Chapter 164 Fearless and Undaunted

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"Flame Wave, may I have a word with you?" After returning to the hot spring cottage, Jadelle suddenly approached Flame Wave. He had been contemplating probing Willow Wood's motives, but his reticence left Flame Wave at a loss on how to begin. Therefore, when Jadelle initiated the conversation, he saw no reason to refuse.

Raina Grace was with Flame Wave, but Jadelle seemed to prefer a private conversation: "Can we take a walk outside?" She asked Flame Wave but looked at Raina Grace for approval.

Raina Grace was pondering over the refinement of the levitation rope. After its previous use, she realized its significant utility in the abyss—not as a weapon, but as a defensive and versatile tool, perfectly aligning with her preferences. It was unfortunate it had been damaged...

"Raina Grace?" Flame Wave intended to include Raina Grace in the conversation, believing her insight could reveal more. However, respecting Jadelle's wish to speak privately, he didn't insist, fearing it might prevent Jadelle from sharing potentially valuable information. "Jadelle mentioned she has something to discuss..."

Realizing the situation, Raina Grace immediately stood up, "Do you need me to step aside?"

"No need, I'll talk to her outside." Flame Wave reassured her, gently pushing her back to her seat and casually fixing her hair, "I'll be back soon. Take a rest."

"Alright," Raina Grace smiled in response.

If Flame Wave had known this would be another farewell with Raina Grace, he wouldn't have been so casual...

"It's surprising to see even Silver Wolf has a tender side," Jadelle remarked, noticing Flame Wave's reluctance to part, even briefly, and couldn't resist teasing, "Is it necessary? How long have you known each other? Are all men so fickle?"

Flame Wave had no desire to explain his relationship with Raina Grace to anyone and noticed Jadelle's unusually aggressive demeanor, even more so than when Aurum Aspire had trapped her in the spaceship's chamber. "What's wrong? Is Willow Wood pressuring you?"

Covering her face, Jadelle groaned, "Sorry, I... do feel a lot of pressure, but not just because of Willow Wood..."

Not just because of Willow Wood? Flame Wave sensed she was missing the point. Given her extensive interaction with Willow Wood, any pressure she felt likely stemmed from him. "Willow Wood is a brooding presence. Staying with him can easily darken your mood. If he has done or said anything to you, don't be afraid to speak up. We'll find a solution."

"Would you help me too?" Jadelle looked up hopefully.

"Of course." Flame Wave didn't hesitate, seeing Willow Wood as an untrustworthy outsider, "I understand you might feel a need to bond with him as kin, but you're different from him. Your origins are clear, while his have always been suspicious, and his words unreliable."

"Kin?" Jadelle scoffed, filled with uncertainty and confusion, "I don't even know what kind I am."

Flame Wave frowned, perplexed by her fixation on identity, "To me, you were born and raised as a human and identify as such. But you also carry the responsibility and memories of a Sky Whisper, making you believe you're one. However, these two identities aren't mutually exclusive; no one's forcing you to betray one for the other."

"Coexist? Is that really possible?" Jadelle was skeptical, "You'd accept me as human and not disdain my Sky Whisper heritage? But Aurum Aspire, he wanted me dead because I'm a Sky Whisper."

"I don't believe Sky Whispers lack the right to exist. You're among the earliest intelligent beings on this planet," Flame Wave stated matter-of-factly, "Aurum Aspire's goal wasn't to kill you. That would serve him no benefit. He must have another purpose, or you have some utility to him."

"Are you suggesting my Sky Whisper identity is useful to him?" Jadelle pondered, still seeing herself primarily as human, "Like you said, my upbringing and culture are human, often making me forget my Sky Whisper nature. If only I were truly human..."

Meanwhile, at the freemen's tribe, Flicker Shadow shared everything he knew, including the abyssal power and Sky Whispers, with White Lightning, hoping to heighten their vigilance towards the abyss and discernment of Sky Whispers.

"Sky Whispers that look like humans? What strange beings are these?" White Lightning was bewildered.

"They, like the Terra Grove, are among the oldest intelligent beings on Elemental Magnetic Star, possessing mysterious powers and complex relations with humans. When there's no conflict, it's manageable, but preparation is crucial for when conflicts arise."

Like the Terra Grove? White Lightning became solemn. The freemen's relationship with the Terra Grove was delicate, always wary: "Another Sky Whisper tribe? Are there more intelligent species on Elemental Magnetic Star? One by one, turning into humans? Is this some kind of trick?"

Living in the forest, the freemen revered and guarded against mystical forces, with ancient tales serving as entertainment. The more they spoke, the more fantastical the stories became.

Having grown up with these stories, Flicker Shadow, who had lived alone in Verdant Thistle Forest for two years, had a deeper understanding of natural forces and his potential, unshaken by the unknown, like his willingness to challenge the abyss and resist a corrupted Willow Wood.

Yet, the idea of Willow Wood and Jadelle being Sky Whispers of another species seemed incredible to Flicker Shadow. They looked and acted human; how could they be different? But having witnessed Willow Wood's torment in the abyssal forces, reminiscent of possession from tales, and with freemen disappearing under the abyss's "call," Flicker Shadow grew wary of the abyss. "Just be cautious. Keep an eye on each other and avoid venturing into the abyss, whether it's a 'call' or not."

"I will," White Lightning promised, though skeptical, "But if it truly is the abyss's 'call,' can we resist such a force?"

Flicker Shadow hesitated, distracted by Lightning chasing WeeStick outside, heading towards the Terra Grove, "Don't be afraid! Nothing can scare you if you're fearless."

Lightning's fearlessness, having swallowed what Willow Wood considered a vital "Spirit Fin," proved nothing was insurmountable. Willow Wood had no hold over Lightning, who remained lively and unscathed.

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