Chapter 117 Eager Visits

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At the Bamboo Family's residence, after sending off the Azure Phoenix, Raina Grace reengaged in pleasantries with Bamboo Jane, expressing her politeness, gratitude, and desire to resolve issues promptly: "So, you are the head of the Bamboo Family. I was rude before, and now I'm intruding again. If there's anything I can assist with, please do not hesitate to ask. I'll do my best and hope you can overlook past misunderstandings to enlighten me."

This was Raina Grace's first formal interaction with humans, and she tried her best to show sincerity, though she felt her imitation was clumsy and awkward, wondering how the other party might mock her internally.

Bamboo Jane was outwardly very polite and thorough. Having witnessed the intimacy between Raina Grace and the Azure Phoenix, she fully understood that the only way to obtain what she needed was through this girl. Despite her seemingly gentle and harmless demeanor, the girl's actions demonstrated her decisive and resilient side, showing she would not be easily manipulated or coerced.

Having lived through many years and encountered various people, managing the Bamboo Family's reputation as impeccable and secure, Bamboo Jane considered herself adept at understanding people. She knew when to feign ignorance and when to be sincere, usually handling these situations with ease. However, facing Raina Grace, Bamboo Jane suddenly felt out of her depth.

Was it because her request was significant, leading to fear of loss, or was it due to the girl's mysterious origin and unfathomable powers? Bamboo Jane tried her best to observe and understand, but could only see her own unsettled reflection in the girl's serene and cool eyes.

Everyone awaited Bamboo Jane's response.

The Bamboo family members couldn't comprehend why their leader, usually so decisive and composed, remained silent for so long in the presence of a young girl. Even though she was no ordinary girl—with an indescribable demeanor and elegance that reminded one of the sea breeze and moonlit rivers—her naivety was transparent, like a crystal-clear spring, causing Bamboo Jane to lose her composure and blurt out, "You... come from the abyss too?"

"Too? Who else comes from the abyss?" Raina Grace quickly picked up on the mention of the abyss, "You seem quite familiar with the abyss, could it be..."

"No, no," Bamboo Jane immediately denied, struggling to articulate her thoughts. She debated whether to reveal everything or continue hiding the truth, caught in a dilemma.

The shock of today's events was overwhelming, and instinctively, Bamboo Jane wanted to trust the girl, but her habitual caution and the weight of her responsibilities made her indecisive. In her confusion, she looked around for someone she trusted implicitly to help resolve her dilemma.

"The Elemental Magnetic Abyss is known to all from the Surface Domain," Silver Tan stepped forward, having not gone to Pine Mist Mountain but kept up with the news. He was puzzled by what he missed and why Bamboo Jane was unusually hesitant and almost misspoke. "Why not invite Miss Raina Grace inside to talk? These matters can't be explained in a moment."

"Miss Raina Grace might not know, but Elder Silver Tan is the mentor of the security officer," someone else interjected, laughing and introducing him to break the awkward standstill.

It seems everyone knows about Flame Wave and her relationship, Raina Grace thought. Flame Wave never mentioned her mentor before. Without speaking, she nodded towards Silver Tan in respect.

Silver Tan didn't expect the girl to maintain her composure and continued with formalities he wasn't used to: "Oh, Flame Wave has far surpassed me. I'm merely an honorary elder now, not as influential as the security officer."

"The security officer has her own strengths. But for us in the Bamboo Family, Elder Silver Tan is our backbone and most relied upon," someone added.

"Indeed, Elder Silver Tan seeks nothing but a smile from the head of the family. He cares little for fame or fortune," another chimed in, lightening the mood.

Bamboo Jane gradually regained her composure, feigning annoyance, "Stop making things up. Elder Silver Tan's aspirations are beyond our guess." She then addressed Raina Grace, "I understand your eagerness for answers. But as Elder Silver Tan said, it's a complicated matter, and I'm mostly speculating. I can't guarantee its accuracy. We can share our knowledge, and perhaps you know more than I do. Shall we go inside to discuss this slowly?"

Raina Grace had no intention of clarifying everything at the doorstep. So, following Bamboo Jane's suggestion: "I shall respectfully comply. I hope you can enlighten me, and I'll also share what I know. We might gain additional insights from each other."

Although it was a mutual exchange, given the Bamboo Family's numbers and their disadvantage in this matter, having witnessed Raina Grace's interaction with the Azure Phoenix, Bamboo Jane placed high hopes on Raina Grace and was genuinely welcoming.

As everyone settled, multiple messages arrived: various figures, including some of significance, had heard of Miss Raina Grace's stay and wished to meet her. The Bamboo Family would typically receive them, at least not turning them away, but since the visits were for Raina Grace, they were all declined at her discretion.

However, one visitor couldn't be dismissed. The messenger said, "He insisted we inform you, claiming that once his name is mentioned, Miss Raina Grace would surely meet him."

"Oh? Why is everyone so confident?" Bamboo Jane, already impatient from the interruptions and having instructed no further messages, was surprised this one got through, "Why didn't you just refuse him?"

"Because..." the messenger hesitated, "he mentioned some of the head's... daily habits. Claiming he's well-acquainted with the head, insisting we pass the message or face the head's reprimand."

"Hmm? How did someone learn of my habits to convince you?" Bamboo Jane was frustrated, not expecting someone to use her to meet Raina Grace.

Silver Tan had a guess, instructing the messenger, "Let him in," then to Bamboo Jane, "It might be him."

Bamboo Jane's heart raced, asking hesitantly, "You mean?"

Silver Tan sighed, "The one you've been thinking of."

Raina Grace was also guessing in his mind, who was the person who said he would definitely meet?

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