Chapter 83 Talks of Love

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As an apprentice Avril, Raina Grace was not yet assigned specific tasks or required to meet a certain workload. Instead, she was encouraged to listen, observe, and participate more at Prosperous Gathering to better integrate into her role and discover her best service skills in the future.

Prosperous Gathering, a high-end place for romance and socializing, was frequented by cultured "Elemental Knights" — those who had attended academies or held a certain status in the "Alliance," as well as members of major families. They rarely engaged in harsh words or insulted those of lower status to avoid demeaning themselves.

Thus, Raina Grace was told that as long as her behavior was not outrageous, she could speak freely. It was not so much that the guests were tolerant, but rather that they enjoyed novelty: An Avril with unique insights could add to the amusement, and even minor indiscretions were forgivable in such a setting.

Prosperous Gathering was also considered a cradle of high-minded discussions and innovative ideas. A fresh and clever remark could hit the spot and be spread by the attendees, making the speaker a "celebrity" for a while until the next popular phrase took over.

If an Avril or a Gentle (male attendant) made a comment or acted in a way that became a trend among the guests, not only would their value increase, but Prosperous Gathering itself would be elevated, attracting more high-class and fashionable patrons for a time.

Everyone aspired to be witty, but becoming a "trend" required not just talent but also luck. Most tried to replicate the format and style of previous popular phrases, hoping to stand out. However, by the time they crafted a sentence that reflected current discussions and trends, the trend had often shifted, leaving them chasing the next wave, endlessly entertained by the cycle.

Some, lacking talent, gambled on luck. They spoke boldly, made random judgments, or went against the trend in an attempt to be unique. In these cases, the audience either politely laughed and walked away or shared a look of mutual derision.

While the person ignored or mocked might not feel embarrassed on the surface, the cost was hidden and sometimes fatal — cutting off their social and career paths.

Being ostracized from the social circle for speaking out of turn was a severe consequence, especially for Avrils and Gents who lived off these circles. "Then why are we encouraged to speak freely?" Raina Grace wondered. Wouldn't this harm Prosperous Gathering too?

"People are always forgiving towards newcomers!" Ying Lark — another chief Avril, giggled. "Just kidding. Actually, Prosperous Gathering doesn't care how Avrils are viewed by the guests because we can't escape this circle anyway. Even if it's a reputation for foolishness, it's still a reputation, and there will always be someone who likes it."

Then, with a mischievous smile, she asked Raina Grace, "What do you think my reputation at Prosperous Gathering is?"

Prosperous Gathering was a melting pot of information, not just from guests but also from Avrils and Gents who further spread these stories, mixing truth and fiction without accountability or origin. Like the wind, it comes and goes without a trace but can stir the waters and create waves.

Raina Grace had heard much about Ying Lark's reputation. Many guests liked her, which was expected for a chief Avril. But she was known for her clever ways of continuing to extract money from clients she no longer served. Rumors suggested Ying Lark had something on these guests, forcing them to keep paying her even if they had lost interest.

"Are they saying I'm good at catching clients' weaknesses?" Ying Lark was well aware of the rumor but also frustrated, "If only I had something on them. But I have nothing, yet I have to carry this reputation. Over time, this rumor makes regular guests afraid to interact with me, fearing I'll find something on them."

"Why do those guests give you money then?" Raina Grace couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, it's because of my skills..." Ying Lark began, then burst into giggles, shaking so much she took a while to calm down and continue, "But it's not about catching people's weaknesses, nothing so high-IQ. It's just playing a role they can't reach. The more unattainable, the more they can't let go." Proudly, Ying Lark adjusted her exquisite hairstyle, making a minimal gesture because it was too perfect to alter.

"Unattainable, yet they can't let go?" Raina Grace sensed the emphasis was on the last part, "Is this human nature?"

Seeing Raina Grace's dewy eyes, filled with intelligence and innocence, Ying Lark pinched her face jealously, "Ah, if only those eyes..." She paused before continuing, "You could enchant anyone. Who could bear to disappoint those eyes?"

Raina Grace knew Ying Lark initially meant to say "if only those eyes weren't blue," a sentiment she had heard from many. Although she had never thought her eye color was an issue, the frequent mixture of sighs and schadenfreude forced her to accept it.

"You're young and completely naive about love," Ying Lark continued, "Liking someone can drive you crazy, defying all logic. Because of love, just a silhouette or a lock of hair can become an obsession."

Although Avrils competed with each other, the constant making and breaking of relationships between men and women in the Elemental Magnetic Star Domain meant cooperation among friends and colleagues was valued more. So, Ying Lark didn't mind teaching Raina Grace, especially since she was so adorable and kind.

"I once had someone tell me my profile reminded him of a painter's work he adored, so he often fantasized I was that non-existent girl, comforting his longing. Another said my laughter made him forget all troubles, so just watching me laugh was enough for him. And some, I know, are natural chasers who grow bored once they catch what they're after, so I keep them chasing. The chase is enough because all endings are tragic."

Raina Grace was stunned by the description. If love was truly as Ying Lark described, then she indeed did not understand it.

"Of course, I can't always be this rational. Only those outside of love can stay rational. Once you're caught in it, you lose everything..." Ying Lark sighed, her voice trailing off.

In Prosperous Gathering, whether Avrils or Gents, everyone loved to talk about love. Logic was one thing, but emotion was another. Emotions were their daily consumption, as essential as air and water, without which they couldn't survive.

Whether real or fake, they reveled in the complex web of emotional entanglements, finding vitality in the most complex and intense feelings.

The beautiful Avrils, dressed in fine clothes, gracefully and charmingly wove nets of emotion. The Gents, with their noble demeanor, radiated allure as they indulged in the thrill and tumult of the heart.

Each glance, each emotional clash, became a spectacular performance in Prosperous Gathering. The stories of intertwined love and hate captivated the audience, immersing them in the pleasure of living within exquisite poetry.

In this lavish setting, emotions became a resource, cherished and used to enrich lives. They sought the thrill of love, chasing the spark of passion, even knowing it might be an illusion, yet they willingly immersed themselves, without regrets.

Outside Prosperous Gathering, emotions were merely accessories, a spice of life. The guests' pursuit of "every heartbeat's tremor, every wave's rise and fall" was merely a part of their privileged, hedonistic existence.

The glittering, bustling Prosperous Gathering was like a fairy-tale land where guests dared to explore the delicate world of feelings; returning to reality, they could continue their real lives unaffected.

But some Avrils and Gents remained forever trapped in the dream of love, like another "Pleasure Tower."

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