Chapter 171 Eternal Soul Form

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Under the enhancement of the "Spectrum Pill," Raina Grace finally shed the burden of physical exhaustion, allowing her to experiment with the different reactions of elemental magnetic forces in the current environment to pierce through the fog and see the truth.

Though there are only five types of elemental magnetic forces, the combinations are numerous. Furthermore, the precision in control and strength can result in vastly different effects. Under such circumstances, rigorous experiments are impossible, both due to the lack of time and scientific basis.

Thus, Raina Grace relied on intuition and luck. Until the world in her eyes became clearer, she didn't know whether it was intuition or luck at play.

However, she couldn't yet consider herself lucky, as she was still trapped in space, in constant danger without a visible way out.

"Whoosh—" Another greenish "soul form" recklessly charged at her, and she quickly ducked to avoid it.

Even before her vision was enhanced by elemental magnetic forces to see clearly, Raina Grace had a vague sense of bizarre shapes fluttering before her eyes, cautiously avoiding them every time.

Fortunately, she dodged. Just before, she had seen two floating entities collide and then vanish completely; earlier, a large red "soul form" and a small bright blue "soul form" collided. What seemed like a clear case of the large consuming the small turned out to be the blue one gradually eroding the red from the inside, becoming even brighter.

They were referred to as "soul forms" because it was faintly visible that these flame-like floaters encapsulated animals or plants, seemingly still alive. Mostly animals, the more hideous ones were unruly and domineering; the ones with dull expressions were much dimmer, moving slowly and stiffly, often becoming prey.

Fortunately, aside from accidental collisions, the fierce soul forms seemed to avoid Raina Grace, not actively hunting her. So, aside from dodging, she hadn't directly clashed with these entities.

With the situation so unclear, she dared not act rashly. Even walking required great effort, risking a fall at any misstep. Engaging in battle under such conditions would mean endlessly tumbling and enduring torment in this space.

Extreme pain like being scorched or frozen, accompanied by symptoms like heavy-headedness and seeing stars, took a long time to recover from. However, the memory of pain lingered, constantly sending signals of fear and trepidation, deterring any further steps.

Raina Grace had stumbled and fallen several times in her blurred state. It was only later, when she could see clearly, that she realized the dark grey floaters, like giant stones in space, were solid footing, while other colors were voids, leading to falls.

Although her senses had been lost, the pain sensation remained, amplified by the absence of other senses. Now, with her senses restored, the horror of vision and hearing returned. From ignorance to despair, the situation hadn't improved but worsened.

If there truly were eighteen layers of hell in the universe, was this space one of them? This place of despair, like a dark hall extended from the endurance of gods, hung in the deep purple space of the universe.

It was vast, like an eternal night of nothingness, suffocating the beings within. In the darkness, colorful ghostly soul forms drifted back and forth in the void, like remnants of life wandering in the boundless universe. These soul forms, these bound spirits, would never find rest, forever drifting in this dark purple void.

The only solid ground Raina Grace could find were the irregularly shaped giant stones, linked like a chain bridge across this ghostly domain, intricate and intertwined. Some were like beautifully curved parabolas stretching into the void, while others resembled entangled snakes, making the path ahead exceedingly difficult.

In this alien land, time seemed to lose its meaning, with eternal darkness enveloping everything, like the lost breath of gods. Could she truly escape this dark hell?

For now, she could only take one step at a time, willing to move forward but praying not to fall again.

Watching her step while carefully avoiding collisions with surrounding soul forms, she painstakingly moved a few stones forward. But what about the soul form overhead, constantly following her? Was it seeking a collision?

Dodging its charge once more, Raina Grace grew irritated. Although she had repeatedly avoided confrontation to prevent unnecessary trouble, she was confident her elemental magnetic force could strike this soul form, shouting at it, "If you dare come again, I won't be polite!"

The soul form seemed to understand, hesitating to approach any further.

After observing for a while and confirming it wouldn't come again, Raina Grace sighed in relief and waved, "Go wander somewhere else."

But perhaps Raina Grace's friendly demeanor gave it hope, as it hesitantly approached again. "What's the matter with you?" she shouted defensively, "I told you to go elsewhere, don't come here."

It stopped, emitting a few muffled sounds, "Come... over..."

Was it mimicking her speech? Raina Grace was surprised, reiterating, "Don't come over!"

"Raina... Grace..." This time, the sound it made left Raina Grace even more astonished. It wasn't just mimicking speech; it was actually calling her name.

"Who are you?" Raina Grace tried to communicate.

"Raina Grace..." It repeated the two words, more clearly this time.

Could it only speak in two-word bursts? Raina Grace wondered, asking, "Name?"

It moved a bit closer, continuing, "Raina Grace..."

Raina Grace found its floating posture familiar, reminiscent of WeeStick, and its dull appearance also resembled WeeStick. But how could WeeStick be here?

As Raina Grace pondered, it moved closer, undeterred, until it floated right in front of her.

"WeeStick?" Raina Grace tentatively called out.

It seemed excited, suddenly rushing towards Raina Grace. Caught off guard, she reflexively reached out and embraced it.

The moment it touched Raina Grace, the soul form emitted a fiery red light, like a burst of fireworks, drawing a dazzling arc in the void.

Raina Grace had seen this attack method in clashes between soul forms. Facing it firsthand, she realized they were using their unique elemental magnetic fields to disrupt the opponent's balance.

In that instant, the dominant magnetic field quickly dismantled the other's defenses.

The elemental magnetic force contest was like two forces colliding in a turbulent sea, with hidden energy flashing like lightning in a storm, sparking intensely. It wasn't just a test of strength but a collision of magnetic field worlds, clarifying all disparities in an instant. One side blossomed like smoke, while the other oppressed like mountains.

Caught in this incredible conflict, intertwining and colliding, it was like witnessing the meeting and annihilation of stars in the universe.

Raina Grace didn't understand. With her power so strong, far surpassing the presumptuous soul form, why did it stubbornly seek its own demise?

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