Chapter 159 Intertwined like Water

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Do you really think you can leave her to fend for herself?" Raina Grace didn't believe it.

It turned out it wasn't a hallucination of Flame Wave, but Raina Grace truly approached riding the waves. She was so at ease and fearless in the sea, instantly dispelling all anxieties and worries, making Flame Wave's heart feel like it had returned to its homeland, immersed in celestial music.

And Jadelle, of course, wasn't left to fend for herself but was reluctantly carried away by a white falcon. "If only one of two people could live, I couldn't possibly give up myself for her."

"That's the choice almost everyone would make. But I thought Silver Wolf's attitude towards life, 'What's a hundred years in the grand scheme of things?' would be different."

Flame Wave sighed internally at Raina Grace's magnanimous attitude of not taking his life and death to heart, but also knew she didn't mean to provoke him and had arrived at his side in the most critical moment. He couldn't ask for more than her gratitude.

"If it's for you, then what's the harm in sacrificing myself?" Flame Wave could only say his true feelings in a teasing tone, "You know, I'm not just about living a hundred years."

Raina Grace studied Flame Wave's expression: "Do you think I don't worry about your life and death?"

Flame Wave also looked at her seriously: "Do you think my saying only you are worth my sacrifice is false?"

"I, of course, believe in you." The experiences in the Gold and Silver Sea helped Raina Grace clarify her feelings. She was no longer as confused and ignorant as before.

She knew that some precious emotions are like a painting that can't be fully depicted. When she tasted this emotion, she understood what the books meant by describing it as a spring breeze or a gushing spring. It adds dazzling colors to the base of life, making life more colorful. Between laughter and silence, it's like a bird spreading its wings, flying freely.

A gentle embrace, strong arms, giving the strength to move forward in difficult times, and sheltering the peace of the soul. It's silence, but also words, like a silent symphony of communication and contemplation. In the quiet of the night, it whispers incessantly, allowing the soul to flow in peace. Love is tolerance and freedom. It's the meeting of souls, the resonance of tacit understanding. It is eternal, yet fleeting.

Raina Grace threw herself into Flame Wave's arms: "I'm so very glad you're still here, I didn't come too late."

Feeling Raina Grace's deep affection from the heart, Flame Wave was filled with an incredible sense of joy and excitement. If this was the reward at the end of his life, he felt it was enough.

In his excitement and with strength from who knows where, he suddenly lifted Raina Grace—predictably—they both sank into the water. However, unlike Flame Wave who choked on a big gulp of water, Raina Grace was like a fish in water.

While laughing, Raina Grace hurriedly pushed Flame Wave to the surface: "Were you planning to live in the endless sea with me?"

Before Flame Wave could feel embarrassed, he felt a pang in his heart: "I, probably don't have the ability to survive in the endless sea." So, it's better for us to return to the Elemental Magnetic Star Domain together.

Raina Grace thought for a moment, then suddenly said, "Right, where's your Silver Wolf mask?"

Flame Wave felt a strong unease, looking at the pale hand extended in front of him, he closed his eyes: "Raina Grace, I love you. Can you..."

This was the first time Flame Wave said he loved her. Raina Grace suddenly felt her cheeks heat up, lightly scolding: "Now you say this? I was asking about your mask."

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