Chapter 189 The Mist of the Bridal Chamber

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With Silver Tan's experience boost, Raina Grace and her companions smoothly traversed the Abyss's Tears. Standing once again on the Surface Domain's ground felt like a rebirth from hell—no other way to describe the numerous hardships they faced.

The darkness and threats of the abyss finally left behind, the long-missed sunshine bathed them, a reminder of life's breath.

The vista filled with the beauty of the starry domains as if they had never seen such a wide sky, such fresh air, such a warm breeze in their lifetimes.

Everyone longed for a return to normal life, despite the journey's dangers still looming. But at this moment, all they wished for was to pause in peace.

"Shall we go back to the hot springs cottage?" Flicker Shadow suggested, eyes filled with nostalgia and urgency towards the lush Verdant Thistle Forest ahead.

Beyond lay the Endless Sea, its vast mists and blue waves stirring Raina Grace's heart profoundly, leaving her momentarily unable to respond to Flicker Shadow.

Flame Wave said, "I've had someone tidy up the cottage you used to live in. Let's stay there for a while?"

"Granny Rain's cottage?" Raina Grace could hardly believe her ears.

"Yes," Flame Wave smiled, "right by the Endless Sea, with the lotus roots you've grown up eating."

"Ah, Flame Wave, you're the best!" Raina Grace leaped to hug Flame Wave, who, in turn, lifted her in a joyful spin.

Seeing the jubilant pair, Flicker Shadow's solitude momentarily drowned the joy of returning to the surface. Some memories, he realized, were places he could never return to.

"Are you coming with us, Flicker Shadow?" Raina Grace, still excited, failed to notice his dejection, eager to invite him along.

"I...," Flicker Shadow hesitated, "prefer to stay in Verdant Thistle Forest."

"Oh..." Though disappointed, Raina Grace understood, likening it to seeking refuge in a familiar haven after enduring many storms. "Alright then. WeeStick will stay with you; it should return to the Terra Grove."

That left Silver Tan. After a brief exchange, Raina Grace reluctantly left him in Flicker Shadow's care, "Silver Tan says he can't leave you; he still needs your care. Could you please look after him?"

Flicker Shadow felt burdened but ultimately agreed, wondering if Silver Tan was more of a Sky Whisper or an Ice Bug.

Parting was suddenly hard for Raina Grace. Having supported each other through difficult times, their bond, like a net of elemental magnetic power, tightly connected them. Was this separation akin to severing that power, a part of their beings?

"Don't be sad; it's not like we'll never see each other again," Flame Wave comforted her, suggesting that they could visit each other anytime.

Comforted by Flame Wave's words, Raina Grace hoped for a reunion once everyone had rested, either at the hot springs cottage or by the Endless Sea.

Old friends' visits sounded easy to Flame Wave, but to Flicker Shadow, leaving was filled with infinite melancholy.

After bidding farewell to Flicker Shadow, Raina Grace eagerly rushed towards the Endless Sea, her pace quickening until she and Flame Wave were racing each other. Watching her joy, Flame Wave felt a sense of pride and fulfillment, a parent witnessing their child's growth.

But when Raina Grace leaped into the Endless Sea, Flame Wave hesitated.

"Come on, get in!" Raina Grace called after swimming a round, urging Flame Wave to wash away the abyss's scent.

Her radiant smile dazzled Flame Wave, convincing him to cleanse away the abyss and immerse in the Endless Sea's encompassing dreams.

The Silver Wolf mask granted Flame Wave the freedom to swim unbound, feeling as if he was a fish gliding through the currents, enjoying the boundless pleasure of fusion with the water.

This was no longer the abyss's darkness but a clear ocean brimming with life and harmony.

Free and carefree, with his beloved by his side, Flame Wave experienced the joy and peace he longed for. "Raina Grace," he softly said, pulling her closer, "you're so beautiful!"

Their love was passionate and entwined, like lotus flowers intertwining, with the water as their bed and their love as the blanket, trembling and rejoicing in their embrace, wishing the moment could last forever.

Raina Grace responded fervently, sharing the most intense affection of her life, making the moment unforgettable. As the host of this domain, she led the way in reveling in endless joy, her emotions as deep and expansive as the sea.

Exhausted, Raina Grace lay in Flame Wave's embrace, joking about his insatiability.

Flame Wave, satisfied like a lion after a feast, lazily played with his beloved, fully contented.

As they rested, Flame Wave reminisced, praising Raina Grace's passion, comparing it to the most beautiful poetry.

Noticing her blushing, he whispered sweet nothings, making her laugh and shy away.

"Do you like my poetry?" he asked, teasing her further, promising more verses to express his affection.

Their love, as described in beautiful verses, was deep and enduring, a moment of pure connection amidst the vastness of the Endless Sea.

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