Chapter 112 Adding Fuel to the Fire

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According to Flamer Horizon, due to the unique elemental magnetic force of Pine Mist Mountain, only those from Celestial Balance Fortress, with their specially made flying machines, could approach it. Ordinary people couldn't reach it and had no reason to try. "So, I suspect their real target isn't the Azure Phoenix of Pine Mist Mountain but Celestial Balance Fortress itself."

"Celestial Balance Fortress has always been neutral with them; there's no reason for conflict. Besides, once Flame Wave, I mean, the sheriff returns, he won't let this go easily," Raina Grace expressed her confusion.

"They wouldn't dare act recklessly with the sheriff around. But what if the sheriff can't return for a while? I mean, it's just a hypothesis, don't worry, it might not be true," Flamer Horizon quickly changed the subject upon seeing Raina Grace's changing expression, "Information from the Celestial Domain isn't freely shared, so it's all speculation."

"It's useless for me to worry," Raina Grace said with a bitter smile, "Let's focus on resolving the current situation first. Is there anything in Celestial Balance Fortress that could interest them? It can't really be those stones, can it?"

Flamer Horizon was most concerned about their treasured flying machines: "Someone's stirring the pot, claiming that Celestial Balance Fortress's flying machines can freely fly to Pine Mist Mountain. So, they plan to borrow flying machines from Celestial Balance Fortress. But everyone knows the sheriff never lends them out, and now that he's not here, there's no one in charge. I suspect someone might take this opportunity to forcefully take them."

"As long as your guards are vigilant, Celestial Balance Fortress should be secure," Raina Grace said uncertainly, sensing the storm brewing. Was the Flamer family starting to defect?

"I..." Flamer Horizon's gaze shifted, "I can't be sure about others, but our flying squad remains loyal to the sheriff."

"So, you're saying some guards are unreliable? Could Celestial Balance Fortress fall?" Raina Grace sensed an underlying message in his words.

Indeed, Flamer Horizon had other concerns: "Someone wants to muddle the waters. The Sky Domain has been too peaceful for too long, and the major powers want to reshuffle. This is an opportunity to raid Celestial Balance Fortress and gain some advantages."

"A raid? What would they do? Could they destroy anything, especially the precious books?" Raina Grace was most concerned about the vast library.

"No, regardless of who they are, people in the Sky Domain value knowledge and wouldn't engage in widespread destruction of books. But some scoundrels might take advantage of the chaos to steal some," Flamer Horizon could assure her of that.

Although saddened by the potential loss of books, Raina Grace felt powerless: "Besides Celestial Balance Fortress addressing the chaos in the Sky Domain, wouldn't the Celestial Domain intervene? They transferred the sheriff, so they should be responsible for such situations, right? Isn't the elemental magnetic network supposed to cover every corner?"

"The worst part is here," Flamer Horizon said helplessly, "No one dares to act rashly under the elemental magnetic network. But there are two places it doesn't cover: one is Pine Mist Mountain, and the other is Celestial Balance Fortress. That's why they plan to start from within Celestial Balance Fortress."

"Ah, I see." This was unexpected for Raina Grace. Flame Wave had mentioned that Celestial Balance Fortress was the most private place, where she could do anything. But she hadn't realized that its privacy could also be its fatal weakness.

After some thought, Raina Grace discussed with Flamer Horizon: "In that case, let's not confront them directly. You take some people to the Celestial Domain to find Flame Wave, and the rest of us retreat to Pine Mist Mountain?"

"Ah?" Flamer Horizon was surprised by her suggestion. "The sheriff instructed me to ensure your safety before he left. So, I plan to escort you away from Celestial Balance Fortress. As long as you're far from this place of trouble, your safety is at least guaranteed. We can't do much about the rest."

"You want to send me away? Where to? And how?" Raina Grace countered, "I feel nowhere is safer than Pine Mist Mountain, and you can only use a flying machine to transport me, which would make us a target."

"But we can't stay on Pine Mist Mountain indefinitely. It's a place for extreme training, and no one can stay there permanently," Flamer Horizon explained.

Since she had no adverse reactions to Pine Mist Mountain, Raina Grace forgot that untrained people couldn't stay there long, and even guards could only stay briefly, unlike her: "Then let's move all flying machines to Pine Mist Mountain. After dropping off the pilots with one or two remaining, fly directly to the Sky Domain to find the sheriff?"

"That could work. I need to check if we have enough energy," Flamer Horizon considered it feasible. "But what about you? Do you plan to go to the Celestial Domain to find the sheriff?"

"Me?" Raina Grace's only option from the start was to stay on Pine Mist Mountain, in case someone had designs on the Azure Phoenix. Now, hearing Flamer Horizon's suggestion, although going to the Celestial Domain to find Flame Wave was an option, she decided to stick with her original plan, "I don't understand anything there; I'd only hold him back."

"What will you do then, return to the Wood Alliance?" Flamer Horizon disagreed, "I don't think that's a good choice."

To reassure Flamer Horizon, Raina Grace spoke the truth: "You know the sheriff can stay on Pine Mist Mountain for a long time, right? Well, so can I."

"Oh, really?" Somehow, Flamer Horizon wasn't surprised. Raina Grace had a knack for surprising people, and he had gotten used to it, "But are you sure you'll be okay alone on Pine Mist Mountain? It's deserted."

"I think I'll be fine. I've been there a few times. But you," Raina Grace turned to worry about Flamer Horizon's safety, "standing directly with the commander, can you explain this to the Flamer family? And what will you do once you reach the Celestial Domain? Do you have a plan?"

"The Flamer family was always just a stepping stone, with diverse stances. They admire straightforward and passionate men the most, so my actions won't particularly target me. As for the Celestial Domain, I've never been there. I'll take it one step at a time, as if getting a head start," Flamer Horizon spoke frankly.

With their minds made up, both were not the type to hesitate, and they immediately set out to arrange their plans.

Meanwhile, the news stirred the Sky Domain, with people's hearts shifting and eager to try their luck.

At the Bamboo family, which initiated the chaos, Bamboo Jane initially blamed Lin for acting recklessly. But upon reflection, the situation's escalation wasn't solely Lin's fault. "It seems many are eager to stir the pot, with various forces adding fuel to the fire, leading to today's situation. Since it's unstoppable, we can only go with the flow."

At least, she held an ace up her sleeve, possessing information unknown to others. Instead

of waiting indefinitely, seizing this opportunity might indeed reveal the Azure Phoenix, potentially solving the Bamboo family's centuries-old dilemma.

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