Chapter 55 Sudden Turn of Events

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Raina Grace was taken aback by the fervor of the Free Folk, never expecting the situation to escalate to this extent.

When Arlinwood spoke of human intrigues and insidious schemes, it seemed surreal to her, like a story.

But now, facing a situation of twisted facts beyond clarification, she found herself at a loss, forced to confront it head-on. "Yes, I am a witch. Now, watch closely as I demonstrate my witchcraft!"

She approached the chieftain and said, "Elder, please don't hide. You're not afraid of me, are you? Don't worry, I won't harm you. I just need to borrow something from you."

The chieftain, wrapping his cloak tightly and feigning calmness, replied, "We, the Free Folk, are united. You wouldn't dare act recklessly. Killing me is easy, but all the Free Folk would seek revenge."

Raina Grace responded, "I said I need to borrow something. No need for violence."

"Borrow what? I have nothing to lend you!" The chieftain was genuinely puzzled.

"It's not exactly a loan, more like a return," said Raina Grace. "The cloak you're wearing originally belonged to the Saintess, and you've usurped it. I need you to return it now."

This startled the chieftain: "Nonsense, this cloak, though called the 'Saintess's Cloak,' belongs to our tribe, not to any individual."

"But the cloak was brought by the Saintess, and she lent it to us out of kindness," interjected a hesitant voice. It was Coiled Stone, who couldn't bear to see the Saintess's last act of grace obliterated.

"Silence!" the chieftain shouted, as if offended, "In our tribe, everything is shared, used as needed. What's this about borrowing?"

Raina Grace, now in front of him, reached for the cloak, "Now, I will prove this cloak is not yours but the Saintess's. She taught me how to reclaim it, and you neither know how nor can stop it."

As she tugged the cloak, it melted into a flowing ribbon of light in her palm, just like Flame Wave's white seashell. But as she absorbed it, she felt a powerful energy surge, making her dizzy. When she had absorbed the seashell, she had fallen into a three-day slumber.

Taking this risk, she had arranged with Flicker Shadow to swiftly leave the valley amidst the shock of the onlookers. Everyone witnessed the cloak transforming into a flowing, luminescent band in Raina Grace's hands, circling her body before diving into her palm.

 Everyone witnessed the cloak transforming into a flowing, luminescent band in Raina Grace's hands, circling her body before diving into her palm

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This magical scene, though enchanting, left everyone stunned, except the chieftain. Losing the cloak, his first sensation was not shock but loss. How could such a vital artifact for the Free Folk be taken away?

As if foreseeing a bleak future for the tribe, the chieftain wailed, "No—Witch, return the cloak!" and lunged at Raina Grace.

Flicker Shadow, ready to catch Raina Grace, now blocked the chieftain's frenzy.

Weakening, Raina Grace tried to steady herself, extending her hand towards Flicker Shadow, but he was preoccupied with the chieftain.

She tried to hold on a little longer, but ultimately, she felt herself caught in a firm embrace, her spirits momentarily revived by the strong presence.

Then, someone shouted, "Look! What's that in the sky? Flying objects are coming, run!"

Raina Grace, looking upwards, saw several metallic, angular "birds" with a shimmering gleam in the sky. She turned to the man who caught her—Flame Wave. His features, as hard and sharp as the flying machines, softened upon meeting her gaze.

"Raina Grace," he sighed, "Why have you let yourself become so bedraggled?"

"Raina Grace," he sighed, "Why have you let yourself become so bedraggled?"

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"Flame Wave?" Raina Grace was stunned, "Why are you here?"

"I gave you three years," Flame Wave spoke softly, "Since you didn't come out, I'm here to fetch you. Let's go!"

Without waiting for her response, he lifted her and leapt onto one of the flying machines. In that brief moment, Raina Grace instructed WeeStick, "Take Flicker Shadow to the hot spring, wait for me!"

The Free Folk, stunned by the swift turn of events, watched the flying machines circle overhead, casting intense lights on the village below. The machines' sleek designs and sharp angles, illuminated in bright blue, contrasted starkly with the tribal setting.

Under the machines' lights, the once thriving village seemed desolate, its greenery and flowers appearing feeble and vulnerable. At the valley's center stood a lone Wood Realm tree, its branches trembling under the roar of the machines.

WeeStick, desperate to follow Raina Grace, couldn't match the speed of the flying machines and was left far behind. The Free Folk looked up in awe and fear as the machines flew away, representing a power and invincibility alien to their understanding. The dark metallic grey of the machines, equipped with advanced weaponry and technology, underscored their foreignness to the Verdant Thistle Forest.

As the machines flew away, leaving behind a village bathed in their light and shadow, Flicker Shadow, with his exceptional vision, could only gaze into the distance, unable to see Raina Grace's figure

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As the machines flew away, leaving behind a village bathed in their light and shadow, Flicker Shadow, with his exceptional vision, could only gaze into the distance, unable to see Raina Grace's figure...

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