Chapter 61 The Future of the Tribe

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In recent days, the atmosphere within the Free Folk Tribe has been notably somber. To be precise, ever since Raina Grace brought back the remains of the Holy Maiden, a continuous stream of rumors, conjectures, tension, and panic has pervaded the valley.

Today, the chieftain gathered all the tribespeople, not to pacify them, but to drop another bombshell: the Terra Groves have not been unconditionally assisting humanity out of sheer benevolence; their aim has been possession all along! And while being possessed has its pros and cons, the future direction is left for everyone to decide on their own.

Afterwards, White Lightning was kept back by the chieftain for a private discussion, and upon his heavy-hearted return to his dwelling, he found several people waiting for him.

"Well, what brings everyone here? This is quite the rare occasion," he remarked, his mood already foul, and upon seeing these former members of the Lightning Team, whom he hadn't interacted with much lately, he couldn't help but lash out with a mix of sarcasm and derision.

The visitors, each with their own agendas or carrying others' requests, were primarily there to glean information from White Lightning, especially regarding Flicker Shadow. After enduring White Lightning's barbed comments in silence, only Red Blade, who had maintained contact with White Lightning and had defended Flicker Shadow when others were quick to kick him while he was down, spoke up first, bearing the weight of everyone's expectations.

"White Lightning, I know you're disappointed in everyone, but you're smart enough to know that sometimes circumstances overpower intentions. Flicker Shadow turned out the way he did, and it's not just them; even you didn't stand up for him a few days ago, did you?" Red Blade's unexpected honesty only added to the awkwardness.

Everyone was forced to recall the sight of Flicker Shadow from a few days ago, his appearance and dangerous aura indistinguishable from the fiercest beasts they've encountered in the jungles. It was hard to believe that this was the same elite youth of the tribe they once knew. So, when the chieftain and Coiled Stone labeled him as beguiled by a sorceress, it seemed plausible to everyone; how else could a man transform so drastically?

But now, the chieftain was portraying the "sorceress" as the tribe's "savior"?! How could they accept or adapt to this narrative?

Adaptation, however, was not optional.

In just a few days, not only had the tribe undergone radical changes, but the Free Folk's beliefs were also starting to waver. Reality and illusion intertwined, leaving everyone unable to discern right from wrong. And in this situation, right and wrong seemed inconsequential; what mattered was deciding on a path forward.

Initially, everything was deemed the sorceress's fault. First, she ensnared Flicker Shadow, then killed the tribe's Holy Maiden. Eliminating the sorceress seemed like the solution to all problems.

However, this "sorceress" proved too formidable, capable of reclaiming the Holy Maiden's cloak, defeating the chieftain, and even summoning star domain vessels to destroy the tribe.

Ultimately, she forced the Terra Groves to cease possessing humans and, under certain conditions, continue providing the harmless Elemental Ancestor Fruit to humanity.

This "sorceress," or should she be called a "savior"? Or the new "Holy Maiden"? Regardless of her title, she had become a pivotal figure.

And Flicker Shadow, no longer a victim or a fool, was poised to become a sought-after ally. Those who had prior connections with Flicker Shadow naturally wanted to align with the changing times and stay ahead by understanding the effects of the Elemental Ancestor Fruit and what the future holds for the tribe under the new rules, even if White Lightning, like everyone else, was eager for clear answers, which even the chieftain could not provide.

Reflecting on the chieftain's instructions, White Lightning found a legitimate reason to arrange a meeting with Flicker Shadow, or rather, a negotiation.

Over the past three years, he had also been relaying messages to Flicker Shadow, honoring their agreement: if he learned anything about Raina Grace within the tribe, he would leave a message for Flicker Shadow using a code only they knew, carved into the bark of certain trees. But Flicker Shadow never left any sign in return, leading White Lightning to believe their pact had been forgotten.

Thus, his visits dwindled, uncertain if Flicker Shadow would see his messages or what he could even say, especially with little news about Raina Grace to share.

That changed dramatically a few days ago when he learned from the chieftain that Raina Grace would return to the tribe. This significant news compelled White Lightning to keep his promise and carve the message into a tree, hoping Flicker Shadow would see it. Flicker Shadow did return, accompanied by Raina Grace, confirming that he had seen White Lightning's message. The recent directive from the chieftain confirmed that Flicker Shadow had not forgotten their agreement, keeping their channel of communication alive.

But did Flicker Shadow still consider him a friend?

White Lightning's emotions were mixed. When Flicker Shadow had left, claiming the tribe's complexities paled in comparison to the simplicity of the forest, White Lightning thought him mad. Despite the tribe's secrets, disputes, and injustices, it was still a human society, with all its pretenses and comforts.

Yet, in just three years, these secrets could no longer be hidden, forcing everyone to rethink and establish new norms. What order would emerge under these new rules? And what role would Flicker Shadow play?

Recalling Flicker Shadow's previous arrogance and his recent wild demeanor, everyone, including White Lightning, felt uneasy and apprehensive about the prospect of all Free Folk becoming "wild" to satisfy the sorceress, Raina Grace.

If that were the case, they might as well continue their dealings with the Terra Groves, retaining at least the semblance of humanity. Even if it meant being possessed by the Terra Groves in old age, at least they would appear as vigorous, elderly "humans."

Seeing White Lightning lost in thought and the mood growing heavier, Crimson, the only woman present, stepped forward to ease the tension: "Red Blade is just impulsive; he didn't mean it that way. The situation was too chaotic for us to react properly. Given our relationship with Flicker Shadow, we would've defended him if we could."

Crimson had once idolized Flicker Shadow, striving to join the Lightning Team just to be close to him. Being a team member was a step towards developing a deeper relationship, given her lack of beauty.

Even after seeing Flicker Shadow's transformed state, Crimson couldn't help but feel a mix of shock and pity, willing to speak well of him if given the chance.

But what if Flicker Shadow wasn't in a dire state?

His untamed presence only accentuated his uniqueness. After three years, he had grown into a formidable man, his robust physique stirring a warmth within Crimson.

Catching a glimpse of Crimson's flushed face, Thorn Seeker sneered, "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. It's not even certain if Flicker Shadow will return. White Lightning, do you know where he is now?"

White Lightning didn't hide the potential connection with Flicker Shadow, "I'm not sure if he'll agree to meet me. Or he might come directly to the valley with Raina Grace to negotiate with the Terra Groves."

"That 'sorceress,'" Red Blade started, then corrected himself, "Ah, the girl, the one Flicker Shadow was searching for all along? Who is she, exactly?"

Everyone remembered how Flicker Shadow had been determined to find the missing girl, while they offered hollow promises of assistance without truly believing in the cause.

Perhaps Flicker Shadow had sensed their lack of earnestness, leading to his solitary departure.

Who would have thought he'd actually find her?

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