Chapter 70 White Lightning and Crimson

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In the tribe, the place where Flicker Shadow used to live and the house he built for Raina Grace had been occupied by others.

Although the number of freemen was not large, it was still slowly increasing. Children were frequently born in the Joyful Dwelling. As soon as a child was born, they were taken to the Youthful Haven - a place specially dedicated to raising children. In this aspect, the freemen tribe actually followed the structure of the Water Realm's City of Benevolence. When the children grew up, they simply found an empty house in the valley to live in, or if capable, they could build their own.

Several older children had taken over Flicker Shadow's house, a process he had once gone through himself, so he didn't mind. However, now that he had no place to live, what about Raina Grace? "I can squeeze in with White Lightning. Let's go find Wind Voice to arrange a place for you, or would you like to stay with Crimson, she used to be a member of our hunting team?"

In fact, as soon as Raina Grace and Flicker Shadow appeared in the tribe, they caught the attention of the freemen. But after the last incident, the two left a complex impression on the tribe: strong, dangerous, unknown, and some even thought they brought disaster to the tribe. So, no one came forward to greet them, just observed from a distance.

This feeling of being watched was uncomfortable, and Raina Grace, long accustomed to an unfettered life, suddenly felt uneasy living among strangers.

Fortunately, White Lightning, who had received the news, hurried over. From a distance, he greeted Flicker Shadow: "Flicker Shadow, you're back? Any news from the Terra Grove tribe?"

Raina Grace turned her attention to White Lightning at his sudden call.

Flicker Shadow was facing in White Lightning's direction, and since they had met before, White Lightning recognized him from afar. He had also noticed the tall, slender figure in a white robe next to Flicker Shadow and guessed it was Raina Grace. But when the girl turned around, the vague image of Raina Grace that had lingered in White Lightning's mind suddenly became vivid.

Over the years, White Lightning often thought of Raina Grace, the girl who made Flicker Shadow leave decisively. Although they had only met a few times, she had left different impressions each time, and the contrast was so stark it seemed impossible to be the same person.

The first time, she seemed frail and harmless, making him disdain working with her, so he strongly opposed her joining their Lightning Team. The second time, she entered the valley to confront the chief, her fearlessness impressed White Lightning.

Seeing her again now, those two completely different images that seemed impossible to connect suddenly became clear and natural in front of him, as if this was her true self.

What connected all this seamlessly was her clear, bright eyes. White Lightning realized he had never forgotten those eyes, eyes that were calming yet agitating.

Avoiding her gaze, White Lightning discreetly observed the girl, no, the woman. Flicker Shadow had said she had been living in the Verdant Thistle Forest all this time. The hardships and storms of the jungle did not leave any scars on her, but instead nourished her with even more vitality, almost as if he could smell the scent of the forest.

It was obvious she was very close to Flicker Shadow, a closeness that excluded others. That was natural, considering their experiences over the years. White Lightning felt a twinge of jealousy – how many could have shared their experiences?

"You must be Raina Grace, do you remember me? White Lightning who showed you around the valley." Approaching, White Lightning tried to greet her naturally, "I am Flicker Shadow's best friend."

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