Chapter 151 Floating Ropes in the Void

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Raina Grace decided to return to the Surface Domain, but this time, the Azure Phoenix couldn't accompany her. No matter how she tried to awaken it, the Azure Phoenix remained indifferent, contentedly basking in its own bliss. The Pale Jade Tree explained that it was influenced by the remnants of the Azure Phoenix's Nirvana, choosing to indulge in this state willingly.

Hearing this, the Azure Phoenix wasn't entirely unresponsive: "You're saying I'm intoxicated by the essence of the Azure and White Forest? If this is intoxication, I gladly accept it. Here, I sense the presence of my kind, their dreams, and hopes, all reaching heights I cannot attain. I wish to bask in their radiance and immortality..."

With no other option, Raina Grace hoped everything would return to normal after resolving all matters. She then asked the white falcon to take her to the Surface Domain, bringing WeeStick along.

The Surface Domain remained unchanged, as if time had stood still: the lotus pond blossoming in spring and bearing fruit in autumn, the tumultuous endless sea, even the expressions on people's faces remained the same.

But Granny Rain was nowhere to be found, and Flame Wave, who used to glare at her with ferocity, was also missing.

Raina Grace couldn't find any information on Jadelle—she had no way to inquire about the City of Benevolence. She felt her only option was to search for the spaceship directly since everyone was headed there.

But she had no idea where in the City of Benevolence the spaceship was located. Although the Surface Domain was her home, she now found herself without anyone to turn to for help, which made her feel defeated. Fortunately, Silver Tan had given her a lead—Luminous Harmony, who was said to be in the Surface Domain now.

Planning to seek Luminous Harmony's assistance, Raina Grace was impressed by his vast experience and wisdom. Arriving at an open area, she took out the spiritual fin, which floated in the air for a while before flying in a certain direction.

After some time, Raina Grace realized it was headed towards Verdant Thistle Forest, or perhaps, the Endless Abyss? However, upon reaching the edge of the Endless Abyss, the fin hesitated, circling as if lost, and finally, it could no longer continue, forcing Raina Grace to retrieve it.

Surveying the nearby terrain, Raina Grace recognized this place as where she first crossed the Endless Abyss into Verdant Thistle Forest, also the path developed by the Free People for their travels between the Surface Domain and the forest. She wondered if they could still cross the dangerous abyss without the Sacred Maiden's Cloak.

The Verdant Thistle Forest remained lush as ever, with no sign of the Free People. Raina Grace looked back at the Endless Abyss with mixed feelings: Could Luminous Harmony and the others have returned to the abyss? After all, it was the only place the Sky Whisper could seek refuge after leaving the Endless Sea. Moreover, Luminous Harmony was severely injured, and according to the Pale Jade Tree, the weakened Sky Whisper could only hide in the abyss for survival.

"How can we find him then?" Raina Grace asked WeeStick, realizing it couldn't accompany her to the abyss due to its susceptibility to its destructive forces.

Sure enough, WeeStick protested: "I don't want to go back to the abyss. It devastates the tree body and leaves deep shadows."

Raina Grace chuckled: "Alright, we definitely can't let our WeeStick be tormented or left with shadows again."

"Um, Raina Grace, should we go back to the Terra Grove to check? Now that we're back," WeeStick hesitated.

"You should go back," Raina Grace advised WeeStick, whose clan was there, having left with her out of necessity.

"What about you?" WeeStick inquired.

Raina Grace shook her head: "The Free People's tribe doesn't welcome me." She didn't belong there.

"But Flicker Shadow must miss you," WeeStick naively stated, "You were always together back then."

"And Lightning, I miss them too..." Raina Grace murmured. Yet, something prevented her from rushing to see them.

Were her old friends still well? Had they changed?

She couldn't remain indecisive. The abyss's influence on her was no longer as strong as before; she felt capable of resisting it. While searching for Luminous Harmony, she also planned to explore the abyss further. "WeeStick, go back to the Terra Grove. I'll wait here for you after finding Luminous Harmony."

WeeStick hesitated for a moment. It really needed to return, and Raina Grace didn't want to accompany it. "Wait for me, I'll be back soon."

"No rush. Let's meet here afterward—" Raina Grace, concerned her exploration of the abyss might take longer, didn't want WeeStick to worry. But WeeStick, eager to return, might not have heard her clearly.

Since the abyss was indeed a deep and unfathomable chasm, descending required wings to fly. After the white falcon brought Raina Grace to the Surface Domain, it went off on its own, and Raina Grace couldn't risk letting it venture into the abyss.

However, knowing the abyss's impact on the Azure Phoenix, Raina Grace had anticipated that eventually, all problems would need to be addressed there. Learning about the Sky Whisper and the Gold and Silver Sea's connection to the abyss only solidified her determination to explore it.

She had prepared for this visit by crafting a "Floating Rope" while in the Celestial Domain. Using minerals from Flame Wave's residence and a catalyst mixed with her blood, she created a silver-white rope that could be worn around the arms and waist.

The Floating Rope didn't allow for flight but could slow descent. Additionally, it had strong auxiliary functions—entanglement and positioning, aiding the user in controlling their direction. This was Raina Grace's consideration for climbing and leveraging in the abyss.

Choosing a suitable terrain, with the help of elemental magnetic power and the Floating Rope, Raina Grace slowly descended to a large tree hanging on the cliffside of the abyss. The chilling wind made the bottom of the abyss seem exceptionally cold and deep. From her position, the tree appeared to be the only life in the abyss.

This tree, enduring countless years on the cliffside, stood tall and sturdy, its branches lush, covered in long moss and ferns, exuding ancientness. The leaves whispered secrets of the abyss in the wind, while the roots clung to the sheer cliff, extending into the unseen darkness below. Echoes of water, as if from some mysterious lifeform, resonated, suggesting spirits in the abyss. Dim lights scattered across the cliffs and bottom added to the mystery, barely illuminating their surroundings.

Various cave openings on the cliffside looked like the mouths of giant dark monsters, their jagged edges menacing. Vines and moss surrounded the caves, as if ancient lives sought survival here. Some caves emitted faint light, barely brightening their entrances.

Raina Grace knew some caves led to dead ends, while others to hidden paths. Last time, luck led her to the Azure Phoenix's egg, but she dared not test her luck again. She only wished to locate Luminous Harmony.

Releasing the spiritual fin once more, it glowed with a faint purple light in the dark, seemingly responding to the abyss's light sources. It floated down, flickering as if waiting for Raina Grace, ready to guide her.

Following the fin's lead, Raina Grace carefully navigated the terrain until she reached a cave entrance. The fin's dim purple light continued to flicker, as if inviting Raina Grace: Please enter, please enter.

Having come this far, Raina Grace had no intention of retreating. The cave was eerily quiet and dark, with only her footsteps echoing. The moist, cold air mixed with a sense of suffocation and despair, signaling the approach of dark matter.

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