Chapter 129 The Dragon's Reverse Scale

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"News from Illusory Splendor indicates that the girl named Raina Grace indeed knew Lord Silver Wolf in the Surface Domain. Initially, she wasn't anything special, her abilities were not outstanding, which is why she ended up in Illusory Splendor and almost couldn't make it there. Somehow, she caught the eye of the Wood Alliance's steward for special training. Rumors say she did well in textile work at the Wood Alliance, but almost no one has seen her work. Later, she went to Celestial Balance Fortress, where the Bamboo Family hyped her up, creating a 'Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix' event, establishing her current reputation."

At Scholar's Pavilion, a woman was reporting to Aurum Aspire. Her tone and posture indicated that it was more of a briefing.

Aurum Aspire questioned, "Is this the narrative from Illusory Splendor? How come it's different from what other families in the Sky Domain say? That girl is almost portrayed as 'when the flute plays, the phoenix arrives' in the Sky Domain!"

The woman pondered, "Perhaps Illusory Splendor knows more about the girl's background, after all, her starting point in the Sky Domain was Illusory Splendor. Others only see her glory, so the rumors are bound to become more incredible. Only those from Illusory Splendor have seen her downtrodden, naturally they would be skeptical and not easily believe the rumors."

"What about the Azure Phoenix?" Aurum Aspire asked next.

"The Bamboo Family has always had some ability to command birds. Illusory Splendor suspects it was the Bamboo Family's doing." The woman's intelligence on the Bamboo Family's ability to command birds was quite in-depth.

"The Bamboo Family? But the Azure Phoenix appeared for the first time, why would the Bamboo Family create such a spectacle for someone unrelated, instead of using it for themselves?" Aurum Aspire was puzzled, "According to your previous reports, the Bamboo Family likes to be in the limelight."

"This... The Bamboo Family has been quite mysterious in their actions in recent years... It's difficult for Illusory Splendor to gather information about the Bamboo Family. Especially the women of the Bamboo Family, they seem to be cautiously gathering information in the realm of romance, but these are only our speculations, we have no concrete evidence."

The woman's words revealed that the source of the information was Illusory Splendor. Raina Grace would be quite surprised if she heard this, not expecting that Illusory Splendor, which appears to be a high-class social venue on the surface, also functions covertly in intelligence gathering. However, Aurum Aspire's next words exposed Illusory Splendor's natural advantage, "Oh? When it comes to gathering information, is there any organization that can compare to Illusory Splendor and Prosperous Gathering, with their advantageous position? Lustrous Opal, you've been somewhat negligent."

The woman, Lustrous Opal, the manager of Illusory Splendor, responded anxiously, "My lord, I have managed Illusory Splendor and Prosperous Gathering diligently following the original intention of the previous Pavilion Master for years, but as centuries pass, things become increasingly complex, and our capabilities are stretched thin. Especially in the years after the old Pavilion Master's death, when you were not concerned with the Illusory Splendor's businesses, we could only try to maintain them. Possibly we've been dormant for too long, many systems are no longer operational..."

"Then make them operational again, I don't want to hear such ambiguous news next time," Aurum Aspire was not open to further excuses.

"Yes, Pavilion Master," Lustrous Opal bowed and then mentioned another piece of news, "By the way, Miss Jadelle met with Lord Silver Tan again at Illusory Splendor, and they talked for a longer time this time. Should we still not inquire about the specifics of their conversation?"

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