Chapter 133 Entering the Library

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Gaining access to the Scholar's Pavilion's archives was not easy, and Raina Grace could only ask Flame Horizon to find a way through official channels, as he was already serving in the Copper Department of the Scholar's Pavilion, making tasks somewhat easier for him. However, the pass Flame Horizon obtained to enter the library could not be lent to Raina Grace, so she was stopped at the entrance.

"How does one normally apply to enter the library?" Raina Grace asked earnestly.

"The library is not open to the public," the gatekeeper glanced at her, not recognizing her, definitely not a member of the Scholar's Pavilion.

The public? Raina Grace stepped back, wondering if ordinary people in the Celestial Domain had no right even to borrow books.

"The Scholar's Pavilion's library is primarily for scholars to consult materials as part of their work. Other people do not have the habit or need to peruse books, so there's no need to open the library to the public," someone approached Raina Grace, who was stuck at the library entrance, and explained to her.

Raina Grace looked up: "It's you?" She remembered him, the person who helped her pick the Mystic Orchid Cherry at Illusory Splendor.

It was Auric Forest. He had been collecting information on Raina Grace, especially after Flame Wave left, having people inquire from various sources, so he knew about the relationship between Flame Horizon and her, and their application for a library pass. It was because of Auric Forest's attention that Flame Horizon could obtain the pass so quickly.

However, Auric Forest's assistance to Flame Horizon was not genuinely intended to facilitate Raina Grace's entry into the library but to create a situation like the present, where she found herself eager to enter but realized she could not.

"Lord Auric Forest, are you also visiting the library today?" The staff greeted Auric Forest with none of the haughtiness shown towards Raina Grace, welcoming him warmly.

Auric Forest nodded: "Although the library is generally not open to the public, there are no rules prohibiting outsiders from entering. This lady has my guarantee, so please allow her free access in the future."

"This..." The staff hesitated, "With Lord Auric Forest's guarantee, of course, there's no issue. But if Lord Auric Forest is not present, and this lady wishes to enter alone, it might be difficult..."

"Could we do this," Auric Forest turned to Raina Grace, "if you wish to visit the library, send someone to inform the Gold Department first. If I'm available, I can accompany you at any time. If I'm not, someone else can explain the situation."

"Lord Auric Forest is truly wise; this makes things easier for us," the staff quickly agreed.

Raina Grace hadn't decided what to do before they settled it for her. Hesitating, she found herself escorted into the library by Auric Forest and the staff.

The Scholar's Pavilion's library was indeed impressive, stunning Raina Grace at first glance. With its vast collection of books and materials, perhaps she could find some information about the Gold and Silver Sea? Raina Grace couldn't help but feel hopeful.

But her entry was thanks to Auric Forest—having heard the staff address him at the entrance, she finally realized that "Auric Forest" mentioned occasionally by Flame Wave was indeed him—"Lord Auric Forest, thank you for just now."

Finding that Raina Grace still recognized him, Auric Forest felt pleased: "Miss Raina Grace, there's no need for formalities. It was a simple task. I often visit the library myself."

Hearing Auric Forest say this, Raina Grace thought, since he was familiar with the place, why not directly inquire to save time searching? "Then, do you know if the library has any information on the Gold and Silver Sea?"

"You're looking for information on the Gold and Silver Sea?" Auric Forest was surprised she revealed her purpose so directly, wondering if she was truly naive or simply trusted him a lot.

Auric Forest wasn't swayed by mere beauty; he believed the former—that this girl disliked subterfuge. This rare quality, in his view, also resembled Yu Ying.

But why was she looking for information on the Gold and Silver Sea? He knew only a specific group of people—whose true identities he couldn't decipher—were desperate to uncover the truth of the Gold and Silver Sea.

"The secrets of the Gold and Silver Sea have always drawn many to explore, but over the years, it remains a great mystery. Those who sought the truth have gradually given up," he probed, "Are you also driven by curiosity, Miss Raina Grace?"

"Curiosity, of course," Raina Grace nodded, "but mainly because I heard the Gold and Silver Sea could remove the power of the abyss, so I wanted to know if it's true, or how it could be achieved."

Auric Forest was shocked: "The power of the abyss? What's that?"

He knew those seeking the Gold and Silver Sea's secrets never shared why they were so interested. Could they also be looking to use the Gold and Silver Sea to remove the power of the abyss? And the Elemental Abyss was a place he had often heard mentioned. Auric Forest couldn't help but connect the dots.

"It seems to be a dark power from the Elemental Abyss, supposedly capable of corrupting normal elemental magnetic power," Raina Grace's explanation confirmed Auric Forest's speculation about the relation between the power of the abyss and the Elemental Abyss.

"Is that so?" Overwhelmed by the revelation, Auric Forest wondered if he could leverage this information to gain something more valuable from those people, perhaps deeper cooperation?

"The Gold and Silver Sea has existed nearly since the creation of the world, its formation now legend," Auric Forest, aiming to please Raina Grace and possibly unearth valuable information, racked his brain for legends about the Gold and Silver Sea, "Its most fascinating aspect now is its mirage—replaying fragments of time."

Raina Grace, having witnessed the marvel of the Gold and Silver Sea's time fragments: "Is there any mystery in these fragments? Are they truly events and people from a specific time?"

"Some have proven certain events to be real. But the Gold and Silver Sea's selection of time is random, even from hundreds or thousands of years before or after, with no pattern, making it impossible to verify everything," Auric Forest truthfully explained.

"Past and future? Does it have the ability to predict the future?" Raina Grace had never considered that someone could predict her future, feeling that every action or inaction was constantly changing the future. Is the future really predetermined?

"If only it were that magical," Auric Forest laughed, "Due to its randomness, with countless moments happening all the time, trying to find one's own future is like looking for a needle in a haystack, a futile effort. So people just view it with curiosity and don't take it seriously."

"So, time and space create countless possibilities, even very similar images can't guarantee it's oneself, right?" Raina Grace thought. Just like sometimes, are the things done or said truly happened? Is memory deceptive, or has reality already strayed from imagination without noticing?

Auric Forest had long stopped fantasizing about whether the past or future was possible or regrettable, focusing more on the present. Thus, he briefly mentioned the Gold and Silver Sea's mirages, more interested in lowering Raina Grace's guard to share more about the Gold and Silver Sea and the power of the abyss.

He needn't have bothered with such schemes, as Raina Grace saw no need to hide anything. If the power of the abyss was indeed a malevolent force, the more people knew, the better they could guard against it. Plus, with Azure Phoenix suffering from the power of the abyss, she felt relying solely on her own power was slow and inefficient. If she could utilize more wisdom and assistance, perhaps Azure Phoenix could rid itself of the power of the abyss sooner and ultimately achieve its phoenix nirvana rebirth.

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