Chapter 114 Sky Domain Families

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Celestial Balance Fortress fell exactly as Raina Grace had anticipated, breached from within.

The Flame family was the first to act but, unwilling to bear the risk alone, formed an alliance with the Flare family. Each had their tacit understandings and took what they needed from the alliance. According to Flamer Horizon from the Flame family, they were like the "mercenaries" of old, always finding their worth in adventure and conflict, never truly loyal to anyone. Their allegiance was to whoever benefited them the most.

For the Flame family, desiring chaos was not about seeking profit from it but a need fueled by fervor. Yet, they were not rash; their actions were always the outcome of careful deliberation and weighing of pros and cons. They had learned through countless battles that only by enhancing their own strength could they maintain an unbeatable position in conflicts.

In contrast, the pursuits of the Flare family were more complex. They sought not only personal power and influence but also valued the family's reputation and status. They craved power not just for personal desires but aimed to achieve glory and prosperity for the family through it.

Like all other families, the Flare family did not bind itself through blood relations but selected its members based on the propagation and refinement of their family philosophies.

For example, the Flare family placed a significant emphasis on screening for intellect and character. Members of the Flare family were not only intelligent and resilient but also embraced a sense of mission and unity as the family's motto. They saw themselves as "enlightened individuals," capable of thinking and solving complex issues with their exceptional intellect and insight. With a strong character and indomitable will, they persevered through hardships and pursued excellence in their ideals.

The Flare family's motto was the pursuit of an ideal social order. They believed that through unity and cooperation, the Flare family could create a more prosperous and glorious future for humanity. Family members were always reminded of their duty and obligation as part of the Flare family, carrying the glory and sense of mission for humanity.

This assault on Celestial Balance Fortress symbolized a perfect union between the intelligence of the Flare family and the strength of the Flame family, showcasing their undeniable power in society. Both families believed that temporary chaos and sacrifice were justified for a better tomorrow.

"Why would the Flame family, known for their strategic planning and adherence to order, initiate chaos this time?" Bamboo Jane from the Bamboo family, who had been quietly observing the changes, waited until the actions of the Flare and Flame families were complete and the Fire Alliance began to stir. Ignoring Horizontally's strong desire to participate, she waited quietly until Silver Tan's return.

"Because the special position of Celestial Balance Fortress in the Sky Domain is too crucial for the Flare family's control of power, they had to take risks," Silver Tan brought news from the Celestial Domain, "But the Flare family's status in the Celestial Domain isn't strong enough to gain control of Celestial Balance Fortress through official means, especially since they don't have a figure at the level of the Scholar's Pavilion."

"Over the past few centuries, the Sky Domain hasn't been much concerned about advancing to the Celestial Domain. Instead, the ambitions and so-called ideals of the major families have been inflating," Bamboo Jane commented, unsure if it was mockery or lamentation, "Such is the unpredictability of human hearts."

"Isn't that precisely what attracts you?" Silver Tan remarked coolly.

"Us? You mean?" Bamboo Jane asked with a hint of anticipation. Among those she knew, the one most similar to her in this respect was that person. Unfortunately...

Silver Tan didn't want to digress, "What time do you think it is? Are you still concerned about other matters? No matter how the Sky Domain attracts you, your ultimate goal is still the Celestial Domain, isn't it?"

"Yes," Bamboo Jane sighed, "The Gold and Silver Sea of the Celestial Domain is our true destination. Why does it have to be so difficult to reach?"

"No one knows why," Silver Tan said, "Even though I've been there countless times, I still don't know the reason."

"Maybe I'll find out once I go there," Bamboo Jane perked up, "Now is a good opportunity. Success or failure hinges on this moment. Do you think there really is an Azure Phoenix on Pine Mist Mountain?"

"Flame Wave usually doesn't speak recklessly," Silver Tan was uncertain, "But whether Flame Wave said it himself, only Gold Shine knows. But Gold Shine loves to boast, so there's a fifty-fifty chance."

"Only fifty percent?" Bamboo Jane was somewhat disappointed but then thought, "Even if it's just fifty percent, it's still hope. After so many years, I've almost despaired. And for this action, have you been suspected by Flame Wave?"

"He's suspected me for a long time but has never had proof," Silver Tan sighed, "But proof isn't important to him; he has the sharpest intuition, often seizing opportunities to act quickly and decisively. The last time he confronted me was to verify some speculations, then immediately returned to the Celestial Domain to try to overthrow me. If we didn't have people in the Scholar's Pavilion, he would have succeeded."

"What about him now? Is he trapped or..." Bamboo Jane asked.

"At most trapped, but it's uncertain for how long. So if you're going to act, do it soon," Silver Tan advised, then looked at Bamboo Jane with a frown, "You won't dawdle over a man like Horizontally, will you?"

Bamboo Jane smiled charmingly, "How could I? Besides, he hasn't taken a fancy to me. My greatest virtue is not to insist. So, I just want to know if he will hinder our actions."

"Don't worry, he can't come to the Sky Domain for now," Silver Tan said, "Too much trouble."

"That's good. I'm almost ready on my end, and we've gathered enough birds. We just need you to come back and take charge, marching on Pine Mist Mountain," Bamboo Jane said.

Silver Tan thought of another question, "Have you figured out what to tell the other families? After all, only the Bamboo family can reach Pine Mist Mountain."

"Of course." Bamboo Jane couldn't help but feel proud and haughty, "The Bamboo family has never pursued gold, silver, jewels, or power and wealth. We are transcendental hermits, only admiring the most magical creatures in the world. For a glimpse of the Azure Phoenix's grace, we will hold a 'Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix'!"

"Are you borrowing the philosophy of the Autumn family?" Silver Tan asked.

"The world will discover they've never truly understood the pursuits of the Bamboo family," Bamboo Jane smiled slightly, "The Autumn family focuses on self-cultivation and handling interpersonal relationships, while the Bamboo family places more emphasis on exploring nature and revering life. We hold a unique awe for all things in the world, considering them the most beautiful works of art by nature."

Bamboo Jane continued, "Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix is a way of expression unique to the Bamboo family, different from the Autumn family's pursuit of peace and seclusion. The Bamboo family expresses enthusiasm and respect only for the most magical creatures in nature. The Azure Phoenix represents the most beautiful existence in our hearts, its grace and soaring posture so enchanting that we are willing to stage this grand feast just for a glimpse of its beauty."

Silver Tan seemed to understand, "You also want to create a sustainable theme for the Bamboo family?"

Bamboo Jane nodded slightly, "We have our own advantages. The Bamboo family takes nature as a teacher, life as a companion, pursuing sincere worship of nature's beauty. I think this theme fits my current mood well."

Silver Tan was silent, indeed feeling Bamboo Jane's passion and boldness at that moment, her limitless pursuit of life and nature, which was her most attractive trait.

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