Chapter 163 Originating from the Abyss

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The process of searching the passageway was surprisingly simple and smooth. Though it meandered with several minor offshoots, it was not complex—one end led to Verdant Thistle Forest, and the other to a sheer cliff of the abyss, with all other routes leading nowhere. Aside from the grotesquely shaped rocks, there was nothing to be found, not even the hint of danger.

"It's odd, why isn't there a single blade of grass in this cave, let alone insects?" Flame Wave questioned, finding it hard to believe this was the same abyss of legend and wondering if they had somehow gone astray.

"This doesn't feel right at all, nothing like the abyss," Flicker Shadow rarely agreed with Flame Wave but shared his sentiment this time.

"Flicker Shadow, do you also feel it's different from when you were here before?" Raina Grace noticed the anomaly as well.

"Yes, it now feels like a normal cave, not like before with the violent elemental magnetic forces useful for training." The unique and turbulent elemental magnetic power of the abyss used to feel as if it wanted to tear everything apart, inflicting pain on Flicker Shadow while also honing his own magnetic field.

"Indeed, our first time here, we were deeply taught by the abyss's magnetic storms and the dark elements that sought to invade everything," Raina Grace looked at WeeStick, who had almost lost his senses to the dark elements back then.

Losing senses again? Could the abyssal power within the Azure Phoenix be preventing it from connecting with the Phoenix's rebirth power? However, now wasn't the time for such thoughts. Raina Grace pulled her wandering mind back to the current discussion, "Everything has disappeared now. Disappeared so thoroughly, as Flame Wave said, not even a snake or bug in sight, no vegetation at all. This place has become an isolated space..."

At this, Raina Grace and Flame Wave exchanged looks: could they really have been isolated in another dimension?

Flicker Shadow, catching on, dashed to the entrance and returned, visibly relieved, "No, we can still get out normally."

"If there's nothing wrong with the entrance, then could the problem lie with the other end?" Flame Wave suggested.

"Do you mean the cliff that truly leads into the abyss?" Raina Grace hesitated, "That's too unpredictable."

No one knew what lay beneath, nor could they be sure what they might encounter. Moreover, how to descend and survive there needed careful planning.

"This calm, could it mean the abyssal forces have disappeared? Or are we in a period of stability?" Willow Wood suddenly spoke up, "I can't feel any trace of the Sky Whispers either; they might have retreated deeper. No, I must find them."

Willow Wood had always been a fervent advocate for venturing into the abyss and was unwilling to back down now that they had finally arrived.

"What do you plan to do once you find them? Rejoin them?" Raina Grace never understood Willow Wood's eagerness; having escaped the abyss, why seek to reconnect? If his intent was to save his kin, his words and actions carried a disdain for the abyssal Sky Whispers rather than compassion, as if they deserved their fate.

"No, of course not. But they still have their uses," Willow Wood said bluntly, though without elaborating on his plans.

"Do you have a special way to communicate with them, then? How else would you find them? Didn't you say the abyss is vast, and there are Sky Whispers you've never met?" Raina Grace wondered if they could use the Sky Whispers to explore the abyss further.

"That, well, the abyss has become our second home, just a few dwelling places we frequent. There's no special communication method," Willow Wood was clearly evasive.

Since Willow Wood offered no clear answers, Flame Wave grew tired of his vagueness, "The abyss is not our second home, and if we're to go, we need a solid reason and thorough preparation. Mr. Willow Wood, if you're in such a hurry, you might as well go ahead, since it's your second home, after all. You don't need any preparation."

Willow Wood choked on his response, "I could, but Miss Jadelle still needs to prepare. Since we came together, it's best we act together."

"I don't need to act with you; I'd rather not hold you back," Jadelle, not close to Willow Wood, retorted.

"See, aside from me, who else would want to accompany you?" Willow Wood scoffed.

Jadelle's face reddened, and she looked at Flame Wave, ready to argue, but Flicker Shadow, already displeased with their quarreling, cut in, "What's the use of all this bickering? Those who can go should just go, those who need to prepare should prepare. Stop the endless chatter."

"Right," Raina Grace also felt that lingering here wasn't productive, "If we don't have a better plan, we might as well head back and deliberate further."

"You're all too..." Willow Wood almost cursed in frustration but changed his tone upon seeing Flame Wave's mocking smile, "cautious. Since everything's calm now, why not take this opportunity to explore further? Next time might bring unknown dangers."

"Go down? How?" Flame Wave frowned, turning to Flicker Shadow, "I'm here for the first time; are we supposed to just jump down?"

"I've never jumped, so I don't know," Flicker Shadow shrugged.

"The abyss's bottom naturally has elemental magnetic forces to catch you, no need to fear," Willow Wood tried to persuade them.

"Just because you say so? Do we have any proof?" Flicker Shadow was skeptical, "Why don't you jump and show us?"

"I could jump, but you wouldn't see it if you don't follow," Willow Wood seemed eager to leap immediately but knew the others wouldn't follow, only insisting, "Trust me, it's possible."

However, no one believed him. After a glance around, Willow Wood pleaded with Raina Grace, "Miss Raina Grace, you're the bravest and most meticulous of us. If we miss this calm period, it might become difficult to enter the abyss again."

"We don't have to go at all costs," Raina Grace remained unmoved, "If you're in a hurry, you really don't need to wait for us."

"Going alone would be pointless," Willow Wood admitted.

Raina Grace waited for an explanation, but he remained vague, leading the group to distrust him.

Flicker Shadow led the way back to the entrance, followed by the others. Willow Wood, frustrated, lagged behind.

Though they returned without achieving their goal, the trip wasn't entirely fruitless. Flicker Shadow planned to visit the freemen's tribe to report the situation and investigate the abyss's call personally.

Flame Wave's suspicions about Willow Wood deepened, resolved not to be swayed by him and determined to uncover his true intentions.

Raina Grace, already full of doubts about the abyss, now felt even more that everything was shrouded in mystery, as if it all began with the abyss. To resolve everything, would they ultimately have to return to the abyss?

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