Chapter 126 Fragrance of Mystic Orchid Berry

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Blue-eyed girls were rare in the Celestial Domain, and with Auric Forest's resources, it didn't take long to find out Raina Grace's identity. So, it wasn't long before Raina truly received a basket of Mystic Orchid Berrys.

Flame Wave personally handed them to her, "Heard you like these?"

The Mystic Orchid Berrys, the size of a baby's fist, were neatly arranged in a golden basket, their lustrous, glassy appearance quite tempting.

"Huh? Mystic Orchid Berrys, do we have these too?" Raina Grace picked one and tasted it immediately, finding it sweet and juicy with a strong fragrance of orchids.

"You're really eating it?" Flame Wave was surprised by her quick action.

"Weren't these for me?" Raina Grace responded, reaching for another fruit.

"Do you know who sent these?" Flame Wave asked coldly.

Raina Grace bit into the soft flesh of the fruit, puzzled by Flame Wave's grim tone, "What's wrong, looking so grim? Oh, these were sent by someone else? I thought you gave them to me."

Was she complaining he hadn't given her any fruits? Flame Wave's expression darkened further.

After a moment, Raina Grace, with a mouthful of fruit, leaned towards Flame Wave, attempting to feed him directly from her mouth. Flame Wave stiffened initially but then, driven by a surge of warmth, not only did he eagerly accept the fruit from Raina's mouth, but he also savored the lingering taste, finding himself unsatisfied with just that.

"Really sweet..." he murmured.

"Is it really sweet?" Raina Grace asked, a mix of shyness and pride in her voice, "I heard people saying it's sweet, so it must be true."

"They?" Flame Wave pulled away from her lips, his face darkening, "Who are 'they'?"

"People in the Illusory Splendor. I saw some men like to eat from women's mouths, claiming it's very sweet." Raina Grace suddenly felt embarrassed, hesitantly asking, "Isn't it sweet? I thought you'd like it."

Flame Wave felt a mix of cold and warmth in his heart – cold for the nonsensical things she learned and attempted on him, and warmth for her sincere intention to please him. How could he blame her when her actions were driven by a desire to make him happy?

With that thought, Flame Wave's heart melted completely, filled with joy. He embraced Raina Grace tenderly, kissing her hair, cheeks, lips... "I do like it, of course, I do," he assured her.

But Raina Grace sensed something was off, looking up into Flame Wave's eyes, "Should I not have done that? I felt uncomfortable seeing others do it, but because it was you, I thought..."

"You wouldn't feel uncomfortable with me?" Flame Wave affectionately nudged her nose, "That's right. If it feels uncomfortable, we don't do it; if it feels right, why not?"

Raina Grace had an astonishing intuition. Flame Wave wasn't afraid she'd be led astray, but jealousy could drive him to irrational actions.

Irrational anger, unconditional joy – these emotional roller coasters were unfamiliar to him, almost frightening. Yet, he was unwilling to let go, even thinking that sinking into these feelings might be a kind of bliss.

"Let's do something more comfortable, shall we?" he whispered, half pleading, half tempting.

Just then, someone loudly announced at the door that Gold Shine from the Scholar's Pavilion had come to visit.

Flame Wave initially wanted to ignore it, but Raina Grace pushed him insistently, so he reluctantly got up, saying fiercely, "Perfect timing, I have business with him."

Gold Shine, waiting in the hall, was somewhat restless. Not because of taking Raina Grace to the Illusory Splendor—after all, Flame Wave hadn't mentioned it for so long, he thought that matter was settled.

His initial petty thoughts—to dazzle Raina Grace with the worldly splendor or indirectly reveal Flame Wave's past to show how insignificant such a woman was—had been completely forgotten. Now, he felt there might be some magic in that girl's blue eyes, having heard that Auric Forest, a high-ranking official in the Gold Department, was also inquiring about her. Even he often found himself daydreaming about those clear blue eyes smiling at him...

Moreover, there was Aurum Aspire, the head of the Scholar's Pavilion. Gold Shine clenched the exquisite jade pot in his hand, containing the precious Azure and White Dew, almost impossible to find in the Celestial Domain. Yet, it was specifically intended for Raina Grace by Aurum Aspire. Knowing Gold Shine knew her, he was asked to deliver it, expressing the Scholar's Pavilion's eagerness to see her soon.

Although Gold Shine worked at the Scholar's Pavilion, he usually kept to his interests, daring to refuse errands or miscellaneous tasks. But when Aurum Aspire assigned him this task, he inexplicably accepted without hesitation.

It was only later that he realized something was off: since when did Aurum Aspire and Silver Wolf need an intermediary? Unless Aurum Aspire intended to bypass Silver Wolf!

Indeed, because Aurum Aspire had specifically mentioned that Azure and White Dew would be the most appropriate and wonderful companion in a lady's "private space."

"Did Aurum Aspire ask you to give this directly to Raina Grace?" Flame Wave now held the jade pot. Gold Shine didn't wait for questioning and handed over the pot, explaining the whole story.

"That's essentially what he meant," Gold Shine repeated his conversation with Aurum Aspire, "Why didn't he summon Raina Grace directly?"

Clearly, Aurum Aspire was growing impatient. Flame Wave pondered. Aurum Aspire must have counted on Gold Shine not to conceal the Azure and White Dew, sending a signal to Flame Wave, who had yet to decide: as the head of the Scholar's Pavilion, Aurum Aspire had many means to achieve his ends without needing Flame Wave.

Flame Wave didn't tell Gold Shine he was hesitant about letting Aurum Aspire meet Raina Grace, not wanting to involve unrelated people. Gold Shine misunderstood, "You're not trying to hide her, are you? Impossible, she's not just someone's appendage!"

"What did you say?" Flame Wave asked coldly, "Since when is it your place to comment on our matters?"

Flame Wave's piercing gaze seemed to see through everything, and Gold Shine scoffed back, "Look at you, all bristling like the White Falcon. Are you guarding your food or just overprotective?"

Flame Wave snorted, leaning back relaxedly but with profound meaning in his words, "If even the White Falcon knows to guard its treasure, of course, I should 'prevent chaos before it emerges.'"

Gold Shine huffed, "Heard Auric Forest sent gifts? Now that he's made his way to your door, what's next, stepping on your face? And you're not taking precautions?"

"Raina Grace doesn't even know who he is." But remembering how much she enjoyed the fruits, understanding Auric Forest had indeed catered to her preferences, Flame Wave felt irritated, "Why did you take her there? It's a place of mixed company."

"I just wanted her to get familiar with the Celestial Domain quickly," Gold Shine felt a bit guilty but didn't think he did anything wrong, "Now you're starting to dislike the place? We used to thrive there; why didn't you complain about the mixed company then?"

Tired of arguing with someone whose life only flourished in places of leisure, Flame Wave left with a final statement: "What you think is good isn't suitable for Raina Grace; you don't understand her at all," before walking away.

"Not suitable?" Gold Shine lingered on those words, feeling a mix of melancholy and relief.

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