Chapter 124 The Best Perspective

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With Flame Wave visiting the Scholar's Pavilion and Flamer Horizon immersed in his cultivation, Raina Grace found herself at a loose end, unfamiliar with anyone else and suddenly unsure of what to do. It was during this time that Gold Shine came to visit Flame Wave. Seeing Raina Grace, he showed no surprise but his expression turned somewhat awkward.

Their relationship had been marred by misunderstandings from their first encounter. Later, due to Gold Shine's indiscretion, Raina Grace's stay at the Celestial Balance Fortress was leaked, sparking Jade Lin of the Bamboo Family's jealousy and subsequently leading to an attack on the Celestial Balance Fortress by the Sky Domain.

After Flame Wave cleared up the misunderstanding, he had severely reprimanded Gold Shine, leaving him disheartened and avoiding contact with others for a long time.

Hearing of Flame Wave's return to the Celestial Domain, Gold Shine first tried to make amends with an expensive gift, which failed to elicit any response. Resorting to a direct visit, he was relieved to easily gain entry but was surprised to face Raina Grace instead.

He was aware that Raina Grace had accompanied Flame Wave to the Celestial Domain. The scene of the Azure Phoenix and the White Falcon flying side by side, though witnessed by only a few, was sensationalized into something mythical.

Considering himself a close companion of Flame Wave's adventures and priding himself on being untouched amid allurements, Gold Shine found it hard to believe that Flame Wave would allow a woman into his inner circle. His disbelief and dissatisfaction had led him to leak the news of Raina Grace staying at the Celestial Balance Fortress.

Despite their few encounters, Gold Shine had always preferred mature women. Today seemed to be the first time he really saw Raina Grace. She appeared too youthful to be called a "woman" in his eyes. Gold Shine inwardly sneered, wondering how Flame Wave, at his age, could be interested in someone so young.

He supposed Flame Wave must be treating her delicately, even providing her with the Azure Phoenix as a mount. Moving her from the Wood Alliance to the Celestial Balance Fortress and now to the Celestial Domain, even the Scholar's Pavilion wanted to see her. Could she be another Jade Thistle? Gold Shine critiqued internally while appraising Raina Grace with a connoisseur's eye.

He had to admit, though youthful, the girl possessed a flowing grace like a clear spring, with deep, clear eyes reminiscent of the vast blue sky. Her skin glowed with a healthy radiance, youth sparkling in every aspect. Her hair, like a cascade of black waterfalls, moved with a natural elegance.

Gold Shine mused that perhaps Flame Wave was drawn to her refreshing and lofty spirit, seeking a respite from worldly chaos. Having seen enough roses and peonies, one could find the lotus beautiful too. But with countless flowers in the world, a true connoisseur takes their time, appreciating each one slowly.

Gold Shine remained silent for a while, and Raina Grace, in no hurry, let him observe while she took the opportunity to scrutinize him in return.

Gold Shine stood a head taller than Raina Grace, but his relaxed posture against the door frame reduced the pressure of his presence compared to Flame Wave's.

He always wore a lazy, detached smile, maintaining an indifferent attitude toward the world. His slightly disheveled hair complemented his casual demeanor. His attire was simple yet elegant, devoid of lavish decorations but distinctly tasteful. Preferring loose robes when not bound by his status, his clothing reflected his desire for freedom.

His confidence and elegance were palpable, and when he looked intently at someone, his gaze was warm and understanding, as if conveying a message.

"Even though I am of noble status and exquisite taste, I can still empathize with your emotional world. So be brave, don't be afraid, let me take you to experience passion and intensity?" Raina Grace wondered aloud, trying to confirm if she had misread his intentions.

"What?" Gold Shine was taken aback, "What are you rambling about?"

"I just read that from your eyes," Raina Grace said curiously, "Is that really what you mean?" She had never encountered someone who could express their thoughts so plainly through their gaze.

Gold Shine felt a mix of embarrassment and irritation. While his gaze was a signature way he interacted with women he found interesting, no one had ever directly questioned it before. Some feigned ignorance, while others genuinely didn't understand, but typically, the reaction was flattery, basking in the charm and favor shown by him.

"Are you even a woman?" Gold Shine rolled his eyes, "You're completely clueless. How did Silver Wolf even take a liking to you?"

"You'd have to ask him that," Raina Grace didn't take his comment as sarcasm but genuinely asked, "I've heard of 'charm.' But does your behavior count as charm?"

Gold Shine found himself at a loss for words, baffled by her question: "Weren't you performing as Avril in the Prosperous Gathering in the Sky Domain? How do you not know what charm is?"

"Of course, I know. Avril and the gentlemen there were all full of charm, typical of scenarios filled with romantic allure. Although I'm not as charming, I've seen plenty. If what you're doing is considered charm, then why display it here, in front of me? Are you trying to tease me?"

Raina Grace's question nearly made Gold Shine wish the ground would swallow him up, his eyelid twitching at the absurdity of being asked such a foolish question by someone who either genuinely didn't know or was pretending not to. Struggling for a defense, he retorted: "Don't slander me, making it sound like I'm trying to seduce my brother's woman!"

"Oh," Raina Grace seemed to half understand. Now, she no longer inquired about things she didn't understand, avoiding giving others the impression she was playing dumb.

Her strategy was simple: if it wasn't important, she didn't need to understand or pretend to understand. As Flame Wave said, conversing with someone not on the same wavelength was a waste of time. There was no need to lower her intelligence to make it easier for someone else to target her. Why seek out discomfort?

Without even getting past the initial pleasantries, Gold Shine, usually adept at handling social interactions, felt utterly defeated. Flame Wave was already indifferent towards him, and with this woman, he foresaw being completely disregarded in the future.

"Is this how Silver Wolf talks, direct and uncompromising?" Gold Shine pretended to complain, actually aiming to steer the conversation, "Though he's not always like that. In the Illusory Splendor, everyone praises Lord Silver Wolf for his elegance and spirit."

"You're his good friend, so of course, you'd know he deserves such praise," Raina Grace took this as a compliment to Flame Wave, who indeed presented himself with grace and dignity in public. She accepted the statement wholeheartedly.

Does this woman even grasp the main point? The focus is on the Illusory Splendor, not on Flame Wave's infuriatingly good demeanor, right?

Forced to be direct, Gold Shine offered, "Would you like to see the Illusory Splendor for yourself? I can take you. It's a hundred times better than the Prosperous Gathering, a must-visit in the Celestial Domain."

"Better than the Prosperous Gathering?" That didn't sound appealing to Raina Grace.

Seeing her reluctance, Gold Shine hurriedly persuaded her before she could refuse, "Actually, the Illusory Splendor is like a microcosm of the Celestial Domain. To understand the Celestial Domain, starting there is the most direct way and a good starting point. Though it's a den of iniquity, it's also an important social scene, full of endless mysteries and wisdom, especially in understanding human nature. You've seen it at the Prosperous Gathering; isn't it the best perspective to understand the Sky Domain?"

It's a mirror to one's soul, allowing you to confront your inner self or get lost in its myriad reflections. Only those who have experienced opulence can aspire to transcend it.

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