Chapter 84 natural rights

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Guided by Yín Yīng's insights—excluding those related to romance—Raina Grace eagerly attempted to engage in the discussions at Prosperous Gathering. However, she often found the conversations too profound to contribute, like debates about academia.

"The debate topic was 'The Relationship Between Social Hierarchy and Human Rights.' It involved social status, power, and freedom."

"Wow, such a grand topic. But what's the use? There are no social hierarchy issues in the Sky Domain."

"Miss, are you living in a vacuum? The conflict between the Fire and Wood Realms is precisely about social hierarchy."

"Not just between the Fire and Wood Realms. Isn't the struggle between families also about power and interests?"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense. You're just 'Alliance' people. What do you know about family affairs?"

"Luckily, Prosperous Gathering mainly hosts 'Alliance' people. Otherwise, we'd have to respectfully make way for the major families."

"That's how you small-minded people think. Our Héng family has always welcomed friends and Alliance members alike. We never expected anyone to be overly respectful."

"The Héng family thrives on trade; it's all about harmony and prosperity. We all admire that."

"Admire? Like Luminous Harmony? He never wanted to join the Héng family."

"Not everyone wants to join a family. Most end up in the Alliance because it's not easy to enter a family."

"Luminous Harmony is different. Both the Héng and Bamboo families wanted him, but he chose the Alliance for a greater role."

"Not all talented individuals should be absorbed by the families. That would weaken the Alliance."

"We have the Celestial Balance Fortress. Most of us can perform our duties without worry."

"Weren't we discussing the academy's debate? How did we get here?"

"What's there to discuss about academy debates? They just rehash old philosophers' theories on grand topics like human rights and class."

"But the debate must've been lively. I wish I could've seen it, the clothes they wore, the atmosphere."

"The atmosphere was indeed heated; almost broke into a fight."

"A fight at the academy? How uncultured!"

"Those are the academy folks for you. They think ideals can be fought over with words and fists."

"What were they debating so fiercely?"

"Whether to open the Sky Domain to the Surface Domain."

"What does that mean? Isn't it already open?"

"They mean unconditional access to the Sky Domain for Surface Domain residents."

"What? Then our efforts to enter the Sky Domain would be in vain?"

"Might as well open the Celestial Domain too. The world would descend into chaos."

"It took decades of effort, and now this. Talent is what defines our place. 'Born equal' is flawed; it's talent that makes us unequal."

"Exactly! Talent determines your place. Great beings reincarnate and enter the Sky or Celestial Domains directly. We can only envy their fate."

As an irregular entrant from the Surface Domain, Raina felt uneasy. "What exactly is talent?" she asked the nearest person.

"What is talent?" The person was surprised by such a simple question but, seeing her blue eyes, laughed it off. "You don't need to worry about that."

Raina easily dodged his attempt to touch her hand. She had learned to handle forward guests at Prosperous Gathering. "So, you can't explain talent either? It seems complex, even for you."

The heated discussion paused as everyone found Raina's question amusing, some even laughing outright.

Raina, a rare sight as a blue-eyed Avril from the Water Realm, had already drawn attention at Prosperous Gathering. However, the guests, maintaining decorum, refrained from crowding around her like a spectacle.

In Prosperous Gathering, where sophistication and etiquette were paramount, guests didn't swarm over novelty like a curious crowd around a foreign object. Timing and setting were always considered. One guest commented, "Prosperous Gathering should've hired staff from the Water Realm long ago. I haven't seen blue eyes like hers in ages, and it's quite nostalgic."

Another guest chimed in, "Do you think Prosperous Gathering hires just anyone? People from the Surface Domain can't stay overnight, and since we primarily operate in the evenings, it's impractical to hire them."

A third guest added, "There's more to it than just objective conditions. This job demands a certain level of intelligence, which is why Prosperous Gathering thrives and we all enjoy coming here. But if everyone had her level of intelligence, would it still be interesting?"

The group laughed, "But having one occasionally is amusing."

"Amusing? My speech is amusing?" Raina Grace asked once they finished, curious, "How so?"

"You asked about talent? That's a question known to everyone in the star domain. Don't people from the Water Realm consider talent?"

"We can enlighten you. Although ancient humans had various talents like intelligence, artistry, leadership, physical strength, and communication, in the Elemental Magnetic Star environment, elemental magnetic power is supreme. With elemental magnetic power, other talents, especially intelligence, can be easily developed. The stronger the elemental magnetic power, the higher the intelligence."

"So, with your low elemental magnetic power, it's no wonder you ask such naïve questions."

One guest noted, "You missed something crucial, especially for ladies."

"What's that?"

"Beauty! Elemental magnetic power can enhance intelligence, but not beauty. So sometimes, we can tolerate a bit of intellectual deficiency for the sake of beauty."

The group scrutinized Raina, their smiles loaded with meaning.

Raina remained unfazed, "So, beauty is a form of talent too? Different from elemental magnetic power. Also, while elemental magnetic power can increase brain capacity, it doesn't mean that those naturally with large brain capacities have strong elemental magnetic power. So, there are naturally intelligent people, right?"

"I also heard that the Bamboo family values talents beyond elemental magnetic power, like artistic intuition and emotional resonance, which can't be compensated by any amount of elemental magnetic power. Is that true?" Raina continued, genuinely curious.

The other guests fell silent. The Bamboo family was famous throughout the Sky and even Celestial Domains for their pursuit of elegance and emotional depth, valuing feelings over elemental magnetic power. They were content with remaining in the Wood Elemental Realm, focusing on the ethereal "feeling."

This "feeling," glorified by upper-class social circles, had reached almost a celestial unity, making those who didn't understand it appear crude and unsophisticated.

With nothing more to say and not wanting to lose face, the guests pretended to disregard Raina's childlike inquiries and moved on to another topic.

"Have you heard about the scholar from the Celestial Domain visiting the Celestial Balance Fortress?"

"Of course. His arrival at the fortress was quite a spectacle."

"He came to oversee the investigation of the Pine Mist Mountain incident. Remember the fire elemental imbalance that caused disturbances?"

"Isn't everything fine now? I wonder if the scholar will visit other places. Do you think he'll come to Prosperous Gathering?"

"Joking, right? The Illusory Splendor of the Celestial Domain is far more sophisticated than Prosperous Gathering."

"Indeed, the scholar would likely visit high-society social circles. We wouldn't get the chance to meet him."

"There will be lots of interesting stories to come, another spectacle to witness..."

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