Chapter 123 Mission Memory

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Flame Wave did not delay long before visiting Aurum Aspire. Though their paths had diverged over the years, the bond of their past friendship still held a place in their hearts, one neither wished to break easily.

"You didn't bring her along?"

"You also didn't have outsiders present."

"Then our understanding remains. Today, let's talk alone."

"Alright, it's been a long time since we've had a one-on-one chat."

Aurum Aspire brought out a bottle of wine he had prepared in advance: "This is Azure and White Dew, remember?"

Flame Wave took it and sniffed the familiar scent of herbs and woods: "Jade Thistle loved this refreshing taste, yet always ended up drunk."

Aurum Aspire took a sip, letting the fresh flavor slowly soak his taste buds before sliding down his throat, instantly feeling refreshed.

But he knew this was an illusion. The more awake you felt, the deeper the wine's illusion became. At this point, reason and emotion separated: reason tells you it's an illusion, but emotions say it doesn't matter. Even if it's an illusion, isn't this slight intoxication and relaxation pleasant?

Therefore, he and Flame Wave, who both valued reason highly, were not inclined to try this wine easily.

Only Jade Thistle, with her deep but expressive emotions, found her greatest struggle in being bound by considerations, unable to indulge and vent her feelings freely. When she discovered the unique effect of Azure and White Dew, she became addicted, collecting it in hopes of drowning her sorrows.

"It's a pity Azure and White Dew is hard to come by. She never indulged herself to the point of utter recklessness. The inability to let go became her final mark," Aurum Aspire sighed.

Flame Wave also took a sip, unsure if it was his own emotions growing richer or the memory of Jade Thistle's last days that gave him a sense of sorrow with each drink. "That's your mark of regret, too. A man, watching the most important woman in his life fade away before his eyes." After saying this, Flame Wave took another gulp. The wine had no bite, nor was it lingering, but its faint touch soothed him deeply.

Reminiscent of Raina Grace's elusive smiles and kisses... Flame Wave put down the wine pot with a smile, not daring to drink more, now was not the time to be drunk.

"Take it easy, I only have these two small pots," Aurum Aspire leisurely savored another sip, "Aren't you going to admit that Jade Thistle also holds an equal place in your heart?"

"I've never denied it," Flame Wave stated openly, "You know, my Silver Wolf mask was crafted by her hands. Without that mask, there would have been no Silver Wolf."

What they didn't explicitly mention was that, although Jade Thistle was with Aurum Aspire, her heart always chose Flame Wave, something she emphasized when drunk. Perhaps by then, she sensed her time was short, hence her affection for Azure and White Dew, using it to confess her feelings.

"I don't understand, if she liked you so much, why did she stay with me? Even in death, she had no regrets." This was what pained Aurum Aspire the most.

"Because she was clear-headed. Being with me, none of the three of us would be happy," Jade Thistle's very words, which Flame Wave could understand.

Aurum Aspire suddenly looked up, gazing directly at Flame Wave: "You know, her innate mission was to be with me."

"Mission?" Flame Wave slowly repeated the word, feeling its heavy significance.

"Yes, mission," Aurum Aspire said solemnly, word by word, "Have you forgotten your mission, Captain?"

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