Chapter 75 Unsettled Dispute

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Flicker Shadow led Raina Grace into a separate house. "This is our new place, is it alright?"

"They allocated a new house for you in the tribe?" Raina Grace surveyed the cottage, which was neither new nor old, suggesting it wasn't recently built by Flicker Shadow.

"Yeah, I said I wanted to live with you, so I asked for a bigger one." Flicker Shadow had been busy interacting with various people in the valley and reacquainting himself with valley life, having no time or energy to build a house.

"It's not bad. But not as good as the hot spring cottage you built." That place was imbued with Flicker Shadow's thoughtfulness, incomparable to this standardized house. Raina Grace wasn't picky about living spaces, having lived in a rudimentary shack she built herself for three years.

Noting her indifferent attitude, Flicker Shadow realized his neglect: "Sorry, I've been too busy these past days, so I didn't have time to build a house. I'll make one from scratch when we have time."

Raina Grace waved it off: "No need to apologize, nor rebuild. We'll be back at the hot spring cottage soon anyway."

"Yeah, soon." Flicker Shadow embraced her gently. "Raina Grace, I missed you. Did you miss me?"

Raina Grace leaned into him: "I've been busy too, hardly any time to miss you. But now, finally, I can rest."

Flicker Shadow kissed her deeply, muttering, "What do you mean 'no time to miss me'? Missing someone doesn't need time!"

To Flicker Shadow, missing her was a constant state; she was as ever-present as air and water, omnipresent but untouchable. The inability to touch this feeling almost drove him mad. He longed for this tangible embrace and kiss.

"Flicker Shadow! Flicker Shadow!" Someone called from outside, "The chief wants you."

Flicker Shadow stiffened, then steadied his emotions, muttering, "The hot spring cottage is better, no one disturbs us."

Raina Grace chuckled: "Shall we go back now?"

Flicker Shadow was torn: "Not now. In a while, once we sort everything out, I'll go wherever you want."

Raina Grace pushed him away: "I was joking. Go, I'll wait for your return."

After Flicker Shadow left, Raina Grace felt an inexplicable sense of loneliness and unease in the empty house.

"Why am I feeling like this? I always liked being alone."

"Is Raina Grace there?" Someone asked outside.

Someone looking for her, and just as she had arrived? "Who is it?" Raina Grace wondered.

"It's White Lightning, may I come in?" The voice at the door said.

"White Lightning?" How did he know she was here? But she couldn't turn him away. "Come in."

White Lightning entered with a smile: "I came to see if you're comfortable here. I helped Flicker Shadow pick it. Spacious and bright, and separate, with no other houses around."

"It's fine," Raina Grace replied. "Thank you."

White Lightning noticed her lounging lazily in a chair, her complexion rosy, eyes alluring, a look he had never seen before. He wondered what Flicker Shadow had done to her, feeling a tickle in his heart.

He thought about suggesting to the chief that future Saintesses should inherit their position from a line of excellent blood, and the tribe's finest men should be matched with her to strengthen the bloodline of the Saintess's descendants.

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