Chapter 141 Sky Whisper Spirit Fin

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"Can this really grant entry into the Gold and Silver Sea?" Raina Grace observed the thin, palm-sized amethyst in Silver Tan's hand, its surface shimmering with concentric, rippling patterns as if constantly undulating.

"This is called the Spirit Fin. Legend has it that it's a divine artifact of the Gold and Silver Sea, capable of transforming into a small boat upon touching water, floating atop the Gold and Silver Sea," Jadelle suggested—portraying the Spirit Fin as a divine item served two purposes: it explained its origins and enhanced its credibility.

As Aurum Aspire's journey into the water realm approached, Silver Tan sensed an impending significant event, with time becoming increasingly urgent; they could afford no further delays. Ultimately, they decided to entrust the Spirit Fin to Raina Grace.

"A legend?" Raina Grace did not reach out to take it. "Has anyone ever used it? Have you personally witnessed this crystal transform into a boat and float on the Gold and Silver Sea?"

If it were truly so miraculous, why would he lend it to her? Silver Tan always seemed to play a crucial role in key events—as the Silver Elder, Flame Wave's master, a guest of the Bamboo Family, and Luminous Harmony's dear friend. Yet, Raina Grace had never discerned his true allegiance, as if he always remained aloof from these roles.

Raina Grace believed she could intuitively judge others' intentions. Not in the sense of reading minds—that was too complex for the likes of Flame Wave, Luminous Harmony, and the Free Tribes' chieftains—but she didn't need to see too clearly. People change and have weaknesses; to her, a person's essence and goals were what mattered most.

Now, she realized she had never fully understood Silver Tan's motives. At first, she hadn't paid much attention, but upon closer scrutiny, she noticed a subtle anxiety and compassion in his usually serene demeanor, which disappeared as quickly as it came, leaving behind an unaffected calm.

Silver Tan was pondering how to respond to Raina Grace's question.

"Even without a clear answer, with the treasure before her and it being her only chance and hope, she will surely try it," Jadelle confidently assumed, not overthinking the simple lending and returning process, though now even lending proved challenging.

He had never witnessed anyone use the Spirit Fin, nor had anyone in his lifetime been able to control it. A prophecy had always circulated within his clan, filled with mysticism and hope: the Sky Whisperers riding the Spirit Fin, soaring over the waves of the Gold and Silver Sea. In this dreamlike vision, their souls were purified, and their bodies strengthened, seemingly endowed with immortal radiance.

This prophecy sustained the clan's faith, motivating them to strive for the day they could ascend the Spirit Fin and bathe in the fantastical glow of the Gold and Silver Sea. It represented a longing for transcendence and rebirth.

Yet, the prophecy's culmination remained an open question, as if waiting for an unknown story to be written by the clan members themselves. Ironically, the first to write this new chapter was not a Sky Whisperer. Silver Tan offered a wry smile: "To be honest, Miss Raina Grace, I've only heard of it. Whether it works, you might have to verify yourself."

Raina Grace found this even more peculiar: "Why don't you verify it yourself? This object must be important to you, so why haven't you used it? And why lend it to me?"

"We, I just, don't want to see the Azure Phoenix suffer," Silver Tan strained to find a reason.

Raina Grace believed him: "The Azure Phoenix is important to you?" Otherwise, the Bamboo Family wouldn't have gone to great lengths for the "Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix" event, which the Azure Phoenix would have struggled to escape from without an unforeseen incident.

"Yes..." Silver Tan could not deny, "Then tell me, under what conditions will you use the 'Spirit Fin'?" He wanted to cut to the chase, not his forte, and sensed the girl's straightforward nature.

"I'm willing to try. No conditions," Raina Grace answered. "Although I don't know why you can't use the 'Spirit Fin,' it represents an opportunity for me. I don't want to miss it."

The agreement was reached more easily than anticipated, vastly differing from their expectations.

"The precious artifact passed down through generations of Sky Whisperers is now to be used by an outsider, which is truly hard to accept," Jadelle harbored reluctance, agreeing to hand over the Spirit Fin but filled with dissatisfaction and bitterness, a tumultuous mix of emotions she struggled to reconcile.

Silver Tan also felt regret but harbored new hope: "Perhaps, she is the most suitable candidate."

"Do you think she can actually use the Spirit Fin?" Jadelle was conflicted, hoping Raina Grace would fail yet yearning to see the Sky Whisperer legend come to fruition.

Silver Tan could not predict Raina Grace's success with the Spirit Fin but sensed Jadelle's thoughts: "Whether she can use it or not, since we've made this decision, we can only wait and see. Moreover, from our objective, we hope she possesses this ability."

Jadelle frowned, muttering discontentedly: "You always say nice things without consequence."

Silver Tan, as if not hearing, continued: "She seems intricately linked to elemental magnetic power, perhaps truly possessing the potential..."

Another lingering question troubled him—the girl had absorbed the ring he gave to Luminous Harmony. Although it was to save Luminous Harmony, the ring, of significant importance, vanished forever, a loss Silver Tan could not easily dismiss. Could there be a hidden secret?

The ring came to him by chance, and he harbored unrealistic expectations for Jade Thistle, thinking her effortless manipulation of elemental magnetic power might be the breakthrough the Sky Whisperers sought to overcome the limitations of wood elements. Especially after seeing her enter the Celestial Domain, his interest and scrutiny grew, leading to numerous complications, even drawing the attention of Silver Wolf, a deeply scheming individual.

Silver Wolf's suspicion of him began when he created the Rebirth Charm for Jade Thistle, a charm capable of preserving life memories with all the functions of a Silver Department Rebirth Charm, albeit with a modification intended to help Jadelle obtain a human identity through rebirth. This successful experiment paved the way for more Sky Whisperers to be reborn but also posed a dangerous gamble, attracting Silver Wolf's alertness and leading to a devastating blow to the Sky Whisperers... Silver Tan continued to doubt the righteousness of his actions.

As Silver Tan lost himself in thought, ignoring her, Jadelle could only sulk beside him. She understood the decision was irreversible. Placing their hopes on Raina Grace to activate the Spirit Fin and validate the Sky Whisperer legend, even shaping their future, filled Jadelle with complex emotions. Once the hope of her people, brimming with confidence and ambition, she now struggled to openly express her jealousy and dissatisfaction.

The internal struggle left Jadelle exhausted. When had she begun to feel so indecisive, as if placed in an unfamiliar and uncertain situation? She longed to protect her clan's interests but had to confront the influence of external forces. Her heart was torn, unable to find balance, her temperament increasingly erratic.

Regardless, she hoped everything would return to normal—for herself, the Sky Whisperers, and Aurum Aspire...

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