Chapter 186 The Viscous Space

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Crossing the Ice and Fire Marsh was a uniquely special experience for Raina Grace. She seemed to have a natural affinity with all liquid substances, especially the more pure and vast bodies of water, like the Endless Sea. But she could also move freely in other bodies of water mixed with elemental magnetic forces and various substances, such as the viscous Terra Grove Sacred Pond, the turbulent Pine Mist River, and the thin, mystical Gold and Silver Sea.

The Ice and Fire Marsh, however, was a swamp of mixed states of matter, with solid ice, liquid magma, gaseous flames, and vapors, not to mention the complex dark energies of the abyss and dark matter. All these elements, capable of causing both physical and mental harm, layered together. Although some of the impact was mitigated by their protective elemental magnetic forces, the environment remained unbearable.

For Flicker Shadow, breathing was the most challenging obstacle. Flame Wave, following Raina Grace's suggestion, wore the Silver Fox mask, at least mitigating breathing issues. Their state in the marsh was extremely difficult, struggling for survival, in stark contrast to Raina Grace, who moved with ease and even comfort.

"You're too resistant, always trying to suppress and conquer with force. Why not go with the flow?" Raina Grace suggested after understanding their difficulties, "Imagine yourself as a fish in the Ice and Fire Marsh? Or, Flame Wave, since you're closer to fire, imagine yourself as a flame; Flicker Shadow could see himself as an icicle. Integrate rather than resist, and maybe the environment won't be as challenging."

Raina Grace was right. After several attempts and adjustments, Flicker Shadow and Flame Wave managed to move through the Ice and Fire Marsh with relative ease.

The bottom of the Ice and Fire Marsh was not a simple riverbed but concealed a mysterious space.

This was a suffocating space, not just because of the thin air, the dense gray viscous substance, and the thick scent of death, but it felt like being in a forgotten world, a place of no return. The air was filled with a strange smell, reminiscent of the gates of hell, and sometimes, the silence was broken by eerie sounds, like calls to end despairing lives.

The dark power of the abyss silently surrounded them, watching their every move, ready to strike. Each step they took was incredibly sluggish and heavy, as if they were traversing the domain of death.

"This is the place..." Flicker Shadow spoke almost breathlessly.

Normal volume in this space would be infinitely amplified, the powerful resonance nearly overwhelming them. Miraculously, the ice worm that had been following Flicker Shadow "loyally" swallowed the sound waves, growing larger, resembling a dragon even more.

Confirming this as the mysterious person's location, they wondered how to find him in such a desolate and deadly place. "Will he continue to give you hints?" Raina Grace whispered to Flicker Shadow.

"If there were any hints, they should have appeared by now. Has the power fallen asleep?" Flame Wave pondered. The noise they made upon arrival was terrifying and should have alerted the mysterious person.

"What do we do? Shall we quickly look around?" After all the hardships they faced to get here, including Flicker Shadow acquiring a "tag-along" ice crystal worm, he felt there might be other discoveries to be made.

Flame Wave pointed towards where they had descended, marked clearly, but feared they might not find their way back if they strayed too far. "Let's not separate. Raina Grace, you make marks along the way. If there's any problem, Flicker Shadow leads the way back, and I'll cover our rear."

To ensure a smooth "entry" into the Ice and Fire Marsh, they had specifically dug out several large stones from the abyssal cave. Thankfully, with those stones, Flicker Shadow constructed a ladder, solving the problem of re-entering the Ice and Fire Marsh from several meters above and marking their path in the monotonous gray space, with Raina Grace using small stones for additional markers.

Due to the presence of gray viscous substance, not only was their vision impaired, but their movement was also hindered. Escaping would be extremely difficult. After a strenuous journey, finding only scattered remains of unknown animals and exhausted, they wondered whether to continue exploring.

Suddenly, WeeStick, who had been quietly staying in Raina Grace's pocket, spoke up, "Raina Grace, I think I hear someone talking."

"Hearing? You mean someone's talking in your mind?" WeeStick, more sensitive to the transmission of consciousness, could pick up signals from further away. Raina Grace understood that WeeStick's "talking" must be the flow of thoughts.

"Yes, it... seems to be calling your name," WeeStick was uncertain. It was strange for someone to call Raina Grace's name in such a place.

"What?" Raina Grace was incredulous, "Which direction?"

After discussion, they decided to search in the direction WeeStick indicated, a better approach than aimlessly searching. Walking for a while, Raina Grace also faintly heard voices, unclear what was being said, not seeming to call her name. Flame Wave and Flicker Shadow heard nothing, but her mention relaxed them. The idea of someone calling Raina Grace's name in such a bizarre place was too eerie, and just hearing voices was reassuring, indicating they weren't completely lost.

After an unknown length of time, they finally came upon a desiccated "corpse." Calling it a "corpse" because it was human-shaped, the flesh completely dried up and clinging to the bones, it could be termed a "skeleton."

"Are you sure it was this thing talking?" Flicker Shadow asked WeeStick, "Is it a zombie?"

Due to their slow progress, they hadn't heard any voices before arriving, leaving them uncertain whether the dry corpse was speaking or something else ahead. Raina Grace couldn't be sure either.

Flame Wave inspected the corpse without finding anything peculiar, and there were no discoveries around, "Without the voice guiding us, aimless searching is futile. Let's wait here for the voice to reappear, so we can determine if it's coming from this corpse or where we should head next. And let's rest a bit."

The ground was covered in years of accumulated gray viscous substance, the reason for their "mired" progress, making every step difficult. Standing still was their version of resting.

"Are you tired? Here, lean on me," Flame Wave offered support to Raina Grace.

Raina Grace, indeed fatigued, naturally leaned on Flame Wave. Flicker Shadow, feeling somewhat isolated, leaned against the dry corpse...

The next moment, Raina Grace jumped up, pointing at the corpse, "It's calling you!"

Flicker Shadow, startled, quickly moved away, "What? I don't want to stay with it!"

Raina Grace, amused yet incredulous, said, "What are you talking about? I just heard it calling your name..." she hesitated, "Now it seems to be calling me."

Flame Wave and Flicker Shadow immediately stood in front of Raina Grace. "Is it really calling you?" Flame Wave asked. "How could I possibly know a skeleton?" Flicker Shadow remarked.

After some thought, Raina Grace pushed past them towards the corpse, "Who are you? Do you know me and Flicker Shadow?"

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