Chapter 62 When Will You Return

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Early in the morning, Raina Grace awoke amidst the familiar, fresh air, lazily leaning by the window to gaze outside.

Flicker Shadow had installed the window right next to the bed, allowing Raina to lounge comfortably while enjoying the view. She was utterly content with this arrangement.

"Thank you, Flicker Shadow," Raina sincerely expressed her gratitude to Flicker Shadow, who was loitering by the window, "With this cabin you've built and the wooden bed you've made, I suddenly feel human again."

Flicker Shadow found this amusing, having thought that he was the only one living like a wild beast in the forest for the past three years. "You've always had a fixed abode and companionship; how could those days not be considered human?"

Indeed, Raina pondered thoughtfully, tilting her head. "Perhaps because Arlinwood is a wise elder, too quiet, often lost in memories, she felt more like a book to me than a real person."

"And the fixed abode," Raina spread her hands, "was nothing more than a shelter made of a few wooden sticks, almost like a natural formation, nothing compared to your exquisite craftsmanship."

While Raina's affirmation of his skills pleased him, Flicker Shadow wondered why she hadn't noticed the changes in him. He remained puzzled but chose not to voice his thoughts.

The black panther, lounging lazily nearby, wondered what was up with Flicker Shadow. It was a perfect day for hunting, yet there he was, fussing over something. In the panther's eyes, Flicker Shadow had lost his agility and alertness, his scent no longer that of the jungle, drifting further from the ideal hunter, leading the panther to disdainfully turn away.

Only WeeStick, driven by curiosity and perhaps something more, had been closely observing Flicker Shadow and reported to Raina, "He started plucking his fur first thing in the morning, stripping all the hair off his face. Even Lightning finds him repulsive now, too ugly."

Raina then realized that Flicker Shadow had shaved off his beard, revealing his tanned face, barely recognizable as the youth from before, now weathered and more defined.

His hair was also cut shorter and tied back. He had changed into clean, neat clothes, looking every bit the normal young man, save for the determined face and sharp eyes that faintly hinted at the wild man from the jungle.

"So, you've changed, and I didn't even notice," Raina remarked in surprise.

She realized that although she could distinguish a person's appearance, she didn't rely on looks to recognize different individuals. Instead, she used a kind of intuition and instinct, likely discerning someone's identity through their movements, scent, and elemental magnetic field, a method she could even apply to differentiate various animals.

"Do you think it's alright?" Flicker Shadow asked, touching his smooth chin, still not accustomed to the cool sensation.

"Ah?" Unsure of what "alright" meant, Raina guessed Flicker Shadow had his reasons for the change and nodded in agreement.

Indeed, Flicker Shadow explained, "When we visited the tribe that day, many old acquaintances were shocked to see me, so I thought they might find it easier to accept me in this state. People care a lot about appearances."

Moreover, many girls had expressed admiration for him in the past, deeming him handsome and brave, a hero in their eyes. He had never taken it to heart. Now, he couldn't help but pay attention to his appearance, although Raina seemed not to notice any difference.

"So, the tribe has contacted you? That was quick," Raina hadn't yet decided how to deal with the Terra Groves, but the Free Folk had already made their decision?

Flicker Shadow nodded, "I saw the message White Lightning left for me yesterday. But I want to meet him first to gauge the tribe's situation before you decide whether to go."

Both Raina and Flicker Shadow preferred not to overthink things, proceeding step by step. But since Flicker Shadow was concerned for Raina's safety after their last encounter in the tribe made him reassess the malicious nature of people and his own capabilities.

White Lightning had been anxious since leaving the message for Flicker Shadow, and not just him; Wind Voice, the newly appointed chieftain, also urged him to make contact quickly.

Thus, White Lightning checked daily for any signs of disturbance at the message site. When he finally received a reply from Flicker Shadow, setting a time and place for their meeting, he was relieved yet worried about the potential danger of meeting Flicker Shadow alone, especially since the location was in Verdant Thistle Forest, not the valley. Flicker Shadow had changed...

After much deliberation, he informed Wind Voice and took Red Blade with him for the meeting. When they arrived, a man and a panther were already waiting.

Hearing their approach, Flicker Shadow turned and, seeing White Lightning and Red Blade's hesitant advance, calmed the panther, "Lightning, stay up in the tree; don't come down unless called." Lighting agilely climbed a tree and settled down to sleep.

"It's also named Lightning?" Hearing this, White Lightning and Red Blade relaxed. The Flicker Shadow before them bore no trace of a wild man, clearly the same comrade they had fought alongside, now evidently more formidable and imposing.

The name Lightning, given to the black panther, was chosen out of habit and familiarity. However, the former "Lightning" team members interpreted this as Flicker Shadow's nostalgia, a notion he didn't correct, simply nodding in acknowledgment.

"White Lightning, thank you for passing on the message," Flicker Shadow expressed his genuine gratitude for the notification about Raina's return to the tribe.

"It's nothing, really," White Lightning replied, still somewhat nervous.

Red Blade, more straightforward, eagerly shared, "Flicker Shadow, there's been a major incident in the tribe. The former chieftain had been hiding a lot from us..." He then recounted all the significant developments. White Lightning felt no need for secrecy and added his own observations.

They needed an "outsider's" perspective, and this "outsider" was once an insider, familiar with the tribe's dynamics and another key figure—Raina.

"So, the Frost Mist was indeed caused by the old chieftain, and his claim that the Terra Groves 'consume' people was true!" Red Blade couldn't help but lament towards the end.

White Lightning found Red Blade's mention of the Frost Mist unnecessary, "Who said the Terra Groves 'consume' people? We still don't know the exact situation, do we? Flicker Shadow, what's the real deal with the Terra Groves and the Elemental Ancestor Fruit? Can you enlighten us?"

Flicker Shadow, having only heard a brief explanation from Raina, was highly averse to the concept of "possession." According to Raina, unless one is fully possessed, the specifics of possession remain unclear. The aftermath of possession depends greatly on the willpower of both the Terra Grove and the human involved, leading to varied outcomes.

Hearing the complexity, White Lightning and Red Blade were speechless, unsure whether they were confused or simply didn't know how to respond.

"So, Coiled Stone has gone to the Terra Groves to be a research subject? Then Raina isn't involved for now; we'll wait for the Terra Groves to conclude their research before approaching her," Flicker Shadow surmised, ready to leave.

White Lightning stopped him, "Flicker Shadow, who exactly is Raina?"

This was the question White Lightning had been eager to ask. Was the delicate young girl from before truly such an influential figure? If only he had...

"Her?" Flicker Shadow pondered, "Just an ordinary girl, who's faced a lot of hardships but hasn't fully matured yet..." Of course, there were many other traits about Raina that Flicker Shadow himself was still trying to understand, details he felt unnecessary to share with others.

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