Chapter 190 Where My Heart Belongs

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"Why did Ocean Bloom simply watch from the sidelines as Sky Whisper and Terra Grove were embroiled in conflicts with humans? Isn't Ocean Bloom regarded as the most wise and profound being in Elemental Magnetic Star?"

"There are so many beings on Elemental Magnetic Star, none superior to others. Unity brings them together, and disagreement drives them apart. Ocean Bloom does not wish to bear the fate of other beings."

"What about humans then? They are not native to Elemental Magnetic Star, yet they've occupied it and oppressed its original creatures. How does Ocean Bloom view humans?"

"Humans are clever. Since they managed to come to Elemental Magnetic Star from other planets, that too is the destiny of Elemental Magnetic Star. After all, the universe is vast, and Elemental Magnetic Star is just a speck floating within it. Native or foreign, it's all beyond their control."

"So, you're saying Ocean Bloom doesn't care about the changes happening on Elemental Magnetic Star, even though it's their home?"

"Not caring is not the right word; it's more like these changes haven't fundamentally threatened their existence. There's no reason for them to be slaughtered without fighting back."

"So far, everything that has happened, everything humans have taken over and done, hasn't affected Ocean Bloom in any way? As long as we keep the impact within the current scope, Ocean Bloom will continue to ignore it?"

"Perhaps. Ocean Bloom isn't a species that likes to fight. Watching the tides rise and fall is their most common practice."

"So, you prefer those kinds of days? Humans are different; we grow and progress through endless struggles, driven by boundless ambition and desire. When our race prospers, we engage in ceaseless infighting; when our race declines, we can sacrifice ourselves just to preserve our genes. Humans care too much about themselves, never able to remain as detached as Ocean Bloom. I wonder if it's the tragedy or fortune of humanity..."

Waking from a dream, the conversation still echoed in my ears, yet the speaker had long since drifted away. Were those conversations real, or just ramblings in a dream?

"In dreams, I am a guest to life, indulging in brief joys." Flame Wave took out the Silver Wolf mask, "Returning to its rightful owner, Raina Grace, now you are complete."

Raina Grace had always known it was hers, like the silver-white scallops, the witch's cloak, and Luminous Harmony's ring, all attracting her immensely, waiting for her to reclaim them.

But she wanted Flame Wave to keep the mask, so he could join her in the endless sea, and she could maintain her human identity as Raina Grace.

However, Flame Wave no longer wanted it. If he chose to let go, she wouldn't insist.

Absorbing the mask, she indeed became whole, inheriting all of Ocean Bloom's legacy and memories. She remembered sneaking out of her clan out of sympathy, wanting to see how her old friends, Sky Whisper and Terra Grove, were doing. Out of sympathy, she also helped humans (Flame Wave, Aurum Aspire, and Jade Thistle) who were nearly killed by the endless sea.

Later, sympathy led her into Jade Thistle's trap. Envious of Ocean Bloom's powerful abilities, Jade Thistle used the Nuwa system to imprison her soul in her own body, but ended up being driven mad by the split soul, risking reincarnation. Because of Jade Thistle's reincarnation, she also entered the Nuwa system and obtained a new body, her own human body.

For some reason, she was reborn in the sacred land of Ocean Bloom, where she could choose to continue as Ocean Bloom or start anew as a human. Since she always maintained a human form, her clan thought she wanted to be human, so they sent her to the star continent where humans lived, to be raised by a kind human.

Having chosen to be human, Raina Grace earnestly experienced the most essential aspects of humanity—emotions. The complexity of human nature, the diversity of feelings, the fragility and resilience of the heart, the depth and variability of emotions... In her interactions with those she chose and cherished, she had learned much, yet there was still much she did not understand.

After so much, Raina Grace finally understood that many questions have no answers, many things will not have outcomes. When faced with choices, one only needs to follow their heart's true feelings, without obsessing over where it leads. This was very Ocean Bloom-like.

Returning to the endless sea, chasing fish and currents in the vast ocean floor, or lingering among the colorful corals, the peaceful ocean could not calm the yearnings in her heart. This was very human-like.

Human nature is a sweet yet deadly trap; as she stepped further into it, transforming from Ocean Bloom to human, from child to woman, what had she lost? What had she gained?

Why did she sometimes laugh foolishly, sometimes jump lightly? Was it because she was happy, but how could one open their heart? Does opening one's heart mean losing oneself?

Touching her heart, there was something thumping steadily; it was calm now, not as fast as when she was happy, but there was a dull pain, as if it was beginning to revolt, accusing all her organs of injustice. This discomfort made her cry.

The human heart is a strange thing, sensitive and inexplicably emotional, capable of holding so much happiness and pain, bearing endless love, sadness, hope, and loss.

Unlike the heart of Ocean Bloom, always like a still pond, reflecting the world around it. Without joy or sorrow, without worries or cares.

Why are human hearts so complex? Why do they bear so many emotions, from deep love to bone-deep hatred, from warm laughter to deep worry?

She thought she was just an observer, unaffected by emotions, focusing only on facts and data. Yet, the human heart is the most uncontrollable thing in the universe, unknowingly, it no longer belonged to herself.

Granny Rain's house was small, with even smaller living space. But why did she have such a vast heart?

That small house and tiny lotus pond, the young Raina Grace often felt constrained, hence her frequent escapes to the endless sea. Back then, even though she was restricted and had only a small space, she was happy. Happiness was simple; a crisp lotus root, a tender call, a satisfying dive filled her with joy.

But now, grown up, this place could no longer confine her, nor could it bring her simple joy.

Even the endless sea, her childhood's imaginative and mysterious paradise, always with more to explore, had become calm and mundane. She had seen broader spaces, more mysterious universes, and she couldn't help but want to see more, to feel more tumultuous emotions, not just the undulating waves.

Even WeeStick, after experiencing the training in Sky Domain's Pine Mist Mountain, the adventures in Celestial Domain's Azure and White Forest, and the challenges in the abyss's ice and fire swamps, was no longer the same Terra Grove heart, indifferent to possession or survival. It now had more thoughts and demands, flying over, crying, and pleading, "Raina Grace, Raina Grace, can you help us?"

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