Chapter 118 The Call of Death

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Raina Grace wondered if the visitor could be Flame Wave, her heart unwittingly filled with hope for it. Or could it be Flamer Horizon, bringing news of Flame Wave? However, when the visitor appeared before her, Raina Grace was taken aback, "It's you?" Bamboo Jane, equally surprised, exclaimed, "It really is you?"

Raina Grace couldn't understand Bamboo Jane's shock; given their similar statuses within the Sky Domain, it seemed natural they would be familiar with each other. Yet, Bamboo Jane's reaction was one of distant familiarity and intimacy.

"It's been a long time," the visitor greeted Bamboo Jane with restraint, nodding to Silver Tan as a sign of respect before turning to Raina Grace with a serious tone, "Miss Raina Grace, your actions have been significant, even summoning the Azure Phoenix. After much thought, I felt compelled to offer my modest assistance."

Seeing the interaction between Silver Tan and the visitor, Raina Grace guessed that perhaps Bamboo Jane, Silver Tan, and the visitor—identified as the steward of the Wood Alliance, Luminous Harmony, who had escorted Raina Grace from the Prosperous Gathering—had known each other for a long time. However, for some reason, the steward had ceased contact with Bamboo Jane, leaving only Silver Tan to navigate between them without attempting to reconnect them, seemingly concealing their existence from one another.

It appeared the steward intentionally avoided dealings with the Bamboo Family, handling affairs through his deputies. Bamboo Jane, usually secluded, was unaware that the steward of the Wood Alliance was an old acquaintance.

These were mere speculations by Raina Grace, catching the emotional friction between the three. Her interest lay not in their story but in the steward's anxious and concerned inquiry.

Since the three knew each other, what Bamboo Jane and Silver Tan knew might also be known to the steward. And Raina Grace found herself more inclined to trust the steward, especially his displayed concern, suggesting he felt compelled to risk whatever necessary to offer his "modest assistance" to Raina Grace for her well-being.

"The Azure Phoenix is my friend, not summoned by me," Raina Grace clarified, "What contribution do you speak of, steward? Is it regarding the Azure Phoenix?"

The steward, Luminous Harmony, upon learning Raina Grace had visited the Bamboo Family with the Azure Phoenix, knew he had to intervene, even if reluctant to expose himself, to prevent her from being deceived by the Bamboo Family.

Now present, he intended to conceal nothing. His previous reluctance stemmed from differing principles; his appearance now might be an opportunity to lay everything out.

He had many questions and even more responsibilities. Despite facing potential danger alone, the steward felt a sudden sense of relief amidst his burdens, ready to confront whatever came his way. This act of solitary defiance and determination unexpectedly enveloped everyone present, plunging them into a sea of ecstatic joy and fear, a mix of ultimate pleasure and terror akin to pre-death hell or the heavenly realms during reincarnation...

"No!" Bamboo Jane screamed, rushing to the Luminous Harmony 's side to embrace him, "Stop, please stop. Do you have a death wish?"

Raina Grace, too, was caught in this unique emotional state, driven by curiosity and acceptance, as if someone was calling her, similar to the sensations felt in her deep slumbers. However, this time she was conscious, eager to explore further.

Allowing herself to relax into the tumultuous flow, she experienced a sense of lingering pleasure...

Suddenly, she thought of Flame Wave's ordeal in the Pine Mist River. Was it similar to her current state? Had he discovered something from it? What could she find?

Before Raina Grace could grasp anything, Bamboo Jane's desperate cries disrupted her—"Can anyone save him, please save him. Silver Tan, hurry and save him. I'll give up everything, just save him."

"His spiritual power has suddenly gone out of control, likely a long-standing issue. I can't do much..." Silver Tan looked around helplessly, "Do you think I don't want to stop him? Do you think he's doing this on purpose? How do we resolve this? How many will suffer, and how will we explain this to the people of the Sky Domain and Celestial Domain?"

"If he dies, I don't care about any flood or disaster," Bamboo Jane roared. "Even if it's hell, I'll go with him."

"Hey, don't, don't go down this path of mutual destruction. I might not have a way, but that doesn't mean others don't," Silver Tan said, holding back the frantic Bamboo Jane, then shouting to Raina Grace, "Miss Raina Grace, can you think of something? Otherwise, everyone here might die."

"Yes, Raina Grace." Bamboo Jane, regaining her senses and almost kneeling before Raina Grace, pleaded, "I saw you save the Azure Phoenix, right? You pulled it back from the abyss's power?"

She wasn't sure what Raina Grace had done, only aware that the Azure Phoenix was on the brink of becoming a spirit under "Yin Void Chill Essence" before Raina Grace's approach dissipated it, allowing the Azure Phoenix to return to the living.

The steward was now being called by the Yin Void Chill Essence, seeking to return to its origin, toward obliteration. This was the most painful and severe call of death, irreversible and eternal.

"Can you save him?" Bamboo Jane begged with a sliver of hope, "I'll do anything, just save him."

Coming to her senses, Raina Grace approached the steward. If she could save him, she would without hesitation. "Is he also influenced by the abyss's power? It seems different from the Azure Phoenix's situation to me."

She couldn't see any black substance, only clusters of dark purple fluff enveloping the steward, tightening around him as if to suffocate him.

"Different? Of course, it's different," Bamboo Jane hoped for a solution upon hearing Raina Grace's acknowledgment of the Azure Phoenix's condition, but she was incoherent and unsure of the differences. "The Azure Phoenix was contaminated with the abyss's power, while we, the Sky Whisperers, and he, are born with it, struggling with it for life. The way of balance, we seek the way of balance..."

She couldn't continue, overwhelmed by the task of explaining such fantastical matters to Raina Grace, who was clueless.

Raina Grace didn't understand Bamboo Jane's ramblings, focusing instead on the steward.

Amidst the dense fluff, something at his chest seemed to emit a faint blue light, protecting him.

The light felt familiar to Raina Grace, but she didn't have time to ponder as the blue light weakened, almost overwhelmed by the dark purple. She sensed that the moment the blue light vanished would be when the Luminous Harmony succumbed to oblivion.

She reached out, unable to touch it directly due to the purple fluff's threatening, sticky warning.

Yet, the blue light seemed to respond to her, struggling to break free but powerless. Raina Grace attempted to transfer some elemental magnetic power, but without a medium, it couldn't take effect directly.

With time running out, Raina Grace enveloped her hand with elemental magnetic power, enduring the disgust and pain, and forcefully reached for the light.

Feeling the familiar sensation, Raina Grace suddenly felt dizzy, similar to when she absorbed what Jadelle had left behind. "Am I going to faint again?" she wondered. Fortunately, as she absorbed the powerful energy, the purple fluff was forcibly torn apart, turning into dust and dispersing into the air...

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