Chapter 19 Outside the Leisure Tower

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"The name 'Water-Earth Inn' sounds so unrefined, doesn't it? But my dad said the inn has always been called that. He got used to it and didn't want to change it. If I ever become the boss, I'll give it a nicer name, like 'Earth Mushroom' or something," said the girl speaking. She was the innkeeper's daughter, named Qingjing, and her name indicated she was born with earth elements.

"Have you ever eaten mushrooms? They're delicious, right? They're from the Earth Realm, far richer than the Water Realm's produce. Unfortunately, I don't have wood elements like my dad, so I'm not sure if I'll ever inherit this inn."

Qingjing looked at Raina Grace with pity and continued, "But I'm better off than you, having only water elements. You're stuck in the Water Realm for life. But maybe not. That Flame Wave, from the Fire Realm, what's your relationship with him? He's so, so... good-looking. I can't even describe it. I've seen many people, but never anyone as handsome as him."

Raina Grace shook her head; she didn't know what her relationship with Flame Wave was.

Qingjing speculated, "It can't be father-daughter, right? If he didn't acknowledge you before, letting you grow up in the City of Benevolence, he wouldn't do it now. My parents planned to raise me from the start, so I grew up here. I'm one of the lucky ones!"

Raina Grace nodded. She had heard from Granny Rain that although there were couples on the Elemental Magnetic Star, not many chose to raise their children themselves.

On the one hand, they believed the star could take good care of the children, and on the other hand, while there were subsidies for childbirth, there were none for upbringing. The care fees usually given to the City of Benevolence were just transferred to the parents who chose to raise their children.

Even if some parents initially wanted to raise their children themselves, they often gave up due to the hardships and eventually sent the children to the City of Benevolence.

Over time, it became customary for children to grow up in the City of Benevolence. Many people deliberately forgot their unpleasant experiences there, painting it as a wonderful place. The City of Benevolence's life was simple, but children adapted well, learning many new skills and knowledge. They made friends, played, learned, and grew together. The staff cared deeply for the children, providing the best living and educational conditions. Here, the children's hearts were filled with hope and dreams, knowing their futures wouldn't be dimmed by the lack of relatives, as their lives were filled with joy, labor satisfaction, and spiritual pursuits.

 Here, the children's hearts were filled with hope and dreams, knowing their futures wouldn't be dimmed by the lack of relatives, as their lives were filled with joy, labor satisfaction, and spiritual pursuits

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However, Raina Grace didn't grow up in the City of Benevolence, nor was she born there. With Granny Rain, she had been happy.

Seeing Raina Grace's eyes smiling, Qingjing thought Raina Grace envied her, feeling sweet inside and forgetting to inquire further about Flame Wave. She planned to show Raina Grace more interesting places, letting her know that life was more than just the dullness of the City of Benevolence.

The most interesting place Qingjing could think of was the Leisure Tower, the highest-standard entertainment venue in the Surface Domain.

In Qingjing's mind, the Leisure Tower was the most noble and luxurious place, though she rarely visited due to the high costs. Even with her family's decent financial situation, they couldn't afford frequent visits.

But since Flame Wave had generously given them many Elemental Magnetic Currency to take care of Raina Grace, they could afford it.

The Leisure Tower was a unique structure composed of sleek lines and elegant transparent curves. Its sharp, ridged silhouette was made up of five triangular sides, each transparent surface reflecting the colors representing the five elements, creating a luxurious texture. The symmetric height and intricate layers added to its mystique.

The entrance hall featured a spacious pool, symbolizing the Water Realm. Scattered colorful lights on the water surface created a comfortable atmosphere.

Natural light poured through the transparent walls, refracting into unparalleled brilliance and hues, making the place bright and dreamlike.

The towering Leisure Tower, amidst ordinary bungalows, looked down with a self-admiring, dreamy, and fairy-tale-like presence, evoking desire and awe.

The towering Leisure Tower, amidst ordinary bungalows, looked down with a self-admiring, dreamy, and fairy-tale-like presence, evoking desire and awe

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"This is the Leisure Tower," Qingjing said proudly.

This beautiful and indulgent place was a symbol of the Surface Domain, and most importantly, it was a place she occasionally visited.

Raina Grace found it pretty but not astonishing. Compared to the sights she had seen in the endless sea, both in terms of variety and texture, it was far inferior—a contrived mix of various elements.

She was more curious about the "Leisure Pills" Qingjing mentioned but saw Qingjing looking at her embarrassingly.

"Sorry, Raina Grace, I just remembered, the Leisure Tower doesn't allow children under fifteen to enter. So..."

Qingjing had just turned sixteen and had been to the Leisure Tower only a few times. In her excitement, she had forgotten the age restriction.

Although a bit regretful, Raina Grace shook her head, indicating it was fine, "You go ahead."

Qingjing hesitated but didn't want to miss this opportunity. "Okay, then. I'll tell you what happens when I get back. You can come when you're old enough."


Later, when Qingjing returned to the inn, she told Raina Grace a "most beautiful and charming" story.

The story's protagonist was a young girl named Qingjing. She was a beautiful and independent woman who loved to travel alone and explore different landscapes. On her journey, she met a handsome and brave man named Yingjie, a respected hero.

Yingjie was a courageous and resolute warrior, known for his bravery and wisdom. Their attraction was irresistible when they met. They traveled together for a long time, exploring beautiful scenery and sharing stories and dreams.

Over time, their feelings deepened, and their interactions became more natural and intimate, intensifying their attraction.

During a beautiful sunrise, Yingjie expressed his love to Qingjing. They embraced and kissed, igniting a passionate flame of emotion.

Their love was like a constantly rising mountain, beautiful and grand. They believed their love would endure any difficulty or challenge, like a never-extinguishing light guiding their path!

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