Chapter 143 The Whirlpool of Desire

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On the edge of the Gold and Silver Sea, Silver Tan gazed far into the distance, the sea surface shimmering brilliantly under the sunlight. Yet, his heart felt adrift in the vast sea, a sense of unease quietly rising, stirring his emotions.

Suddenly, the tranquility of the Gold and Silver Sea was shattered. The waters began to churn as if driven by a mysterious force. The sky transformed unpredictably, with the golden sun and the silver moon hanging simultaneously in the sky, casting strange and dazzling light.

Silver Tan felt as if he were in a new world, a magical realm belonging just to him and that girl. Under the illumination of the sun and moon, his thoughts rippled outwards, drawing him into a tumultuous ocean. His emotions fluctuated wildly, like an unpredictable storm.

Deep within the Gold and Silver Sea, Raina Grace fell into a surreal ecstasy. Various desires, dreams, and ambitions swelled within her under the enticing scenery, amplified and satisfied. Yet, these desires were not originally from her heart but seemed to be infused by someone else, expanding forcibly into an unfounded emptiness.

This subtle contradiction plunged Raina Grace into a bewildering state of illusion, where her desires expanded like balloons but never reached the edge of fulfillment. She began to struggle.

As she resisted, the seductive force shifted strategies, becoming forceful, attempting to command her submission with an icy, authoritative will. This oppressive restraint felt like invisible hands suffocating her, pushing her to the brink of suffocation.

To sink or to die? Someone seemed to be asking.

Let me sink, she answered. As long as there's life, anything is possible. Sinking is but a game inherent to her being.

Raina Grace began to relax, merging with the Gold and Silver Sea as she had with the Endless Sea, imagining herself once part of the sea, her former home. She felt the flow of the water, the gentle singing of the waves. Water nurtures all things without contention, even the mightiest force becomes powerless within its gentle, formless embrace.

Ah, so this is your true heart. It spoke. Hidden desires are derivatives of wisdom, the driving force of life. Terra Grove, do you remember that initial thrill?

Before Raina Grace could ponder the meaning of these words, she found herself floating in a dazzling ocean, surrounded by colorful fish. The water shifted between gold and silver, exuding an enticing luster. She reached out to touch the beautiful fish, a wonderful joy spreading through her limbs, feeling as though she had found her true home.

How nice, how comfortable. When had she last felt such unrestrained joy? Could she simply stay this way, without thoughts or struggles, returning to the origins of life?

Yet, what was calling to her from within? When had she begun to hold onto something? Whose unrest was stirring in her heart? Numerous images flashed before her eyes, from the initial calm and detachment to later solitude and noise, and then, emotions and desires began to crash through her world, clamoring for change...

What does it feel like to have curiosity, impulse, anger, envy, despair, longing, warmth...? The world gained color, became more dazzling, and also sticky, full of fullness and expansion... She was struggling to break free from something, yet earnestly pursuing something else...

Emotions are so complex, like a book covered in layers, read and reread, discovering more unknowns with each deep dive. She tried to find balance in emotions, only to find herself caught in a vortex of contradictions. The passing of kinship, the longing for freedom, the pleasures of the flesh, the betrayal of friendship; conspiracies and schemes, ideals and perseverance, responsibilities and promises, history and oblivion... All these relentless layers pressed down, too heavy to breathe...

Come, give them to me, these unnecessary emotions and expectations; those burning desires and cravings, those weaknesses of human nature. Discard them, and from then on, you will fear nothing, unstoppable by any storm!

No, no, never. Don't you dare take away my life, my experiences, my irreplaceable... yearnings... she screamed within her heart. Even if it was too heavy to breathe, it was her willing choice, the trace of her intimate contact with the world.

Yet, the invisible hands began to tear at her soul, attempting to strip all memories and emotions from her body. She resisted with all her might, unwilling to give up her memories, which would mean giving up herself.

Raina Grace sought balance, trying to understand her emotions, accepting her desires like the sea's embrace and acceptance, understanding and support.

It was an inner struggle, a battle over self-awareness. Finding balance in each struggle, affirming value in each doubt. It was hard, perhaps a lifelong pursuit of exhaustion. But her heart calmed, no longer troubled by the tumult of emotions.

Then, a powerful energy rose from within her, like lightning coursing through her body. The force binding her weakened, the illusion gradually dissipating.

Real... how wonderful... This was its last sigh.

Standing on the shore of the Gold and Silver Sea, Silver Tan witnessed a huge whirlpool suddenly rising on the sea surface, roaring as if to devour everything. Struggling with uncertainty: What happened? How was Raina Grace? What should he do?

Then, in the center of the whirlpool, he saw the girl's figure becoming gradually clearer. Bathed in the light of the sun and moon, she seemed to be undergoing a sacred baptism, a refinement of the soul.

The Spirit Fin drifted back to the shore, falling into his palm. The sea calmed, bathed in twilight glow. The girl approached in the twilight, her surrounding light so intense he couldn't directly gaze at it, yet unwilling to miss any part of her brilliance.

Something surged within him, vanishing at the moment it reached his lips. A force propelled him forward, to approach, to... catch her suddenly wilting body... So light, so soft, like a feather, quietly resting in his palm, fearing the slightest movement might scare away this brief moment of peace.

Fortunately, she had merely fallen asleep from exhaustion.

For a long time, the twilight glow over the Gold and Silver Sea receded, stretching their figures into a long line, gradually disappearing into the darkness.

In the darkness, he heard the girl's dreamy murmur: "Flame Wave..."

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