Chapter 29 The Free People Tribe

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However, Raina Grace didn't get to meet the Saintess immediately upon her arrival, nor did she see her for a long time after. Flicker Shadow explained that the Saintess was in seclusion.

The tribal chief met Raina once, merely inquiring if she had never been registered in the City of Benevolence at birth. Raina honestly confirmed that she hadn't.

The chief then said to Wind Voice and the others, "That's right, since she's never been marked in the Elemental Magnetic Net, she won't trigger it unless she directly contacts the net, just like the net doesn't scan any animals in the Surface Domain."

Wind Voice was visibly disappointed, and Coiled Stone stormed out in a fit of rage.

Only Flicker Shadow reassured Raina, "It's okay, you didn't come here for that."

When Flicker Shadow had asked Raina to come to the Free People Tribe, he simply told her that there was no Elemental Magnetic Net to worry about, that there were no concerns regarding identity or status, and everyone was equal and independent. This was the "freedom" the tribe had always promoted.

Indeed, Raina had no idea about the "Mother of Shielding." If she had known, she probably wouldn't have come due to guilt.

The tribal chief, however, welcomed Raina's arrival, affirming and supporting her "efforts and sacrifices in pursuit of freedom." He then instructed Wind Voice to take care of Raina as an ordinary tribe member before dismissing them.

That night, Raina stayed with Flicker Shadow - Wind Voice mentioned he would make other arrangements for her the next day.

That night, Raina stayed with Flicker Shadow - Wind Voice mentioned he would make other arrangements for her the next day

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"You're not used to it, are you?" Flicker Shadow hesitantly asked Raina as he lay on the floor. "I've heard that the living conditions in the Surface Domain are much better."

Raina was lying on the bed that should have been Flicker Shadow's. The hard wooden bed was covered with some animal furs that were prickly and slightly smelly.

Moreover, nights in Verdant Thistle Forest were especially cold. Raina could see her breath turn into white mist in the moonlight streaming through the window, gathering and dissipating with her breathing rhythm.

"It's okay," she murmured, her voice fading into the quiet light and shadows, drifting off to sleep.

The next day, Flicker Shadow was already gone when Raina woke up. She heard occasional voices outside the window, unable to discern the time.

Raina felt a bit dizzy, mainly because she kept hearing someone yelling at her in her dreams, sounding like threats and pleas, which disturbed her sleep.

The inability to judge time also made her feel a bit disoriented, a sense of detachment from reality.

Deciding to get up and look around, Raina stepped outside. It was late when she had arrived the day before, and she hadn't had a chance to observe the surroundings.

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