Chapter 35 The Death in the Ice Mist

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Verdant Thistle Forest is a natural treasure, a paradise for flora and fauna. The trees are tall and robust, creating a dense canopy that divides the forest into two distinct spaces: the sky above and the dense forest below.

In the sky, various bird species enjoy freedom and limitless space, living atop the trees and roaming the clouds. To them, the dense forest below is mysterious and dangerous.

The dense forest is home to snakes, insects, rodents, ants, and ferocious beasts lurking in the dark, hiding in leaves, crevices, underbrush, and streams. They quietly and lazily watch every creature that enters, assessing them from all angles, ready to pounce without hesitation once they identify their prey, and then devour it.

After such events, the forest returns to its peaceful and thriving state.

"This is a purple zhi mushroom, known for its beautifying properties. But this one is still red, only about thirty years old, not of high quality. We should note it and return in a few years to harvest it. But we also need to protect it from wild animals," Crimson explained to Ice Mist.

Crimson thought that with Ice Mist's physical condition, collecting herbs was probably the most she could do, so he mainly taught her about this.

Although gathering and hunting are part of the patrol team's duties, their main purpose isn't to acquire prey. The Free People's population is small, and the plantation's output is enough to meet their needs. Instead, the process of harvesting is used to train their sensitivity to elemental magnetic power.

It's a subtle sensation, often more pronounced when near flora or fauna with a single elemental magnetic force. Experienced people have deduced that these forces correspond to one of the five elements of the Elemental Magnetic Star Domain: water, earth, wood, fire, and metal.

The people of the Elemental Magnetic Star Domain progress through elemental magnetic power in the order of water, earth, wood, fire, and metal. The Free People also considered training in this sequence.

However, unlike the Elemental Magnetic Heavenly Domain, which purely contains these elements in distinct domains (Water Realm, Earth Realm, Wood Realm, Fire Realm, and Gold Realm), the single elemental forces in Verdant Thistle Forest are scarce and insufficient for advancement.

Therefore, the Free People had to develop their own method of training in elemental magnetic power, relying more on sensitivity to subtle sensations. This requires innate talent.

Those without this talent cannot discern the differences in elemental magnetic forces and thus cannot open the corresponding sensory channels to absorb them, rendering the power unusable to them

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Those without this talent cannot discern the differences in elemental magnetic forces and thus cannot open the corresponding sensory channels to absorb them, rendering the power unusable to them.

Those without talent but who adapt well to elemental magnetic power, with the help of Elemental Magnetic Fruits, can freely move through Verdant Thistle Forest for gathering purposes, though they need some ability to protect themselves.

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