Chapter 148 Past Events of the Celestial Domain

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"Without the Azure and White Forest, without the Gold and Silver Sea, the Celestial Domain would not exist..."

These words inaugurate a sequence of ancient visual recordings, filled with scenes of burning and slaughter, painful cries, and helpless tears...

The footage is blurry and shaky, as if reflecting the recorder's emotions.

In this conspiratorial disaster, towering flames devour forests, and black smoke billows across the sky... The silhouette of the Azure Phoenix appears intermittently through the smoke, trees crack in agony, and purple semi-transparent creatures roam about, seemingly mourning and attempting to save, yet also exacerbating the chaos...

"What is this?" A few frames and simple words already have Flame Wave sensing they might have unearthed a regrettable chapter of history, "Could this be the origin of the Celestial Domain? A conspiracy between humans and Sky Whisper?"

Sky Whisper? Is that the entity Bamboo Clan revered, which he once thought was religious? Flame Wave ponders deeply, trying to piece together a complete picture. But with so little information, the gaps cannot be filled by imagination alone. For the first time, he starts to doubt, questioning if some truths are better left undiscovered.

"Is this all there is?" Aurum Aspire is shocked, yet more so anxious about the recorded content on the memory chip, "Could it be damaged, or is there not enough energy to access other data?"

"It must be that the remaining energy is insufficient," Flame Wave notices the dimming lights on the control panel, "Given the current situation, it seems it will take a long time to accumulate enough energy to restart the system."

"Damn, this sporadic energy supply, we've wasted so much already. Who knows when we'll be able to recharge." Aurum Aspire is frustrated they spent valuable energy exploring initially, resulting in scant information acquired.

Looking at the complex machinery, Flame Wave suppresses his mixed emotions, "You should be grateful we tried it out before the energy was completely depleted, at least we know the method is correct."

Yet, the snippets of information they've obtained leave them with more questions and heavy doubts. While Aurum Aspire is excited about their ability to crack advanced technological codes, Flame Wave is worried about the past technological advancements and survival pressures, wondering what sins humanity might have committed.

Without the Azure and White Forest, without the Gold and Silver Sea, would the Celestial Domain not exist? What exactly is the origin of the Celestial Domain?


"Without the Azure and White Forest, the Celestial Domain would not exist. The Celestial Domain was built on the ashes of the Azure and White Forest. And we are the ghosts of the Azure and White Forest, the eternal remorse, the shame and the ashes of the Terra Grove..."

Whispers with the wind, deep and chilling to the bone. The forest spirits tell Raina Grace of ancient rumors, mysteries of survival, greed, and final destruction.

In the ancient era of the Elemental Magnetic Star, the Terra Grove clan and the Ocean Whisper clan lived in the endless seas. The Terra Grove clan possessed spiritual roots, allowing them to swim freely in the water. The Ocean Whisper clan had spiritual fins, enabling them to glide in low altitudes.

However, their peaceful existence was shattered. One day, some members of both clans saw the Azure Phoenix soaring freely in the sky, sparking a desire for the land and the vast universe beyond.

Desperate, they ventured onto land, only to find themselves weakened and bound. The Terra Grove transformed into the Terra Grove, their spiritual roots could only survive by taking root in the soil. The Ocean Whisper turned into Sky Whisper, their spiritual fins granting the ability to fly but severely damaged by the elemental magnetic turbulence, their frail bodies hiding from the shadows of the abyss.

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