Chapter 107 A Direct Confrontation

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Two intelligent individuals, accustomed to the ways of the world, could easily discern each other's attitudes. Thus, Bamboo Jane shed her pride and adopted a carefree demeanor, while Flame Wave's lips curved in a faint, indiscernible smile, his expression a mix of indifference and politeness.

Ignoring Flame Wave's request for advice, Bamboo Jane leaned forward to scrutinize him for a moment. Seeing him unmoved and composed, she withdrew her gaze, half melancholic, half jokingly said, "You're the first to come here just to inquire about someone else."

Flame Wave bowed apologetically, "Of course, the elegance of the head of the family is compelling, but thinking of my master, I dare not act rashly."

"Oh?" Bamboo Jane inquired, "What about your master?"

It seemed she was well aware of his master, Flame Wave thought to himself. "I heard that Elder Silver Tan is staying at the Bamboo family's residence, and he is my master. From what I know of him, unless there's a very special reason, he wouldn't leave the Silver Department, and even if he did, he would return immediately, not stay for an extended period like this time."

Bamboo Jane's expression remained unchanged, "Who in the Sky Domain doesn't know that Elder Silver Tan is our family's honored patron? Of course, he's a distinguished guest. Is there a problem with him staying a few extra days?"

"Of course not," Flame Wave shook his head, "Seeing my master having a rare opportunity to relax and unwind, I'm actually thankful for the charm and hospitality of the Bamboo family."

"What does Silver Tan usually do in the Sky Domain?" Bamboo Jane asked curiously.

"As an elder of the Silver Department, he spends most of his time cultivating and developing secret techniques. Unlike me, who frequents places like Illusory Splendor and other entertainment venues," Flame Wave spoke with reverence, "My master has always been upright. I even thought he was indifferent to the company of women, but then..."

Waiting for Flame Wave to continue, Bamboo Jane couldn't help but ask, "Then? What happened?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you, the head of the family, that question?" Flame Wave lightly laughed, "My master has always been self-sufficient, relying on his strength and secret techniques as his foundation. What need does he have for patronage or to act as a backer? For whom is all this, if not for asking?"

In the Sky Domain, major families often invite scholars and elders from the Sky Domain to serve as their backers, especially the Huo family in the Fire Realm, which is almost like the Sky Domain's agency in the Sky Domain. Aside from Silver Tan, other members of the Scholar's Pavilion frequently visit the Bamboo family.

To facilitate their stay in the Sky Domain, powerful individuals from the Sky Domain can accept patronage from families in the Sky Domain. The Sky Domain's vast resources and diverse cultural and academic climates are conducive to this arrangement, allowing those from the Sky Domain to enjoy a sense of returning home in glory and taking a vacation.

As to why the renowned elder of the Silver Department, Silver Tan, became a patron of the Bamboo family, there are many speculations in the Sky Domain related to Bamboo Jane, inevitably leading to romantic rumors. This was a result intentionally guided by Bamboo Jane.

However, she neither confirmed nor denied these speculations, as she is seen as an untouchably pure fairy, surrounded by many suitors but none able to come close, maintaining a platonic relationship.

Now that Flame Wave spoke in such a manner, on one hand, Bamboo Jane was secretly pleased with the affirmation and envy in his words, while on the other, she worried it might tarnish her impeccable image, especially in front of the young and handsome security officer she had her sights on.

Thus, with a semblance of reproach in her gaze, Bamboo Jane said, "As a security officer of the Sky Domain, should you be making such accusations without proof, branding an innocent citizen like me with such allegations?"

Flame Wave merely smiled, his expression conveying an understanding that needed no explanation.

Bamboo Jane, unable to retort since Flame Wave hadn't explicitly stated anything, then proactively inquired about his purpose, "Didn't you say you had something to ask me? You better speak now before my meditation time."

"With the head of the family's refined taste," Flame Wave complimented before calmly proceeding to the main topic, carefully observing Bamboo Jane's reaction, "This matter dates back a while, but with the head of the family's memory and cultivation, you surely remember. There was a girl named Jadelle who once stayed at your estate. Could you tell me why the Bamboo family would welcome a student from the academy to come and go as they pleased?"

Upon hearing Jade Thistle's name, Jade Thistle's eyes flickered slightly—a change so subtle that no one but Flame Wave, who was paying close attention, would notice. Despite this, Bamboo Jane appeared completely unruffled, showing no sign whether she knew of such a person.

Bamboo Jane didn't answer immediately but pondered for a while as if recalling, leading Flame Wave to guess she was considering how to respond. "If you're talking about a student from the academy, I vaguely remember. But many people come and go from the Bamboo family. As the head of the family, I'm often unaware of everything." This was her evasive answer.

"Please try to recall more specifically, Elder Silver Tan was also residing in the Bamboo family at that time." Flame Wave gently prodded, delivering a critical point, "That girl, like him, advanced directly to the Sky Domain without undergoing the refinement of the fire element. That's what your Bamboo family has always sought, isn't it?"

"What did you say?" Bamboo Jane exclaimed, immediately becoming cautious, "Elder Silver Tan reached the Sky Domain without passing through the Fire Realm? How did he do that? And what do you mean the Bamboo family is pursuing something?"

Flame Wave ignored Bamboo Jane's attempt to change the subject, instead revealing more to further unsettle her, " Jade Thistle's direct ascension to the Sky Domain wasn't due to any special abilities as Silver Tan thought, but because Aurum Aspire and I—currently the head of the Scholar's Pavilion—directly took her there. In fact, she never advanced to the realm of the gold element."

Bamboo Jane flatly denied, "Impossible! Silver Tan couldn't have been mistaken, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, I, as an elder of the Silver Department, would have been grossly negligent!" Suddenly, a voice boomed from the doorway, interrupting Bamboo Jane.

Knowing the situation had reached this point and that his suspicions were nearly confirmed, Flame Wave considered his goal achieved.

He turned towards the entrance to greet the newcomer, "Elder Silver Tan, even elders of the Silver Department can make mistakes. For example, wasn't I expelled from the Silver Department?"

"So, it turns out Bamboo Jane is but a woman of limited experience," Silver Tan remarked without changing his expression, "She thought that as long as I, an elder of the Silver Department, made no mistakes, her family's position would be unassailable. But she didn't expect that even I have my limitations!"

"Oh? Is that what you mean," Flame Wave pressed, "that you were mistaken about Jade Thistle from the beginning?"

Silver Tan shook his head, looking at Flame Wave with regret, "I'm just sorry for you, my once highly regarded disciple, the renowned Silver Wolf, turned into this for a woman. To become enemies with a brother, sever ties with a master, and be at odds with yourself, indulging in self-destruction." He sighed deeply, "Why put yourself through this?"

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