Chapter 31 Flowing Emerald Creek

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White Lightning felt defeated by the self-assured attitudes of Raina and Flicker Shadow, but he wasn't ready to give up. Knowing he couldn't out stubborn Flicker Shadow, he took the opportunity to show Raina around, hoping to continue persuading her.

Raina was already keen on exploring her surroundings. With the sun fully up, the morning fog that had blanketed the valley was dispelled, allowing her a clearer, farther view.

The valley was large, bisected by a small river. The shallow water was evident as people waded across it, and some played in it. Raina remembered it as the place Flicker Shadow had taken her for a "bath" that morning.

"That's White Stone Pool, the widest and deepest part of Emerald Creek, right downstream, making it ideal for bathing," White Lightning pointed out. "We've also built conduits upstream to direct water into the houses, which is very convenient."

Emerald Creek was the name of the small river. The valley was divided by the creek, and on the side where Raina and her companions stood, houses of various heights were built against the forest, using wood and stone, and some directly on tree branches.

Noticing Raina observing the houses, White Lightning quickly pointed to a row of neat, sturdy stone houses, "See those beautiful stone houses? That's 'Peaceful Residence', the best in the tribe, only for women who have children. There's a big garden next to it, where girls play all day, living a leisurely and comfortable life. It's still early; they probably haven't woken up yet. Otherwise, I would take you to play with them. You'd surely like it."

Raina, however, thought of Flicker Shadow who had gone to chop wood for her shelter, "Where do they chop wood? Do I need to help?"

White Lightning looked at her in disdain, "What can you help with? Even I can't help."

Raina understood that White Lightning's strength was not in physical labor. She wasn't sure what she could do but felt confident in her own physical abilities and intelligence.

Irritated by her self-assurance, White Lightning wanted to scoff but couldn't bring himself to say anything harsh when faced with Raina's clear, calm eyes.

Knowing White Lightning had been trying to get rid of her, but with Flicker Shadow's support, she wasn't worried about the teenager who prided himself on being "the brain."

Raina wasn't concerned and began to look across Emerald Creek. She had noticed people busy there, and the place gave her a sense of oppression and a faint smell of stench, like when she first entered Verdant Thistle Forest. "What's on the other side?" she asked.

"You can't go there!" White Lightning responded sharply.

Not genuinely interested in showing her around, and now realizing that the young girl was not easily persuaded, he looked for an excuse to leave. Spotting a thin figure carrying a bucket towards the creek, he called out, "Ice Mist, show Raina around." Then to Raina, "She's also a woman who doesn't have children, so you'll have something to talk about."

With that, he left in a huff

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With that, he left in a huff.

Raina smiled at the woman named Ice Mist and waited for her to lead the way.

Ice Mist was small and seemed older, with wrinkles and visible unease on her dark face. She nervously shifted the bucket from hand to hand, not looking up or initiating conversation.

Raina, typically reserved, felt compelled to speak up in the face of Ice Mist's silence, "Do you have work to do? Do you need to fetch water? Can I help?"

Ice Mist stiffened, shaking her head without looking up.

Seeing her shyness, Raina decided to explore on her own. "Then I'll go ahead, you..."

"White Lightning said you don't have children, right?" Ice Mist suddenly interrupted in a low voice, still not looking up.

"Yeah, I'm going to patrol with them," Raina replied.

"Patrol?" Ice Mist suddenly looked up, her voice louder. She quickly covered her mouth, as if afraid of being overheard, and stared at Raina for confirmation.

Raina nodded, puzzled by her reaction.

"I'll be right back, wait for me," Ice Mist said and hurriedly ran towards the houses, returning without the bucket, panting, "Let's go. Where do you want to go?"

Raina pointed towards the busy side of Emerald Creek, "What's that place? Can I go there?"

"That's where we gather Elemental Magnetic Fruits. Normally, people aren't allowed there," Ice Mist replied, then added to avoid Raina's disappointment, "But we can go near there. The other side of the creek is where we plant, gather, and raise animals."

The fruit orchard was on a steep slope, which had caught Raina's attention due to the odor. Ice Mist's explanation made her realize the busier flat riverbanks were the tribe's livelihood. "Is that the tribe's source of life? Does everyone participate?"

"Not everyone," Ice Mist led the way in silence.

Crossing the creek, Raina distinctly felt the water's temperature sting her skin, an unpleasant sensation she disliked.

Hoping for another water source in Verdant Thistle Forest, she felt a bit despondent. Could she only use this creek water?

On the other side, unlike the quiet residential area, it was bustling with activity. Mostly elderly people, they worked earnestly, looking content.

Some were digging the soil, carefully removing weeds and stones, ensuring each plant thrived. Others were busy with the animals, feeding, watering, grooming, and preventing fights. They spoke softly to the animals and plants, patting their heads affectionately.

They seemed to enjoy not just the labor but the physical movement itself. Ice Mist, now more relaxed, bustled around, transporting filled baskets and refilling empty troughs with feed.

 Ice Mist, now more relaxed, bustled around, transporting filled baskets and refilling empty troughs with feed

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Raina watched from the sidelines, not wanting to disturb the well-organized work.

After a while, as people began to rest, they started talking to her.

"You're patient to come here, young girl."

"Right, it's rare to see young people in this half of the land."

"Isn't Ice Mist young?"

"There's only one like Ice Mist."

"Here comes another one, though she seems too young. She's slim and frail, probably can't do much."

"I think she looks spirited. Can she adapt here? Give her some light tasks to start with."

"By the way, she must be new, right? From outside? What's it like out there now?"

"What's there to ask? It's the same old story, locked by the Elemental Magnetic Net. Not like us, free under this sunlight and land."

"I've forgotten about it. Don't want to think about it, can't remember it."

The elders' exchange seemed to reminisce about their youth, but under the peaceful pastoral scene, something felt discordant to Raina. What exactly was it?

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