Chapter 198 The Ice-Fire Dragon

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Silver Tan decided to accompany Raina Grace to the Gold and Silver Sea, either persuaded by Luminous Harmony or through his own volition. "Now, I should no longer be repelled by the Gold and Silver Sea. But without the Spirit Fin, how do you plan to make your stand there?"

Previously, with the Spirit Fin as their boat, they could float on the Gold and Silver Sea. Now... Raina Grace pondered, "The waters of the Gold and Silver Sea are milder compared to the Ice-Fire Marsh. I can try the method I used to cross the Ice-Fire Marsh."

"Do you mean covering your whole body with a net of elemental magnetic power?" Silver Tan had heard of this method, "Wouldn't that be too strenuous? Why not ask WeeStick to come along?"

Raina Grace didn't find it troublesome, and relying on WeeStick for flight had its inconveniences—hanging was both uncomfortable and ungraceful. More importantly, ever since WeeStick learned that the Pale Jade Tree had imprisoned the Azure Phoenix, it had been trying to find it. With the vast Azure and White Forest, Raina Grace had no idea where it could be.

"If I could grow larger, would you ride on my back?" This was what Silver Tan truly wanted to ask. He wished to personally take Raina Grace to the Gold and Silver Sea.

"You can change your size now?" Raina Grace, observing Silver Tan already in the form of a dragon but no longer than her forearm, was surprised, "Right, you hardly need to stay with Flicker Shadow anymore. Do you no longer need his elemental magnetic power to sustain you?"

Flicker Shadow had indeed accompanied them to the Celestial Domain. The Azure and White Forest was not so unfamiliar to him. It was like the dormant Verdant Thistle Forest, filled with mystery and eeriness. The lush trees exuded a deathly stillness as if every leaf bore a heavy secret. Flicker Shadow felt a mysterious calmness here, mixed with unsettling vibes. He wanted to explore this unease, just as he had explored the abyss. This meant he could not always be bound to Silver Tan, and eventually, they managed to separate.

The unique elemental magnetic field of Flicker Shadow granted Silver Tan new insights, forming a mystical force field that merged ice and fire, light and shadow. This power coursed through the dragon's body, reconstructing it into a virtual image of ice and fire, capable of expanding or contracting at will.

Hearing that he could enlarge and carry her to the Gold and Silver Sea, Raina Grace agreed to try.

The Ice-Fire Dragon soared in the sky, with ice crystals and flames intertwining to form a magnificent totem. Its majestic presence complemented the brilliance of the Gold and Silver Sea, creating an awe-inspiring scene. However beautiful, the mirage-like beauty concealed lurking dangers.

The giant Ice-Fire Dragon, akin to a soaring Ice-Fire Marsh, was impossible for ordinary people to approach, let alone ride on its back.

"You..." Raina Grace didn't know what to say, only grateful she insisted Silver Tan wait until they reached the Gold and Silver Sea before transforming into a giant dragon. Otherwise, it would have attracted too much attention, adding more unpredictable factors to the already complex and confusing struggle for the Celestial Domain. "Can you not contain the ice and fire aura around you?"

After a while, Silver Tan communicated mentally to Raina Grace that he couldn't contain the ice and fire aura, so she would still need to use the elemental magnetic power net to sit on him.

"Do you... feel stable?" Silver Tan could hardly feel Raina Grace's weight, and the sense of emptiness after expanding made it hard for him to concentrate, fearing Raina Grace might fall during their flight.

Raina Grace felt as if she was sitting on a cloud, but at least this "cloud" was large enough for her to sit steadily.

"Silver Tan, don't worry about me. I'll be fine even if I fall. However, over the Gold and Silver Sea, there might be storms or illusions, and those illusions are incredibly realistic. I don't know if we'll experience the same illusions. If one of us gets confused or starts to struggle, it's best if the other remains clear-headed. But remember, self-rescue comes first."

"I won't let anything happen to you," Silver Tan assured, "As both a Sky Whisper and a dragon, I pose no threat to the Gold and Silver Sea. Moreover, it's you who needs to communicate with the Gold and Silver Sea. My main task is to protect you."

However, Silver Tan was mistaken. It was he, having experienced the Tears of the Abyss and the Ice-Fire Marsh, who truly communicated with the Gold and Silver Sea. Raina Grace served merely as a bridge for communication.

When Silver Tan fully immersed into the Gold and Silver Sea, he didn't forget to tightly wrap Raina Grace within his body for protection. Unlike her solo venture into the Gold and Silver Sea before, Raina Grace felt as if she had just slept, waking up on the sandy beach of the Gold and Silver Sea with the coiled figure of the dragon, Silver Tan, beside her.

"Are you awake?" Seeing Raina Grace open her eyes, Silver Tan shrank back to his previous size and flew in front of her. The Ice-Fire Dragon's stance was that of a protector, but he didn't want to adopt a condescending posture while speaking to Raina Grace.

Raina Grace, still groggy, looked at the shimmering sea in front of her and asked in confusion, "How did I fall asleep?"

"Perhaps the Gold and Silver Sea's psychic power was too overwhelming and complex, and your body automatically shut down its information reception function, falling into a deep sleep," Silver Tan suggested. His psychic power was also greatly affected, but the Gold and Silver Sea, sensing he was a Sky Whisper, restrained itself, conveying some information to him.

Raina Grace remembered. She had indeed sunk into the Gold and Silver Sea with Silver Tan, felt his protection, and the Gold and Silver Sea's intention to communicate with him. She completely relaxed, letting her psychic power become weightless and drift everywhere, listening to the ancient silence, and truly fell into it.

She seemed to float to a serene sanctuary, her thoughts wandering through this mysterious sea, neatly arranged. Waves of psychic energy, like healing hands, soothed her wounded soul, bringing profound peace. In this tranquility, her body and mind were deeply healed, with all distractions and pressures gradually dissipating in the surges of the Gold and Silver Sea's psychic power.

Sharing her experience with Silver Tan, he was amazed, "You actually achieved enlightenment in such an environment. This is precisely what the Sky Whispers absorbed by the Gold and Silver Sea have always sought. To soothe their pain, besides transferring it to another host, they could seek a broader consciousness space to dilute it."

This was exactly what the Gold and Silver Sea wanted to convey to Silver Tan. Initially, their instinct was to find a substitute to transfer their pain. Later, when a taboo prevented anyone from entering the Gold and Silver Sea freely, they discovered that expanding their consciousness sea could dilute their pain. However, with the influence of the Abyssal Force, they could never find peace, hoping Silver Tan could help eliminate its impact. "Thus, the Celestial Domain suits them better, while the Surface Domain only adds to their burden."

"So, they wouldn't want to return to the Surface Domain through the Pine Mist River, as Willow Wood suggested?"

"That's right, they are unwilling."

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