Chapter 87 Searching for Flame Wave

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Ying Lark hurriedly took a seat next to Flame Wave, but his sharp gaze made her awkwardly shift away. "Why is this lord staring at me so fiercely? I just wanted to offer my services."

Gold Shine laughed, "He doesn't like girls who are too enthusiastic. Come sit by me, I like that."

So, Ying Lark moved to sit beside Gold Shine, pushing Ying Jia towards Flame Wave. "This is Ying Jia, she's more quiet and profound than I am."

Gold Shine nodded in approval, "Not bad, not bad at all. The girls at Prosperous Gathering are simple and charming, unpretentious. I like that."

Ying Jia, adept at reading the room, sat a little farther from Flame Wave without bothering him, and offered a reserved smile, "As long as the guests are happy. Here in Prosperous Gathering, we, like Ying Lark and I, are called Avrils, not 'girls.' And it's not just the Avrils and the Gents that are famous here, but also the banquets, snacks, music, and drinks. What else might the guests require?"

"Oh, we haven't eaten yet. Can you recommend some signature dishes here, Miss Avril?" asked Gold Shine, intrigued.

Ying Jia, composed, began listing the day's special menu at Prosperous Gathering, featuring an array of sophisticated dishes like goose liver mousse with jam, thinly sliced venison with black truffles, smoked salmon with cream cheese for appetizers, various soups, main courses including roasted suckling pig with apple stuffing, crispy chicken with white truffles, and grilled lobster tail with herb butter. The side dishes, desserts, and drinks were equally luxurious.

"Oh? Is that all?" Gold Shine, accustomed to such extravagance, wasn't particularly impressed. He found these adapted historical recipes rather unappetizing, like chewing on a desiccated zombie.

Seeing that the extravagant menu didn't impress the guests, Ying Jia knew they must be well-traveled. She quickly turned to Ying Lark, "Ying Lark, you love making unique snacks, right? Share some of your creations to showcase your taste."

"My taste?" Ying Lark blushed slightly, "They are just things I whipped up, nothing fancy."

Ying Jia encouraged her, turning to Gold Shine, "Let's hear her out, then we can decide if we want them to prepare it."

Gold Shine, always curious about unique foods, urged Ying Lark to share her creations. Ying Lark, confident in her culinary skills, described several innovative dishes she had concocted:

- Dragon Eye Chicken Tail Soup: A rich soup made from dragon eye fruit, chicken, and spices.

- Purple Sweet Potato Fantasy Rolls: Colorful rolls made with purple sweet potato, vegetables, and seafood.

- Emerald Unicorn Salad: A refreshing salad made with cucumber, garlic, cream, and herbs.

- Secret Sprite Mushroom Soup: An unusual soup made from rare mushrooms and herbs.

- Magical Candy Chicken Wings: Chicken wings cooked with special spices, each bite tasting magically sweet.

- Fairy Tears Ice Cream: An intoxicating ice cream made with blueberries and violets, with a dizzying blue hue.

Gold Shine applauded, "Sounds tempting. Let's have some of those." He then asked Flame Wave, "What about you? What would you like?"

The mention of "a dizzying blue" reminded Flame Wave of a pair of clear blue eyes, smiling, curious, transparent, compassionate, sorrowful... different shades of blue reflecting various emotions, indeed dizzying.

"Fairy Tears? Odd name," Flame Wave commented.

"Do you like that Fairy Tears Ice Cream?" Ying Lark suddenly felt a connection with Flame Wave, who seemed less cold than he appeared. Like ice cream, not only beautiful to look at but filled with sweetness and creaminess once you bite into it.

However, before Flame Wave could "enjoy" his ice cream, people from Celestial Balance Fortress arrived with urgent matters needing his attention.

"Flame Wave, did you arrange this as an excuse to escape? You hate going out with me that much?" Gold Shine felt disappointed.

"It's not like that, there's a real issue. They wouldn't have come here otherwise," Flame Wave reassured him, "Since you like the Avrils and the food here, enjoy yourself. I'd just be a third wheel."

Gold Shine decided to enjoy his time despite Flame Wave's departure. However, he noticed the Avrils seemed distracted, exchanging glances.

"What's going on?" he asked, annoyed, "Did your hearts leave with him?"

"No," Ying Jia quickly denied, then cautiously asked, "We overheard you call that lord 'Flame Wave'?"

Gold Shine knew Flame Wave's identity as the peace officer of the Sky Domain was not public knowledge, known only to some high-ranking family members. He accidentally said Flame Wave's name in a moment of urgency, but surely they didn't connect it to the peace officer, did they? "Why do you ask?"

"We have a sister who was looking for a man named 'Flame Wave'," Ying Lark answered promptly, "Wondering if it's the same person."

"What's this 'Flame Wave' like?" Gold Shine asked casually.

"A tall man with golden-red eyes and black hair. Just like the lord who was here!" Ying Lark replied.

Ying Jia, sensing a potential misunderstanding, quickly clarified, "Ying Lark is just repeating what our sister described."

Her description matched Raina Grace's description of Flame Wave perfectly, with very distinctive features. However, without knowing his background, the description lacked credibility, especially since they had already met him.

Ying Jia, feeling helpless, added, "If it's convenient for you, could you ask that lord if he knows a girl named 'Raina Grace'? If he does, he can come and find us; we know her whereabouts."

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