Chapter 170 Tears of the Abyss

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When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. At this moment, Flicker Shadow stares at the abyss, not feeling it gazing back, but rather mocking and roaring at him. Such a colossal entity, like a giant black dragon trapped within a planet, struggling with resentment for being imprisoned, constantly seeking to break free and soar into the skies.

"I have never observed the abyss from such close quarters before. I never thought that the abyss, which we always kept at a respectful distance, would one day become a place for us at the Celestial Balance Fortress to be wary of." Gold Shine, since receiving the order from Silver Wolf, had led the guard team in haste to the Surface Domain. However, they found themselves utterly helpless above the abyss, unable to make any significant impact, deeply disheartened. "I wonder how Raina Grace is doing. This damned abyss, devouring people without even leaving bones behind."

"She must be alright." Flicker Shadow finally responded to Gold Shine, also reassuring himself.

Gold Shine wasn't as optimistic as Flicker Shadow but held great hopes for Silver Wolf: "Alas, I wonder if our lord has thought of any strategy."

Could they only wait here foolishly for someone else to come up with a plan? Could they just watch Raina Grace suffer? Flicker Shadow couldn't accept that.

Likewise, Lightning, which occasionally howled at the abyss as if confronting its roaring, couldn't accept it either.

And WeeStick, though unheard by others, constantly muttered to itself, "Why did I decide to return to Terra Grove instead of staying with Raina Grace? If I were with her, maybe she wouldn't have vanished so suddenly."

The elemental magnetic storms of the abyss weren't constant; there were brief moments of calm, but these periods were very short and unpredictable.

When the elemental magnetic storm calmed, Flicker Shadow could see about a kilometer into the abyss. While silently counting the duration of the calm and calculating the distance between possible footholds, he wasn't sure about the conditions deeper within but was confident in his ability to evade the storm in the initial kilometer. Beyond that, perhaps he could find some cliff caves, similar to what Raina Grace had once encountered.

Making up his mind, Flicker Shadow patted Lightning, then told WeeStick, "Stay here and wait for me." Seizing the opportunity when the storm momentarily subsided, he quickly climbed down.

Lightning, unable to move on the sheer cliffs, paced anxiously. WeeStick, after a moment's hesitation, followed Flicker Shadow into the descent.

Caught off-guard by Flicker Shadow's action, the guards of the Celestial Balance Fortress were left scrambling. Gold Shine shouted, "Flicker Shadow! It's too risky, come back! The abyss will swallow you!"

Of course, Flicker Shadow didn't listen. Just as the elemental magnetic storm began to rage again, forcing Gold Shine to retreat repeatedly, a chill ran down his spine—the fierce storm, could Flicker Shadow have been blown away?

When the storm finally subsided, Gold Shine and the others hurried back to the edge of the abyss to look for Flicker Shadow, relieved to see him continuing to climb down, their admiration for his reckless bravery mixed with abundant speculation.

"He must have moved when the storm calmed, hiding when it approached."

"My god, are there places to hide on that cliff? He's truly fearless!"

"There are only some cracked crevices barely big enough to take shelter."

"Look out, the storm is coming again, retreat!"

Thus, amidst frequent storms, Gold Shine and the others watched with bated breath and pounding hearts as Flicker Shadow ventured further away, becoming a smaller and smaller figure in the distance.

Mixed feelings swirled within Gold Shine, worry for Flicker Shadow on one hand, admiration for his courage on the other, and a sense of self-disgust and resignation for merely watching from a safe distance—was this the reason they could never get close to her?

Elsewhere in the abyss, Silver Tan followed the route once taken by Sky Whisper into the abyss, a path shrouded in clouds and mist, leading to a deep pool known as "Tears of the Abyss."

To call it a deep pool was an understatement; it was as bottomless as the abyss itself, a hellish grave for countless corpses. The origin of this pool, close to the abyss and the final resting place for many creatures, was unknown, its perpetual state of hatred and resentment a barrier to most life forms. Besides Sky Whisper, no one knew it was the only path to the bottom of the abyss.

Originally, Sky Whisper left the endless sea, only to find that the vastness of the world had little space for them. It was the Azure Phoenix that lured them, promising protection from the elemental magnetic force at the bottom of the abyss. But the entire abyss was enveloped in even more ferocious elemental magnetic storms. After countless attempts and failures, Sky Whisper discovered this pool, finally entering the abyss.

Was it a mistake from the beginning? Silver Tan coldly observed the stagnant water. Tears of the Abyss? Perhaps calling it the Tears of Sky Whisper was more apt.

Indeed, the pool, suspended over the abyss, was aptly named. Endless in depth, one could traverse it to reach the bottom of the abyss.

However, crossing the Tears of the Abyss required enduring immense pain, not just physical but also mental torment—countless resentful spirits constantly cursing, screaming, and howling. If one couldn't endure or responded in any way, they would be dragged into the pool to become a new resentful spirit. Even Sky Whisper, a powerful spirit, had lost many of its kind to the Tears of the Abyss.

As Silver Tan endured the torment, he remembered Raina Grace's description of entering the Gold and Silver Sea alone, surrounded by illusions and tempted by resentful spirits, similar to the Tears of the Abyss. On the surface, the Gold and Silver Sea shimmered with beauty, while the Tears of the Abyss were shrouded in dark mists, both hiding countless dangers.

The Gold and Silver Sea's allure and tricks were more sophisticated. Raina Grace's ability to emerge unscathed suggested her mental strength might surpass even that of Sky Whisper. Were the tricks of the Gold and Silver Sea remnants of Sky Whisper's experiences in the Tears of the Abyss, forgotten yet unconsciously left behind? Why did they only remember these? Was it related to the power of the abyss?

The more Silver Tan pondered, the more questions arose, nearly overwhelmed by the resentful spirits due to his wavering focus. He hastily calmed his mind, but his body grew heavier until he felt like a rigid stone, plummeting downward, deeper into the abyss...

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