Chapter 72 Elemental Magnetic Marsh

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"Are you saying you can help our Terra Grove tribe reproduce?"

"I'm only saying there's a possibility."

"Humph, I knew it. It's surely a fabrication, just to deceive us for our Elemental Ancestor Fruits, to help your humans establish a foothold in the Verdant Thistle Forest alone."

"Don't you want to survive for a long time? To be truly free without relying on others?"

"Of course, we do. But with just you?"

"Yes, with me. Because besides me, you have no other way."

Since arriving at the Terra Grove tribe, Raina Grace had been repeatedly questioned, mainly met with disbelief that she could really help them. The most direct inquisitor was Mang Wu, but the one constantly stirring suspicion against her was Qin Jie – a cunning and sinister character, Raina Grace thought bitterly.

She had anticipated the Terra Grove tribe might not believe her, as she had no concrete proof to show that she could actually do what she claimed. However, through WeeStick's descriptions of the Ancestral Tree, Raina Grace believed this to be an ancient and wise race that would at least give her a chance to try.

To demonstrate her sincerity, this time Raina Grace did not wear the Phoenix eggshell, hoping the Terra Grove tribe would lower their guard. But she still faced many doubts. Raina Grace felt disheartened, wondering if all her efforts were in vain. Did she really have the ability to change anything?

Regardless, she still wanted to speak with the Ancestral Tree. Perhaps from it, she could truly learn some truths, including the secrets of the Terra Grove tribe's possession of humans and, most importantly, Ocean Bloom.

Raina Grace always remembered the fragments of the Ocean Bloom tribe's legacy that WeeStick had inherited:

"In the muddy depths, Terra Grove struggles to move,

Ethereal Sky Whisper vanishes without a trace.

Only Ocean Bloom thrives and spreads,

Footprints boundless, through deep waters they thread.

Branches and leaves shelter the land,

All creatures and spirits bow at their command."

These mystical verses, like prophecies or legends, what did they truly mean?

For some reason, Raina Grace always felt there were secrets she needed to uncover within them. Perhaps the Ancestral Tree was the key.

"Raina Grace, Raina Grace," WeeStick, who went to contact the Ancestral Tree, finally returned, "The Ancestral Tree says you can visit the sacred ground now."

With WeeStick's words, other Terra Grove tribe members no longer dared to obstruct, and Raina Grace finally got a chance to leave. "How do I get to the sacred ground?" Raina Grace asked. She vividly remembered her last inadvertent intrusion into the sacred ground, a very tortuous process.

"Follow me, I'll take you," WeeStick confidently said, "I always fly straight there."

Normally, Raina Grace didn't want to be flown by WeeStick, as the hanging position was neither safe nor comfortable. Plus, whenever she was flown by WeeStick, it was usually because of some danger forcing her to flee in such a manner, almost leaving her with a psychological shadow.

Now was similar, as she wanted to escape the Terra Grove tribe's interrogation and faced an unknown predicament.

The Terra Grove tribe's sacred ground, a place she once desperately wanted to escape from, was now her destination. As the moment approached, Raina Grace, despite all her hesitations and doubts, could not back down.

Similar to her last escape, WeeStick carried Raina Grace directly through tree trunks, and after a brief suffocating sensation, she found herself above the Terra Grove tribe's Dormant Pool.

Apart from the empty holy water, there was nothing. Not even a dormant Terra Grove member in sight. The eerie silence made Raina Grace uneasy.

It's better to find a place to land first. As Raina Grace pondered where to descend, WeeStick suddenly released a strong energy flow, so intense and stimulating that Raina Grace almost lost her grip. "WeeStick, what's wrong?"

WeeStick didn't respond. Meanwhile, the previously calm sacred pool started to form waves, each wave higher than the last, all rolling towards Raina Grace.

"WeeStick, what's happening?" Raina Grace shouted, about to fall into the pool, "Take me out of here."

Instead of leaving, WeeStick descended closer to the water surface. A wave struck, mercilessly knocking Raina Grace into the sacred pool.

Although Raina Grace was not afraid of water and had floated in the sacred pool before, the water now was much more turbulent than during her last intrusion, constantly pressing against her. The massive waves churned and tore at her, seemingly intent on crushing and grinding her.

Raina Grace struggled continuously, not wanting to lose consciousness, but visions kept appearing before her eyes. These fragments seemed like ancient memories or forcefully implanted into her brain, making her unable to distinguish between illusion and reality. Eventually, overwhelmed by the increasing barrage of fragments, she lost consciousness...

It was a barren, primitive planet, its sky filled with chaos and mystery. Life existed only in a vast marsh.

In the marsh lived the mysterious and beautiful Ocean Bloom tribe, effortlessly appearing anywhere on the planet, stepping into water, mud, air at will, with their magnificent and powerful tentacle system that could communicate with all matter.

The Terra Grove tribe in the marsh, soaring freely in the mud, moving about, tall and robust, was the planet's most unique decoration and also the most vibrant and beautiful sight.

Above the marsh, the ethereal Sky Whisper tribe floated, always yearning for the sky, hoping to find their own place. However, they could never leave the marsh area, only floating in mid-air, becoming the planet's ephemeral existence.

It was an unwritten canvas, waiting for time and life's graffiti...

"Where is this? Why show me this?"

"This is the scene I saw when I was born, and since then, no matter how time changes, this vastness and freedom have always been my deepest memory."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Do you remember? Terra Grove, Sky Whisper, and Ocean Bloom, the most primitive intelligent beings of this planet."

"Me? I don't remember. Should I?"

"Sigh! All life moves forward, only we, the Terra Grove tribe, are regressing. Maybe I should forget too."

"Forget? Why forget, these memories are so beautiful, so touching!"

"What use are they if they're beautiful and touching? What belongs to the past will pass, and what belongs to the future, I no longer have the strength to be part of."

"But you still exist, as long as you exist, you can be part of it."

"Is this why you can explore time again? Your vitality and curiosity?"

"Me? I haven't experienced much, so I have endless curiosity."

"The rejuvenation power of Ocean Bloom is always strong, but I thought, like us, the Terra Grove, they had long been silent. What rekindled your passion? Was it humans?"

"Humans are powerful. They have infinite potential and possibilities."

"Yes! Perhaps they are the real destroyers and builders."

"I don't understand, I want to see more clearly."

"Go then, go and please leave some hope and future for the Terra Grove too..."

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