Chapter1 The Origin of Elemental Magnetism (Prologue)

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A massive spaceship drifts aimlessly in the vast cosmos, its outline blurred under the starlight, resembling a trace abandoned by time and space. The "Kunpeng," once laden with the hopes of humanity and the fire of civilization and genetics, now faces a fate similar to all space debris floating in the cosmic abyss, buried by nothingness and reluctance.

For now, in the seemingly abandoned ship's cockpit, a faint signal persists, like the last groans before death. The control panel's screen flickers with vague coordinates and data, indicating the ship, despite losing most of its functionality, barely maintains its basic life support systems.

 The control panel's screen flickers with vague coordinates and data, indicating the ship, despite losing most of its functionality, barely maintains its basic life support systems

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Reflected on the screen is a face worn with fatigue and eyes dimming in brilliance—the captain of the "Kunpeng." He stares at the hopeless numbers and his own despairing reflection, trying to muster a bit of spirit but unable to conjure any expression other than desolation.

He delves into distant memories, seeking the zeal and aspirations of the early days of interstellar adventure, and the solemn yet passionate space symphony that echoed in his heart. Eventually, the familiar melody resurfaces in his mind, spreading outward slowly, quietly, but forcefully. Outside the window lies the vast expanse of space; inside, a suffocating enclosure.

As time passes, the symphony's pace quickens, the music growing more intense and powerful. Its fugue has morphed and repeated numerous times, yet it never finds an escape, ending abruptly in an ever-ascending movement.

The captain sighs in resignation, unable to reach the realization that "a mountain is still a mountain." Such enlightenment, like searching for a paradise in space, proves elusive. If death does not bring breakthrough, where lies the spark of life?

Looking around, he forces himself to confront the despair and silence in the crew's eyes: lost in space, energy depleted, heroes at their journey's end. Lowering his head, he, too, feels anxious, helpless, weak, and powerless. How can such a captain bear the fate of the hundred humans on board?

His trembling fingers slowly caress the control panel—where the lights indicating depleted energy flicker madly—as if to soothe or perhaps to mourn...

"Beep beep—" Suddenly, the ship's remaining functional multi-channel detector emits a series of short beeps: an unusual radiation has been detected! This harsh sound, however, feels like a blessing, indicating the ship might be near a life-bearing...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Beep beep—" Suddenly, the ship's remaining functional multi-channel detector emits a series of short beeps: an unusual radiation has been detected! This harsh sound, however, feels like a blessing, indicating the ship might be near a life-bearing planet!

Hope rises instantly, spreading to every corner of the ship. Everyone is electrified! Without time or energy to continue detection, the captain orders the "Kunpeng" to use its last fuel to head full speed towards the newly discovered planet.

Gradually, a beautiful, colorful planet appears on the ship's imaging device: vast expanses of white, green, and yellow, with green being the most eye-catching—possibly indicating vegetation.

Everyone holds their breath, greedily observing these hopeful colors, quietly awaiting the results from the electromagnetic wave detector—it analyzes the physical environment and composition of the planet based on the electromagnetic waves and particle radiation emitted from its surface.

1 second, 2 seconds... The electromagnetic wave detector finally returns its analysis. The results are a final, unbearable blow: the unknown planet is enveloped by powerful, all-encompassing unknown electromagnetic waves! Unknown strength, unknown frequency, unknown polarization, unknown...

Before disappointment and tears can emerge, the ship's instruments begin to collectively beep: communication failure, alert! Power failure, alert! Navigation failure, alert! Life support system failure, alert!!!

This comprehensive interference is caused by the powerful electromagnetic attack! The captain decisively orders all devices to be shut down, preserving only the anti-gravity device, relying on manual piloting and the planet's gravity for an emerge...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

This comprehensive interference is caused by the powerful electromagnetic attack! The captain decisively orders all devices to be shut down, preserving only the anti-gravity device, relying on manual piloting and the planet's gravity for an emergency landing.

"Captain, what are the coordinates for the landing?" the pilot asks.

After a brief hesitation, the captain gives his final order: "The white area is closest to us, surrounded by blue and green, offering both attack and defense."

Having not felt solid ground for too long, even in death, people wish to end their lives on land. With a resolve of succeeding or dying, the "Kunpeng" fearlessly heads towards the beautiful yet perilous planet...

Fortunately, humanity once again receives the favor of fate!

The Elemental Magnetic Realm will become the endpoint of their interstellar adventure and the starting point for rebuilding their home. In this strange and magical place, humans will thrive again, replaying the endless cycles of stories about humanity and the universe.

The realm's original intelligent beings look up curiously, watching these tenacious and clever settlers, how they transform and upheave under the forces of nature and the source of life, to fulfill their ambitions and dreams.

At that moment, Ocean Bloom freely roams the boundless domain of the "Endless Sea," dancing with the wind, sun, moon, and stars. Listening to the wind's tales of Terra Grove, watching the clouds paint the colors of Sky Whisper, rolling in the sea, laughing in the thunderstorms, and contemplating in the clear skies.

Azure Phoenix wishes its songs could pierce the clouds, echoing between heaven and earth, touching other beings, exploring the unfathomable powers of the universe.

Sky Whisper can only drift forever like an unfinished poem. Terra Grove resolves to bring the memories of the sky, the vastness of the ocean, and the freedom of the wind into the human world...

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