Chapter 59 Initial Attempt

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"The Terra Grove clan has agreed not to possess humans if you can indeed find a way for them to propagate," the chief said to Raina Grace.

"You don't seem pleased with this result?" Raina Grace wondered, realizing not everyone despised the Terra Grove's possession as much as the saintess had.

Seeing her confusion, the chief self-mockingly said, "When you reach a certain age and start feeling the threat of death, you might understand why some choose eternal life over freedom. As Free People, we champion freedom, but in the end, we betray it. That's something Arlinwood couldn't understand, right?"

"What is freedom, really?" the chief continued, sighing. "I've been asking myself that my whole life and still have no answer. Everyone's choices are different, or maybe some don't even know they have a choice."

"The elemental magnetic fruits are another issue. Without them, the Free People can't survive in the Verdant Thistle Forest. So, to exchange these fruits and the Terra Grove's protection, I think we might still need some people to trade with the Terra Grove."

"You mean, the Terra Grove can continue to possess humans?" Raina Grace asked.

"Yes," the chief quickly explained, "but it's entirely voluntary. There are still people who want a longer life and a stronger body."

"Then why, being so old, haven't you chosen to be possessed?" Raina Grace asked. "Didn't you say you're afraid of death?"

"As the chief of the Free People, I must exist as a human. This is my stance, allowing me to think and feel as a human when dealing with tribal affairs," the chief replied.

"So, you think being possessed means losing human thought? Are they still human then?" Raina Grace voiced Arlinwood's biggest worry.

The chief gave a bitter smile and shook his head. "I don't know. From what I've observed, those possessed seem to have a mix of thoughts from both races. But who ultimately makes decisions, the human or the Terra Grove, or perhaps another race, I can't say."

"However, the Terra Grove's aim in possessing is just to move freely like humans, without harming human living space. In return, they offer us protection. So, I don't think this violates our moral code as Free People," the chief defended.

"So when Arlinwood learned the truth and firmly wanted to stop you, you acted against her?" Raina Grace began to understand the chief's perspective. Regardless of right or wrong, did his actions truly prevent people from knowing the truth? "Over the years, others must have discovered the Terra Grove's possession. How did you deal with them?"

 How did you deal with them?"

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The chief sighed deeply. "Guarding this secret has exhausted me. Persuasion, intimidation, suppression, drugging... it hasn't been easy."

"I'm genuinely worried that without the Terra Grove's protection, the Free People won't survive in the Verdant Thistle Forest," the chief's voice lowered. "Then our lineage will end. The forest's trees and animals will have no one to recognize or name them. The seasons, the wind, frost, rain, and snow will have no humans to appreciate them."

Raina Grace had learned much about the forest's phenomena from Arlinwood and was deeply fascinated by the Verdant Thistle Forest's natural beauty and seasonal changes, unlike anything on Elemental Magnetic Star.

"Without possessing humans, the Terra Grove won't provide elemental magnetic fruits?" Raina Grace inquired. As for the Terra Grove's protection, adapting to the environment was only a matter of time. The elemental magnetic fruits were essential for humans to step into this environment.

"I've made that request," the chief said, "since the fruit orchard always grows. Giving us the fruits isn't a loss for them."

"But the Terra Grove said if humans continue consuming these fruits, they'll inevitably become suitable for possession. They might involuntarily possess such humans after awakening," the chief said with a hint of confusion. "I don't fully understand it. But their point is that the fruits and possession are inseparable. However, they hinted it's possible to separate the two, but it would require effort and a human willing to be studied."

After pondering, Raina Grace said, "Tell them if they can cultivate new fruits that won't lead to possession, I can find a way to allow them to move freely without possessing humans."

"Really?" the chief excitedly said. "That would be a great deed for both humans and the Terra Grove."

"Having dealt with the Terra Grove all my life, I do sympathize with them. I hope for a good future for everyone," the chief half explained, half promised. "I wanted to be the test subject, but they said my body is too aged and unsuitable. But I'll find someone else."

"I'll be the test subject!" Coiled Stone, who had been silent, suddenly interjected.

"Coiled Stone?" The chief was overjoyed, hugging his shoulders. "You're a great credit to the Free People. We'll remember you for generations."

Coiled Stone coldly pushed the chief away. "First, I'm doing this for the saintess, not anyone else. And I have conditions."

"Whatever your reasons, whatever conditions," the chief eagerly agreed. "Just name them."

"My condition isn't difficult. Just confess your misdeeds over the years, including framing the saintess, to all Free People, and relinquish your position as chief. Then I'll volunteer," Coiled Stone said sternly, staring at the chief. "I, Coiled Stone, keep my word. It's your move."

The chief's face turned pale, struggling to speak.

Coiled Stone glared at him, wishing he could tear off the chief's deceitful mask of respectability.

Raina Grace felt surprised and helpless amid this atmosphere. She vaguely understood the grudge between Coiled Stone and the chief but couldn't judge their respective stances. It wasn't her place as an outsider.

"Once you've decided, let White Lightning notify Flicker Shadow."

Raina Grace thought they needed time to resolve their issues. She also needed to consider if her plan to free the Terra Grove completely was feasible.

She needed to find WeeStick and Flicker Shadow, probably still waiting at the hot spring.

Not far away, hidden among the treetops, an aircraft was quietly perched.

Inside the cockpit, Flame Wave watched Raina Grace's graceful figure slowly leave the valley and enter the deep forest until she disappeared from view.

"Goodbye, Raina Grace," he murmured. "Will we meet again? If so, next time, I must find out who you are. To truly understand you."


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