure felt particularly difficult and sorrowful for her. She lowered her head, "Where to? The Sky Domain?" It seemed he was always somewhere out of her reach.

Flame Wave embraced her, "There's an urgent matter in the Sky Domain I need to attend to. But I'll return as soon as possible. I've arranged for you to stay at Celestial Balance Fortress and come and go as you please."

Flame Wave was uncertain about what awaited him in the Sky Domain. Since his confrontation with Silver Tan, where he learned Silver Tan's secret and Silver Tan exploited his past, Flame Wave had not been overly concerned with his reputation. But Silver Tan's rumors involved Aurum Aspire and the late Jadelle, and Flame Wave didn't want him to succeed easily.

Most importantly, his long investigation into Jade Thistle's matter could only find answers in the Sky Domain. He didn't want to abandon his efforts.

Moreover, there were rumors of the Azure Phoenix in the Sky Domain, likely related to his urgent attempt to use the Sky Domain's resources to find Raina, revealing traces of the Azure Phoenix at Pine Mist Mountain. The Sky Domain took this news seriously and summoned him back for a report.

Initially, he ignored the summons, but when he learned Silver Tan had returned to the Sky Domain for this reason and Gold Shine mentioned the Scholar's Pavilion planned to send the Copper Department for investigation, Flame Wave knew the importance of the Azure Phoenix to Raina. He didn't want her exposed to the scrutiny of the Sky Domain's Copper Department, so he planned to control the situation before it escalated.

These series of events forced Silver Wolf to personally return to the Scholar's Pavilion. Before that, he wanted to make better arrangements for Raina, ensuring she had a normal and comfortable life without him.

The academy wasn't an ideal choice due to its diverse and scrutinizing environment. Raina's unique traits and high talent could lead to extreme suppression or adoration, neither of which she would like, nor Flame Wave wished to happen.

Yet, as a young girl, Raina needed social interactions with her peers and an understanding of society, best achieved in a selected yet diverse setting like the academy. This was also why Jadelle chose to enter the academy.

"Without an identity, would the academy accept me?" Raina smiled bitterly, still trapped by her lack of status.

"I can find a way to register you without an identity," Flame Wave had considered this, "And during my trip to the Sky Domain, I'll secure an official identity for you. Then, you won't have to worry about places that require identity checks."

Although Raina, influenced by the free citizens, was initially skeptical about the importance of identity, her time in the Sky Domain made her question the significance of a document defining one's identity. With many factors determining who someone is, why obsess over "identity"?

Since it was a societal norm, Raina didn't insist on being an exception. Flame Wave's offer of help was accepted without pretense. But regarding her studies, she had her plans, "Do you have to personally accompany me to register at the academy? I'm currently studying the minerals at Celestial Balance Fortress and finding it very fruitful. Can we postpone the academy visit?"

"Are you still looking for the best natural mineral to store elemental magnetic power?" Flame Wave was aware of Raina's goal, having discussed it with her and shared the characteristics of his flying machine's materials. But Raina hadn't found a satisfactory elemental magnetic power carrier.

"I have some leads I want to pursue further," Raina said.

"That's fine, stay at Celestial Balance Fortress to conduct your research." This aligned with Flame Wave's wishes, simplifying the environment and reducing unnecessary complications, easing his concerns, "As for the academy, whenever you're ready, Flamer Horizon can take you. I'll instruct him. Also, if you need anything while I'm away, you can turn to Flamer Horizon. I hope your research isn't finished by the time I return, so we can experiment together."

Elemental Magnetic StarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora