Chapter 41 Elemental Ancestor Fruit

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After soothing Arlinwood back to sleep, Raina Grace eagerly asked WeeStick, "You mentioned the Ocean Bloom kind. Can you tell me more about them?"

WeeStick's glow dimmed and brightened uncertainly. "I... I don't know much..." It seemed to struggle with forgotten or hidden memories that remained elusive.

Disappointed but focused on her primary concern, Raina Grace asked, "Was I supposed to be your host for possession? Why didn't you just possess me? I was completely unguarded at that moment." What concerned her most was whether WeeStick might still intend to possess her.

WeeStick seemed excited about this topic: "After awakening, there's little time to delay before possession. Without the Elemental Ancestor Fruit, possession of Terra Grove wood is an option – losing consciousness but waiting for the next dormancy to reawaken it. I intended to leave, but you grabbed me. At that moment, I felt a clear sensation of possession, but somehow, we didn't merge, and I didn't disappear. I just can't leave you now."

"Can't leave? Is something preventing you, or is there something about me that attracts you... Oh, could it be this?" Raina Grace recalled the Elemental Ancestor Fruit's core she had kept, pulling it out of her pocket. It was still beautiful, emitting a soft blue glow, like a blue eye.

"What's this?" WeeStick curiously approached. "It feels familiar."

"This is the core of the Elemental Ancestor Fruit that was meant for you. I..." Raina Grace hesitated, recalling that she had unknowingly consumed WeeStick's fruit. Should she reveal the truth now, potentially causing more complex and serious consequences?

 Should she reveal the truth now, potentially causing more complex and serious consequences?

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"The Elemental Ancestor Fruit?" WeeStick puzzled, "That's not what it looks like. It's too small, too hard. The Elemental Ancestor Fruit matures with us in the sacred place of the Terra Grove kind, fermenting as we sleep. Upon awakening, it's ready for the Terra Grove about to become a Wood Heart to pierce and absorb. It's the source of our consciousness, preventing its exhaustion."

Raina Grace examined the core in her palm: translucent, with something flowing inside. She had seen Terra Grove Wood Hearts pierce the Elemental Ancestor Fruits, which then completely vanished, so they absorbed the core as well?

Could WeeStick's feeling of possession upon contact with her have been because she consumed its fruit, and its reluctance to leave, a result of that?

She compared the core with WeeStick's "head." Although hard, the elongated core seemed capable of piercing into a Wood Heart. Could WeeStick absorb the lingering consciousness in the core?

Deciding not to hide her consumption of the Elemental Ancestor Fruit, Raina Grace shared her speculation with WeeStick, letting it decide whether to absorb the core.

"Is that so?" WeeStick pondered after hearing everything. "It doesn't feel the same as absorbing the Elemental Ancestor Fruit's core for possession. But don't apologize. I'm truly happy to be with you. I've never felt as free and unburdened as I do now, able to go many places, not weighed down by a heavy body, and not disappearing. It's more beautiful than the most beautiful dream I had during dormancy!"

"Really? That's good." Raina Grace held back her words about letting WeeStick leave after absorbing the core.

"Is this really the Elemental Ancestor Fruit's core?" WeeStick circled it. "Well, let's try!"

"Really? You'll try it?" Raina Grace watched as WeeStick, "lying" horizontally in mid-air, prepared for the core.

"Yes, let's do it. I'm not afraid." WeeStick's voice trembled slightly.

Raina Grace, reasoning the core belonged to WeeStick and wouldn't harm it, decided to proceed.

Surprisingly, the core seamlessly embedded into one side of WeeStick's wooden body.

With the core resembling a blue gem, WeeStick appeared more lively, as if it had gained a crystal eye. Raina Grace felt it was no longer just a core but a "Crystal Eye" belonging to WeeStick.

"How do you feel? Any discomfort?" she asked worriedly.

WeeStick shook left and right, indicating no discomfort.

"Did you absorb it?" Still shaking its head.

Unable to speak? "How do you feel, then?"

"A bit heavy, yet clearer," WeeStick replied.

"Heavy? 'Heavy is the head that wears the crown,'" Raina Grace recalled Flame Wave's words.

"What crown? What weight?" WeeStick didn't understand.

Raina Grace brushed off the aside, focusing on the main point, "What do you mean by clearer? Hearing, seeing, or thinking more clearly?"

WeeStick swayed, its green body complemented by the blue gem, both shining brightly. "All of them. And now that you mention it, my memory is clearer too. I remember an ancient rhyme about our oldest wise spirits."

"Ancient wise spirits?"

"Terra Grove, Sky Whisper, and Ocean Bloom, the oldest wise spirits."

"How does the rhyme go?"

"Rooted in the mud, the Terra Grove struggles to move,

The Sky Whisper, ethereal, leaves no trace.

Only the Ocean Bloom thrives,

Limitless footprints, deep waters stretching far.

Branches lush, sheltering the earth,

All beings and spirits bow in reverence."


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