Chapter 33 Newcomer on Patrol

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In a dark, claustrophobic space, Raina Grace was overwhelmed by a familiar stench of rot and dampness, inducing nausea. The silence was profound, broken only by her own breathing echoing through the air. Phosphorescence, the only source of light, cast a weak, blurry illumination on the surroundings.

Disoriented, Raina could not determine her location. The moist air made her uncomfortable, and the oppressive atmosphere made breathing difficult, as if the space was constricting her. She looked around, but the darkness obscured any details, heightening her sense of claustrophobia. She realized her clothes were damp and clung to her skin as she staggered forward, her footsteps echoing loudly, adding to her anxiety.

Stabilizing herself and taking deep breaths, Raina slowly moved forward. Gradually, she adjusted to the soft rustling sounds and dim light in the darkness, trying to understand her situation and hastening her steps.

 Gradually, she adjusted to the soft rustling sounds and dim light in the darkness, trying to understand her situation and hastening her steps

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She nearly fell due to the uneven ground, stumbling over crisscrossing, root-like objects. Considering she had fallen from the Elemental Magnetic Grove, could these be roots? Testing with her foot, she felt their solidity and elongated shape. Seeming safe, she touched them with her hands, finding them rough and moist, with fine tendrils, likely vines partially buried in the ground.

Following one particularly thick vine, hoping it would lead her somewhere, Raina struggled forward. At times, the vine disappeared into the ground, and she would search around for the next part, sometimes even getting turned around without realizing.

Unable to mark her path on the hard vines, she relied on her hands to remember unique features, using these memories for direction. Eventually, she found patterns in the vine's disappearance, always finding a new section if she continued in the same direction.

After what felt like an eternity of crawling and walking, the vine thickened, and its texture became bark-like. A vast shadow loomed ahead, the vine leading directly to it. Exhausted, dehydrated, and nearly out of strength, Raina made her way towards the shadow...

 Exhausted, dehydrated, and nearly out of strength, Raina made her way towards the shadow

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In Verdant Thistle Forest, even daylight struggled to penetrate certain areas, but it was merely cold, not as oppressively dark.

The Thunder Team members were well-accustomed to the forest's ambiance, an integral part of their lives. During a break, as they replenished with food and Elemental Magnetic Fruits, the atmosphere was unusually tense, preventing their usual banter.

Flicker Shadow gazed into the distance, his silence a familiar presence, though today it felt heavier.

They were in a new area, not far from the valley, chosen to accommodate a "newcomer".

Despite initial resistance, the Thunder Team had added a new member on Flicker Shadow's insistence, even White Electric dared not object, fearing unforeseen complications.

The newcomer's physical endurance was predictably poor, reinforcing White Electric's reluctance towards adding strangers to their ranks.

"Hey, why are you all still here?" Light Breeze, who had scouted ahead twice, was impatient, her gaze accusing the newcomer of holding them back.

"Can't you just stay put for a second? Not everyone is as restless as you," Dan Yun defended the newcomer out of sympathy, breaking her usual silence.

"I, I'm ready to continue," said the newcomer.

"Ice Mist, you still look pale. Rest a bit more; we have no urgent tasks today," Dan Yun, a robust woman, showed extra care for her more delicate counterpart, especially in their male-dominated environment.

This Ice Mist was the same one who had toured the valley with Raina Grace. Unlike her previous reticence, her eyes now sparkled with a different kind of fervor. "I'm much better, Dan Yun. I wish I could be as strong as you someday."

Though partly to ingratiate herself with the Thunder Team, Ice Mist's admiration was genuine. She had never imagined joining a patrol team, let alone the renowned Thunder Patrol.

From a young age, Ice Mist felt out of place, yearning for adventure beyond the tribal life and the valley's monotony. Physical pleasure and spiritual sacrifice could not sway her; she sought to explore the outside world.

Children born in the valley were raised collectively, without the concept of biological families, fostering a unique sense of community but also alienation for Ice Mist. She struggled to fit in and grappled with guilt over her disconnection from the Free People's culture, leading to her feeling like an outcast.

Her only hope was to join a patrol team, to breathe freely away from the collective. But her inability to harness elemental magnetic power relegated her to agricultural work, a stark reminder of her difference.

Her arrival at the planting field brought new terrors - the grotesque smiles and actions of the elderly, and the emergence of Terra Grove members from the earth, filled with fervor and hatred.

One day, an old man buried his severed arm, claiming it would regrow, a stark representation of the valley's eerie reality. Ice Mist's horror was met with laughter, cementing her alienation.

Gradually, the abnormal became normal for Ice Mist, though nightmares often reminded her of her humanity. Her anxiety made her even more isolated, spending more time in the fields, away from others.

Then, a young girl arrived, vibrant and hopeful, a reminder of Ice Mist's past aspirations. This girl, fortunate enough to join the Thunder Patrol, sparked a glimmer of hope in Ice Mist's dreary existence.

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