Chapter 53 Companion by Your Side

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Reunited after a long time, Raina Grace and Flicker Shadow have many questions for each other. Over the years, Raina has become more communicative, while Flicker Shadow has grown more reticent, changes shaped by their respective experiences.

Raina is curious about what Flicker Shadow has been through to cause such a transformation.

Not only has his appearance changed drastically, but his elemental magnetic aura is also completely different, mixed with courage, excitement, bloodthirstiness, enlightenment, and other elements Raina cannot decipher.

Not only has his appearance changed drastically, but his elemental magnetic aura is also completely different, mixed with courage, excitement, bloodthirstiness, enlightenment, and other elements Raina cannot decipher

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She starts with a simple question, pointing to the black panther trailing them, "What about that one?" The panther, neither too close nor too far, seems uneasy.

Flicker Shadow looks back and calls, "Lightning!" The panther perks up but hesitates as it moves forward.

"Is that your companion?" Raina gestures towards WeeStick. "It might be afraid of this Terra Grove Heart."

Flicker Shadow is initially puzzled by Lightning's behavior and even more so by Raina's comment. His keen observation skills have already detected another life form near Raina. Accustomed to strange creatures in Verdant Thistle Forest, he hadn't paid much attention. But what is a Terra Grove Heart? Lightning, having faced life and death with him, had never shown fear before, and now it seems wary of a small piece of wood?

"You know the Free People's Tribe and the Terra Grove Tribe have a symbiotic relationship, right? WeeStick is from the Terra Grove Tribe." Raina briefly explains the Terra Grove Heart to Flicker Shadow, "WeeStick is also my companion, just like you and Lightning."

"How can we make Lightning less afraid of you?" Raina asks WeeStick, emphasizing the importance of getting along as companions.

WeeStick, having been observing the man, senses his strength through Terra Grove intuition and decides it's best not to provoke him. The Terra Grove Tribe, besides symbiosis, has no other means of attacking humans. The intimidation of animals is an instinctive, natural hierarchy, much like the Azure Phoenix naturally dominating the Terra Grove.

The fact that the panther has stayed near WeeStick for so long without fleeing shows considerable restraint. Unsure how to actively approach the panther, WeeStick shakes its head.

Raina thinks that whether it's humans, animals, or the Terra Grove Tribe, peaceful coexistence is based on trust and respect. The fastest way to build trust? She might have an idea.

Raina once experimented with using elemental magnetic power for various tasks, like attacking, destroying, building, or organizing, but found she couldn't do much. Later, she discovered she could communicate with animals using this power, borrowing their strength. However, this forced bond eventually led animals to emit a black aura of resentment and resistance. Not wanting to misuse this power again, Raina ceased using it.

But now, she thinks she might help WeeStick and Lightning communicate, allowing WeeStick to convey goodwill to Lightning. Perhaps this could ease Lightning's wariness?

Extending her arms, Raina lets her blue light flow towards WeeStick and Lightning. WeeStick, familiar with Raina's blue elemental magnetic power, feels comfortable; Lightning, initially startled, looks around, wondering what's enveloping it, feeling a warm, sleepy sensation.

 WeeStick, familiar with Raina's blue elemental magnetic power, feels comfortable; Lightning, initially startled, looks around, wondering what's enveloping it, feeling a warm, sleepy sensation

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"WeeStick, can you talk to Lightning? See if it wants to be our companion." Raina suggests.

WeeStick slowly flies towards Lightning, who doesn't shy away.

"Let's get closer too," Raina suggests to Flicker Shadow, "showing Lightning we're companions. A companion's companion should be a companion too."

However, Flicker Shadow instinctively steps back, then realizes and stops, mumbling an apology, "Sorry, I'm... not used to..."

"Have you been alone in the jungle for a long time?" Raina gently asks.

Flicker Shadow sees no reason to hide and wants to share with Raina the vibrancy of the forest and the worthiness of his days there. As he speaks, his initially halting words become fluid, and he gradually separates from his oneness with the forest, standing real and tangible before Raina.

Unknowingly, they talk and walk, not noticing WeeStick and Lightning gradually becoming friendly behind them.

As the sky darkens, the Free People's Tribe is not far. "Should we go directly, or stay in the forest for the night and continue tomorrow?" Raina asks.

"Would you stay in the forest with me for the night?" Flicker Shadow offers. "I know the best places for shelter, where there's plenty of food, and the quietest spots."

He recalls countless days and nights in the jungle, some peaceful, some intense, some exhilarating, some suffocating. But never has he felt such tranquil pleasure, even a restlessness.

This restlessness makes Flicker Shadow fear that everything before him is an illusion, that everything will vanish upon returning to human society. He wants to delay the inevitable, even if just for a moment.

"Sure," Raina agrees happily, "Verdant Thistle Forest feels more like home to me. And even though you've stayed longer in the Free People's Tribe, you seem to prefer the days in the jungle. Maybe we can be companions from now on."

"By the way, there's a small hot spring where I live." Raina suddenly feels eager to invite Flicker Shadow into her small haven, describing its beauty to him.

Flicker Shadow listens in silence, never imagining such a place in Verdant Thistle Forest, a place not about adventure and excitement, but about peaceful living. A warmth and emotion well up in him; he never thought he'd find a real home in the forest and a companion to share life with.

It seems all the past dangers, trials, thrills, and excitement have faded. He no longer feels the urge to wander and migrate. He yearns to stay by that small hot spring, wash away the dust and fatigue, and remain there, motionless.

He looks up at the endless dark green canopy, no different from any other day. But now, he feels a flicker of light in the corner of his eye, his vision blurring gradually.

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