Chapter 78 No Escape

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Flicker Shadow was the first to rush into the house, immediately spotting Raina Grace standing dumbfounded in the center of the room, with a bewildered and astonished expression; nearby, the clan leader agonizingly clutched his continuously bleeding arm, slumped on the ground, next to a blood-stained dagger.

In the suffocating silence, the sound of blood droplets falling on the floor mimicked the rhythm of a heartbeat.

The scent of blood pervaded the air, accompanied by the room's dim light, making it an ideal setting for conspiracy and scheming.

Through the icy silence, Flicker Shadow noticed an indescribable emotion in Raina Grace's eyes, unable to discern what it was. He had always been unable to grasp what Raina Grace was thinking.

Although several others followed Flicker Shadow into the room, the atmosphere was frozen, as if everyone was afraid to disturb the suspense and secrecy that filled the space.

Flicker Shadow was the first to act, silently approaching Raina Grace: "Raina Grace, what happened?" His voice was low and puzzled, trying to unravel the mystery before anyone else to ensure Raina Grace wouldn't be harmed.

Raina Grace didn't speak. The atmosphere in the room remained heavy, as if shrouded in blood, with only the clan leader's painful moans and gasps audible.

Suddenly, Flicker Shadow realized something – he was utterly unsuited for such a scene, as was Raina Grace. They could never control this: it wasn't about the clan leader's life or death, but it would completely change his and Raina Grace's destinies.

"Clan leader!" After Flicker Shadow asked Raina Grace, someone finally reacted, rushing to the clan leader's side, "Are you alright?"

Then turning towards Raina Grace, "You witch, did you want to kill the chief?"

"It wasn't me!" Raina Grace, as if finally snapping back to reality, began to deny.

"If not you, then who? There's no one else here!"

"Seize her!"

"It really wasn't me!" Raina Grace said to Flicker Shadow, "He stabbed himself!"

Flicker Shadow had already shielded Raina Grace behind him: "Who dares to seize her?"

"Flicker Shadow, do you intend to protect this witch?"

"Think carefully; she attempted to assassinate the clan leader, she is an enemy of the free people!"

"Flicker Shadow," the chief also spoke in a weak voice, "Rest assured, we won't harm her without clarifying things first. We're just going to restrain her for now."

"No," Raina Grace clutched at Flicker Shadow, "Once they catch me, I'll have no chance to prove my innocence."

"Don't worry, I'll take you away right now!" Flicker Shadow didn't hesitate, "We're leaving the valley immediately."

"No," Raina Grace thought for a moment, "They have the numbers, we might be hunted. Let's go to the Terra Grove tribe, they still need the Elemental Ancestor Fruit from Terra Grove, they wouldn't dare to turn against Terra Grove right now."

"Alright, I'll take you there!" Flicker Shadow protected Raina Grace, slowly moving towards the exit. Meanwhile, he raised his short sword, swinging it forcefully, shouting: "Do not block the way, I do not wish to harm anyone. But you all know my strength."

People tried to persuade Flicker Shadow while cautiously stepping aside. They had indeed witnessed Flicker Shadow's bravery and strength, and no one wanted to confront him directly.

The clan leader watched the two leave with a sinister gaze, saying in a heavy tone: "Flicker Shadow, how can you be so deluded? Do you really think you can just hide in Terra Grove and I won't be able to do anything about you?" His latter words were directed at Raina Grace, his gaze cold and menacing.

Perhaps the clan leader indeed had other means to capture her from Terra Grove, or perhaps he was just trying to scare her, Raina Grace could no longer think clearly. She only wanted to leave this place filled with blood and conspiracy as soon as possible.

With Flicker Shadow's firm protection, they smoothly arrived at the Terra Grove tribe's territory.

However, they were stopped at the entrance to the plantation – the Terra Grove tribe refused to accept humans. After Raina Grace pleaded and also demonstrated the deterrent power of the Azure Phoenix shell, they finally agreed to let Flicker Shadow in, but only allowed them to move within the plantation.

The Terra Grove tribe had built some houses around the plantation, but all were inhabited by attached spirits, leaving no place for Raina Grace and him to stay. Exhausted, Raina Grace could only sit down with Flicker Shadow in a relatively hidden spot outside a wooden house.

In the temporary peace, neither knew what to say. Raina Grace buried her head in her knees, remaining silent for a long time. Flicker Shadow didn't disturb her, also staring at the ground, lost in thought.

After a while, WeeStick flew over. "Raina Grace, why are you here? What happened?"

Raina Grace could sense WeeStick's presence and summon it from a close distance. She thought of coming to Terra Grove also to contact WeeStick.

But knowing WeeStick was simple-minded, she didn't tell it about what happened. She had another request. "Can you plead with the Ancestral Tree on behalf of me and Flicker Shadow, so we can temporarily stay in Terra Grove?"

She and Flicker Shadow couldn't always stay in the plantation, not just because there was no shelter from the wind and rain, but also because she wanted to move further away from the valley, to the Elemental Ancestor Fruit forest or other places.

Or they could follow the route the former saintess took to escape, leave here, and return to Verdant Thistle Forest. Verdant Thistle Forest was so vast, it would be difficult for the free people to find them.

"Ah? I can't actively seek the Ancestral Tree, it always finds me." Seeing Raina Grace's troubled expression, WeeStick thought for a moment, "I'll try my best. I don't know if it will work, or how long it will take."

Raina Grace nodded: "Try your best, we'll see."

With WeeStick breaking the tension, the atmosphere temporarily eased. Raina Grace looked at Flicker Shadow: "Thank you, Flicker Shadow, for believing in me and helping me escape at this time."

This was the first time they had seriously spoken in days. Yet, Flicker Shadow suddenly felt an immense sense of powerlessness and alienation. Who would leave first? Who could never turn back?

"You would never harm anyone," he said, still staring at the ground, "The clan leader lied."

"Then, were you also deceived by him before?" Raina Grace cautiously asked.

Flicker Shadow gave a bitter smile: "I don't know. I don't know which of his words are true and which are false. He told me everything he did was for the survival and development of humanity, for the happiness of the free people."

Flicker Shadow mechanically repeated the clan leader's words: "He said the Terra Grove tribe never regarded humans as equals, only as slaves and vessels. As long as they exist, humans will never rise up. He also said that I am actually his and the saintess's bloodline, destined to bear great responsibilities..."

"Ah!" Raina Grace was shocked, "Really?"

"I said, I don't know, and I don't care!" Flicker Shadow declared.

"Then why..."

Flicker Shadow understood Raina Grace's unfinished question, why he would act that way towards her, harm her...

"I knew the spider silk could detoxify." Flicker Shadow wanted to say that he wasn't silently consenting or actively poisoning her; he knew she would be okay.

"Oh... In that case, why did you still follow the chief and do such things?" Raina Grace had anticipated Flicker Shadow wouldn't intentionally harm her, but she couldn't understand why he appeared to be on the clan leader's side.

Why? Flicker Shadow didn't know himself. Was it hatred for Raina Grace's goodwill towards Terra Grove? Or was it hatred for her uncompromising nature?

His expression was hesitant, his eyes revealing confusion and turmoil, his eyebrows furrowed, fists clenched, as if struggling with something.

"One day, you will leave me!" he finally said, "I just wish that day would come later."

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