Chapter 95 Pine Mist Mountain and River

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Pine Mist Mountain towers into the clouds like a giant standing tall against the sky. It stands behind the Celestial Balance Fortress, facing the swift Pine Mist River from afar, as if engaging in an eternal dialogue between peak and water.

The mountain is enshrouded in mist, like a light veil covering its entirety, wrapping it in a layer of mystery. The sunlight shines on the summit, reflecting a golden light, as if a dazzling pearl were embedded in the sky.

No one knows what lies beyond Pine Mist Mountain, much like this marvelous Sky Domain, crafted by the natural wonders of the universe, with no known beginning in time or end in geography. It represents a realm beyond human exploration and understanding.

Pine Mist Mountain is the source of the Pine Mist River, with its peaks harboring a continuous flow of water. Like a white dragon soaring not towards the sky but plunging towards the earth, it resembles a herd of galloping horses, fearlessly rushing down the mountain. This spectacle forms a magnificent waterfall.

When the waterfall plunges to the mountain's base and merges with the Pine Mist River, a massive convergence of wood and fire elements creates a tremendous energy impact, forbidding anyone from nearing.

As the river flows further from the waterfall, it gradually becomes calm, with only the vibrant splashes and enchanting songs flowing along the base, passing through lush woods and tranquil fields, infusing the land with vibrant life.

The marvels and infinite magic of Elemental Magnetic Power are fully displayed at the foot of Pine Mist Mountain. The towering Pine Mist Mountain challenges the vastness of the universe, while the surging Pine Mist River submits and honors it with infinite embrace.

This is the scene Flame Wave never tires of, and the reason he chooses to stay at the Celestial Balance Fortress. When in good spirits, he, along with the fortress guards, would cross the Pine Mist River to challenge Pine Mist Mountain. Under his lead, it becomes the highest standard of training and entertainment for the fortress.

Before Flame Wave, no one could cross the Pine Mist River or reach Pine Mist Mountain, for it is not just a stream but a collision and confluence of elemental magnetic forces. Even those who have advanced to the Fire Realm cannot withstand the tear of both elements. It is beyond human capability.

Some have attempted to fly over Pine Mist Mountain, but aircraft lose control upon entering its domain, where the elemental magnetic power resembles that of Verdant Thistle Forest, a chaotic mix of elements, impossible for ordinary people to adapt to.

Thus, the Pine Mist River also serves as a natural barrier, with no one considering crossing it, nor able to reach Pine Mist Mountain on the other side.

Flame Wave's desire to challenge Pine Mist Mountain is partly inspired by his adventurous spirit—living in the Celestial Balance Fortress, facing such magnificent landscapes daily, yet unable to reach them, is not his style. Moreover, the similarity in elemental magnetic fields between Pine Mist Mountain and Verdant Thistle Forest motivates him to act swiftly to fulfill his promise: to one day reach Verdant Thistle Forest and meet Raina Grace.

Through perseverance, Flame Wave combines Elemental Magnetic Power with wizardry secrets, inventing a new spell—Flying Talisman, which can forcibly separate and store Elemental Magnetic Power, providing energy for special aircraft operating in complex elemental magnetic fields.

However, these aircraft have limited operation time and consume vast energy, so the Flying Talismans made by Flame Wave, at the cost of all his wealth, were exhausted in just one trip to Verdant Thistle Forest.

Flame Wave is unsure how to categorize that mission to Verdant Thistle Forest. It wasn't a success since his objective wasn't achieved, but it wasn't a failure either, as it was a successful drill that ignited the passion of the Celestial Balance Fortress warriors—eager to contribute all they had for more real combat experience, whether in Verdant Thistle Forest or Pine Mist Mountain, facing the unknown.

Compared to the warriors' surging combat passion, Flame Wave felt somewhat dispirited, different from the aggressive people of his clan; he isn't fond of force. Pressured by them, he made a few Flying Talismans just enough for a round trip on a specially designed aircraft. Though claiming the difficulty of making talismans was partly true, he struggled to find motivation.

Yet, Pine Mist Mountain offers a challenging training environment for Elemental Magnetic Power, presenting an alternative path. The mountain's elemental magnetic field significantly enhanced Flame Wave's resilience and flexibility of his Elemental Magnetic Power. Otherwise, with his continuous shortage of water elements, maintaining his current realm would be challenging.

Fortunately, reaching Pine Mist Mountain doesn't require the cumbersome Flying Talismans; the White Falcon can directly take him there. In the cycle of Elemental Magnetic Power at Pine Mist Mountain, while not enough to advance to the Gold Element, it ensures he doesn't regress from the Fire Element. Thus, Flame Wave habitually visits Pine Mist Mountain.

Those entering Pine Mist Mountain can only stay at the periphery, as the elemental magnetic force becomes more chaotic inward, unbearable even for Flame Wave, and the White Falcon cannot approach.

Every visit to the foot of Pine Mist Mountain doesn't require special training; Flame Wave sits quietly, listening to the eternal sound of Pine Mist River, enduring the internal struggle and coordination of Elemental Magnetic Power, leaving his body in a numb state, his spirit drifting between passing and stillness. After sweating out and being cleansed by Elemental Magnetic Power, he jumps into Pine Mist River for a bath, feeling as if his entire being is crushed and reassembled, experiencing a masochistic thrill.

This "masochism" is because each time Flame Wave struggles out of the river, he is so drained he collapses. Lying exhausted, he wonders why he bothered to climb out, pondering if drifting or sinking in the river would be better than feeling this close to death's emptiness.

This emptiness, a natural reaction when all Elemental Magnetic Power is drained, mirrors the lethargy felt when life lacks purpose.

To escape this void, Flame Wave tries hard to open his eyes, looking up at the sky. Its vastness makes him feel insignificant, yet clouds, celestial bodies, and birds each have their soaring posture, offering them a larger stage.

Now, a beautiful bird in the sky, with elegant azure tail feathers fluttering, seems to hover right before his eyes. Not seems—it is getting closer, close enough for him to see a person sitting on the bird's back.

That person leans down, as if checking whether the one lying on the ground is dead.

Flame Wave, thinking he's hallucinating, sees a face of tranquil concern with bright, serene blue eyes, "Raina Grace..." he calls out, laughing at his own madness and folly, indulging yet soul-stirring.

"Ah?" The person exclaims, startled, quickly straightening up and urging the bird to fly away.

That voice, that action? Flame Wave leaps up, shouting after the fleeing bird: "Raina Grace! Why are you running?"

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