Chapter 115 The Birds Worship the Phoenix

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The unique advantage of the Bamboo family, which also doubled as their secret weapon, was unparalleled by the Autumn family or any other major family in the Sky Domain—their ability to summon and control birds. This method of summoning was fundamentally different from Flame Wave's approach of conquering the white falcon through force and then building a relationship of trust. Instead, it involved a more direct and compulsory form of mental control, akin to Raina Grace's manipulation of animals with elemental magnetic power.

This extraordinary ability had always been kept hidden by the Bamboo family, allowing them to discreetly use birds for gathering intelligence and surveillance. However, to enter Pine Mist Mountain, they had no choice but to control large birds to fly over the Pine Mist River and reach the mountain. Such obvious flight could not be concealed, but the Bamboo family was reluctant to reveal this unique ability directly. Thus, Bamboo Jane conceived the idea of "A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix" as a cover story.

In an effort to sow confusion and feign grandeur, the Bamboo family, following their tradition of celebrating significant ceremonies, widely publicized the event, formally notifying various circles with the following message:

"Esteemed Members,

The Bamboo family has been renowned since ancient times for its elegant artistry and demeanor, with a reputation that resounds across the world. We are now holding a grand celebration to express our profound respect for the beauty of life and nature. This celebration, themed 'A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix', aims to showcase the most splendid creatures of the natural world and their graceful dance, as a tribute to the legendary Azure Phoenix.

We warmly welcome guests and artists from all walks of life to join us in this grand occasion, to appreciate the diversity and beauty of life. May we all revel in the fusion of art and nature, witnessing the marvels of the natural world and human ingenuity..."

The time and place of the event were made public.

Indeed, the Bamboo family's innovative approach took the world by surprise. The so-called "A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix" was an unheard-of method of paying homage to Pine Mist Mountain. People had only heard of individuals from the Celestial Balance Fortress visiting Pine Mist Mountain, a place that deterred many. Now, the Bamboo family sought to prove their worthiness to set foot there?

Amidst astonishment, skepticism, and curiosity, everyone, driven by a desire "to be there in spirit if not in body," gathered at the Pine Mist River within the designated time, eager to witness this spectacle—would it be a historical miracle or a historical joke?

The event turned out to be a tremendous success for the Bamboo family. Especially when the ladies of the Bamboo family truly took to the skies on birds, soaring between mountains and rivers, dancing among the blue sky and white clouds, their majestic performance became an immortal legend that people would talk about for years to come.

Pine Mist Mountain had already caught the attention of Raina Grace due to the activity by the Pine Mist River. However, she could only watch helplessly as flocks of birds circled above Pine Mist Mountain, awaiting the fate of being discovered.

"Why does the Azure Phoenix have to enter its phoenix state at this time?" WeeStick's anxiety was almost palpable, "We're about to be caught like birds in a cage!"

"It might be as the Azure Phoenix said, everything is predestined," Raina Grace felt helpless, but all they could do now was to stay by the Azure Phoenix's side.

Whether it was due to being trapped in the same place for too long or the risk of being discovered, the Azure Phoenix had become increasingly irritable over time. Not only did Raina Grace and WeeStick notice its agitation, but the Azure Phoenix itself was aware of it. A few days ago, unable to bear its current state any longer, the Azure Phoenix decided to make a break, leading to their current predicament without any means of defense.

"I don't understand, the Azure Phoenix has always been the most composed and steady among us. Why has it suddenly changed, as if it can't stand to be here for another moment? This is the place it chose, after all," WeeStick was still puzzled over the reason behind the Azure Phoenix's sudden decision to undergo its phoenix state.

"Choosing to stay here and being trapped are two different things," Raina Grace speculated, then shook her head, "The Azure Phoenix isn't easily influenced by external factors. There must be something happening that it foresaw, which we are unaware of."

"If it foresaw something, shouldn't it have anticipated this situation? How did it end up coinciding with outsiders' arrival?" WeeStick muttered, "What do we do now, is the Azure Phoenix going to be captured?"

WeeStick wasn't worried about herself, and Raina Grace seemed calm, suggesting that the intruders wouldn't harm her. But the Azure Phoenix was their target; could it and Raina Grace do nothing but let the Azure Phoenix be captured?

"Don't worry," Raina Grace wasn't just offering empty comfort to WeeStick, "Have you not noticed that the Azure Phoenix, in its current state, isn't easily approachable? At least it should be safe for now."

WeeStick had indeed noticed. The Azure Phoenix, though immobile in its phoenix state, was surrounded by flames that formed a natural barrier, preventing enemies from getting close—except for Raina Grace, as the Azure Phoenix had previously granted her its tail feathers, the only way to bypass the phoenix flames without harm. However, WeeStick felt that the flames seemed weak and constrained, as if something sticky and heavy was dampening them. This sensation felt familiar.

"Didn't the Azure Phoenix tell you that its phoenix flames would be the best tempering for you? Can't you enter its protective circle?" Raina Grace asked. If so, both the Azure Phoenix and WeeStick's safety could be assured. As long as the Azure Phoenix successfully completed its phoenix state, they could leave this place safely.

But what if it didn't succeed? Raina Grace wondered. What leverage did she have to negotiate with the visitors?

"Raina Grace, have you noticed that the elemental magnetic force around the Azure Phoenix feels somewhat similar to the abyss?" WeeStick suddenly recalled the familiar sensation, reminiscent of the sticky heaviness she felt when trapped in the elemental magnetic abyss. "I think maybe the Azure Phoenix has been wrong all along. Could its inability to undergo its phoenix state be due to the erosion by the abyss's power?" WeeStick had an epiphany, making connections.

The more WeeStick thought about it, the more it made sense: "It's not surprising that the Azure Phoenix, born in the abyss and having spent so much time there, would be tainted by its aura. It even mentioned that it couldn't break free until you gave it the strength."

Reminded by WeeStick, Raina Grace also noticed the black elements around the Azure Phoenix indeed resembled the color of the abyss. Could it be that if she transferred her elemental magnetic power to the Azure Phoenix again, it might aid in its successful phoenix transformation? Raina Grace moved closer to the Azure Phoenix, entering a warm and sticky aura, gently touching its wings to release her elemental magnetic power.

"What are you doing? You're seeking death!" Bamboo Jane, from mid-air, exclaimed in shock, quickly commanding her black bird to land nearby as she rushed over.

However, the girl didn't suffer the expected near-death weakness; instead, she stood firm, seemingly still transferring something to the Azure Phoenix.

"Could I have been mistaken? Is this not the power of the abyss?" Bamboo Jane murmured to herself, "And how could that girl get close to the Azure Phoenix in its phoenix state? Unless she is recognized by the Azure Phoenix! Who is she?"

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