Chapter 24 The Flicker Shadow

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Flicker Shadow was desperately hungry, fearing he would faint if he didn't eat soon, which would surely expose him without any need for the elemental magnetic net to capture him. The girl's presence, emitting a familiar aura, had drawn him in, and he trusted his instincts.

Without much hesitation, Flicker Shadow sat down at the farthest seat from Raina Grace. His actions became more frantic as he neared the pie. Inhaling deeply, he bit into it voraciously, the steam and juices instantly filling his mouth, enlivening his taste buds with pleasure. He bit again, more ferociously, as if to devour the pie in one go. Juice dripped onto his chin, which he wiped with the back of his hand before continuing his ravenous eating.

He gasped between bites, as if afraid he wouldn't reach the last mouthful. His cheeks bulged with pie, juice dripping from the corners of his mouth. He chewed continuously, barely swallowing one mouthful before stuffing in another.

His eyes fixated on the pie, body wholly devoted to eating, he showed no signs of cherishing or gratitude, only a fierce determination to consume.

Raina Grace observed his wolfish eating, sensing his hunger and longing, but unable to comprehend his ferocity.

People in the Elemental Magnetic Star Realm usually lived well, with enough to eat. Raina Grace had never seen someone devour food with such intensity and ferocity.

Flicker Shadow quickly finished the large plate of pies, belching contentedly, feeling satisfied from body to soul. He had never eaten anything so delicious. He felt he should thank the girl; without her, he wouldn't only have missed this delightful meal but might have starved.

He always maintained a clear sense of gratitude and grudge. He pulled out a wolf-tooth dagger he had made and offered it to Raina Grace, "This is for you, thanks for the food."

Raina Grace took it, puzzled, and tried to return it

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Raina Grace took it, puzzled, and tried to return it.

Flicker Shadow pushed it back, "Keep it. It's useful, and I've never given it to anyone else."

Just then, a shout came from outside: "Flicker Shadow, what are you doing? Run!"

Flicker Shadow's demeanor instantly shifted from that of a shy boy to alert and vigilant. He leapt up, darting away from his seat, and began to sprint.

His body flew through the air, covering great distances with each leap. He searched for an escape route amidst screams and shouts, remaining calm to avoid collisions.

Finally, he stopped in an open field, sweating profusely, his chest heaving as he looked around breathlessly.

Soon, two men arrived hurriedly. The older one, while surveying the surroundings, reprimanded Flicker Shadow, "How could you be so careless? Why did you interact with people? Are you trying to get us killed?"

The younger man interrupted, "Let's not talk about that now. We need to leave immediately."

"But we're far from the border. We won't make it in time if the elemental magnetic net is triggered," the older man, Coiled Stone, complained, blaming Flicker Shadow for their predicament.

Flicker Shadow retorted, accusing Coiled Stone of abandoning him, which led to his isolation.

Flicker Shadow retorted, accusing Coiled Stone of abandoning him, which led to his isolation

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The younger man, Wind Voice, tried to refocus them on finding a solution. Coiled Stone grumbled about Wind Voice alerting the realm's authorities by calling out to Flicker Shadow.

Ignoring the bickering, Flicker Shadow asked how long it would take for the elemental magnetic net to respond, puzzled by the lack of reaction.

This prompted the men to question the situation. Coiled Stone, having experienced capture by the net, found it odd that there was no sign of activation.

Wind Voice decided to leave regardless of the net's status. As they prepared to leave, Coiled Stone suddenly speculated whether the girl, Raina Grace, might be outside the net's coverage.

Wind Voice, initially dismissive, considered the possibility and decided to investigate further. He acknowledged Flicker Shadow's role in this potential discovery, which could be a significant contribution.

Coiled Stone, initially envious of the attention Flicker Shadow received from their clan leader, began to realize the significance of finding a "Shielding Mother" – a person unaffected by the net. It could bring great honor to them and potentially change the clan's destiny.

Inspired by a newfound sense of heroism, Wind Voice and Coiled Stone saw Flicker Shadow in a new light. The success of their mission now hinged on his next actions.

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